Monkey orchid is a unique decoration for your home: here's how to care for it properly

Orchids are one of the most numerous flower families on earth, with 25,000 to 30,000 different species. The flowers of these unique plants have a variety of shapes, and one species that grows in South America even resembles a monkey. Dracula Simia, also known as the monkey orchid, is native to southeastern Ecuador. It thrives in the country's rainforests and is one of at least 10,000 orchid species found in the tropics. Its long-tailed, reddish-brown flowers have a pair of pinpoint “eyes” that bear a striking resemblance to the face of a capuchin monkey, making it a real attraction to the eye.

The monkey face orchid not only looks fascinating, but also smells wonderful. When it blooms, and it does so all year round, it smells like ripe oranges. The monkey orchid is onegreat decorationfor your home if you know how to care for them, and in this article we will introduce you to exactly that.

Planting Considerations:When choosing a container for Dracula Simia, you should choose a pot that other orchids also like. Make sure the roots have enough room to spread. An essential part of a good pot are drainage holes. These holes allow excess water to escape, preventing root rot problems.

Soil and light preferences

Boden:In their natural habitats in Ecuador, Dracula Simia do not grow in soil. Rather, they grow on other plants. They do not harm these plants, but simply use them as structural support. If you grow a monkey orchid at home, you probably won'tgrow on another plantlet. Instead, you will use a mix that works well for these orchids.

Potting soil specifically designed for orchids is a good choice. These are well-drained mixtures that contain a lot of lumpy material. If you want to make your own mix, mix 3/4 bark chips with 1/4 peat moss.

Licht:Since these orchids are tropical plants, you might think that they love a lot of light. However, that is not the case! Dracula Simia thrive in shady conditions that mimic forest understory habitat. They suffer when exposed to bright light or even too much indirect light. It is best to keep the monkey face orchid in a location that only receives a few hours of indirect light each day. The interior of your home is usually a good location for these plants.

Temperature and humidity preferences

Temperature:Unlike many other houseplants, Dracula plants prefer cool temperatures. This makes sense since these plants are native to the high elevations of Ecuador. The maximum temperature that these can tolerate is 21 degrees Celsius. However, they thrive much better at temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Like most houseplants, the monkey orchid should be protected from hot and cold drafts. Do not place them near heating or cooling vents.

Humidity:These plants grow well in high humidity. If their environment is a little dry, they suffer. The best way to increase the humidity in a room is with a humidifier. If you want to grow these temperamental species, a humidifier is a good investment. High humidity poses a risk of mold. To prevent fungal diseases, you should use a fan for better air circulation.

When and How to Water Dracula Orchids

Monkeyhead orchids do not have water storage organs, so-called pseudobulbs. For this reason, they cannot store large amounts of water to use during drought. They can go without water for a few weeks, but do best when watered regularly. It is advisable to water the monkey orchid every one to two weeks. If you notice signs of root rot or other fungal problems, consider reducing the frequency of watering.

When watering, make sure excess water is drained through the drainage holes. If this water collects in a saucer, empty it so the plant doesn't reabsorb it.

Fertilizing and pruning the monkey orchid

Fertilize:Monkey head orchidsbenefit from fertilization. It's best to use a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. Fertilize your plant once every two weeks from spring to fall. Reduce fertilization to once a month during the winter.

How to fertilize orchids with home remediesfind out here!

Pruning and Supporting:Although the monkey orchid is difficult to care for, it does not require complicated pruning. As soon as a flower stalk dies, you can carefully cut it back. That's all the pruning this plant needs.

How to Make Orchids Bloomfind out here!

Diseases and their treatment

The Dracula plant suffers from many of the same problems as other orchids. Keep your eyes peeled for the following issues.

Mealybugs:If you notice that your monkey orchid looks like it's covered in cotton, you're probably dealing with mealybugs. These soft-bodied insects suck out plant juices, which weakens the plant and makes it susceptible to disease. You can collect a small number of mealybugs by hand and place them in soapy water. Another option is to spray the pests with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Aphids:Aphids are another type of soft-bodied sucking insect. They suck out the sap from plants and spread diseases when they eat. For a small infestation, you can crush them with your fingers. For a larger aphid infestation, spray with neem oil or insecticidal soap. You may need to repeat applications to kill all pests.

Root rot:Because these plants live in the shade, they are particularly susceptible to root rot. Overwatering is the most common cause of this. If you notice your orchid yellowing or wilting, it could be dealing with root rot. Mushy roots are a sure sign of rot. If you notice this problem, you should repot your monkey orchid in fresh soil. Remove the plant and carefully cut off any affected roots.

Shake off the old soil and repot your orchid in fresh potting soil. To prevent further root rot, you should reduce the amount of water. Also make sure the pot has adequate drainage holes.

Other features and tips for controlling orchid damageyou can get it here!