Zucchini does not grow properly: Several possible reasons why the fruits turn yellow and rot

They are actually considered extremely easy to care for. But hobby gardeners repeatedly report various problems when growing zucchini. Either they turn yellow and rot, or they don't grow properly and remain small. We list several possible reasons and explain how you can prevent them. So that the zucchini grows and becomes ready for harvest.

Possible causes why your zucchini is not growing properly

Zucchini are one of the most popular vegetables among home gardeners. However, it often happens that plants that developed splendidly immediately after planting suddenly no longer grow, turn yellow or have little or no growthbear small fruits. This could have various reasons. We list the most common ones.

The fruits remain small: wrong variety planted

Not all zucchini varieties give abundant yields. There are also varieties that are disease resistant. Examples include “Tigress”, “Green Machine”, “Burpee Golden Glory”, “Yellow Fin”. Each variety has its own requirements for soil, location and care. You should stick to it so that the vegetables develop well and bear a lot of fruit.

Zucchini don't grow properly: Poor pollination

The zucchini are pollinated by insects. Bees, bumblebees and the like are a rarity in big cities or near big cities. You first have to attract them to the garden with other bee-friendly plants. In case you have the zucchini inPrefer greenhouse, then you can help with pollination yourself. There are also varieties of zucchini that produce healthy fruit even without pollination. These include “Easypick Gold”, “Partenon” or “Cavili”.

Help, my zucchini are turning yellow! Problems with soil conditions

If the fruits turn yellow, you should check the soil composition. The following is often determined in the laboratory:

  • The soil is poor in nutrients. A calcium deficiency in particular can have a negative impact on the quality of the fruit.
  • Clay soil:a loamy, poorly aerated soil prevents the absorption of nutrients through the roots. You can fertilize as much as you want and the plants still won't get enough nutrients.
  • Too little water:Zucchini are true sun worshipers. They prefer a location in full sun. However, the water evaporates more quickly from the ground there. To prevent this, you can mulch the soil.
  • The wet groundin combination with bad weather (temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius at night, large temperature fluctuations and a lot of rain) can lead to rot formation.

The right location and planting partners are crucial

Too little sun: Zucchini thrive best in full sun and need six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. If the vegetable does not receive enough sunlight, its leaves turn yellow and the fruits remain small. Most pollinating insects also prefer plants in the sun, so they are pollinated first.

Choosing the right neighbors can also have a positive effect on yields. Zucchini are heavy feeders, which means they need a lot of nutrients to grow quickly and healthily. The vegetable gets along well with other heavy eaters who also need a lot of water. Potatoes, tomatoes and Brussels sprouts have no place next to the zucchini.

If the zucchini do not grow properly but turn yellow and rot: diseases and pests

Powdery mildew:A fungal disease that causes plant leaves to turn gray-white and appear as if they are covered in dust. To prevent this, it helps if you plant the individual plants at least 60 cm apart. This improves ventilation and the leaves dry faster.

Border wans:They fly very quickly and therefore often go unnoticed until it is too late. The larvae eat the leaves and shoots of the plant, injecting toxins. The plant dies. You can wrap the shoots at the bottom with aluminum foil.

Blossom end rot on zucchini:This nutrient deficiency occurs when the plant does notgets enough calcium. Plantthe zucchiniat a greater distance, leave enough space in the pot so that the roots can spread and fertilize in moderation. You can also loosen the soil. Regular watering (better a little but regularly than a lot but rarely watering.)

Bacteria which:There are bacteria that cause certain vegetables to wilt more quickly. Cucumbers are particularly affected, but zucchini can also become ill. The bacteria are transmitted from plant to plant by cucumber beetles. If you notice the pest in the vegetable garden, you should definitely fight it. Because bacterial wilt is a dangerous disease that kills plants. Rescue attempts are often in vain.

If the zucchini are not growing properly, you need to act quickly.