You've probably already been upHacks im InternetI came across people who promise that you can grow a pineapple yourself from the fruit. But does it really work as simply as it is always made out to be? The fact is that it is actually possible and it is really as easy as it is always shown. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to grow a pineapple yourself. We will therefore explain to you how to get your own pineapple plant step by step.
Is the fruit too good for you to just eat it?for reproductionto use? Don't worry, you can still snack on them because you only need the top of the leaves if you grow your own pineapple, and this is usually thrown away anyway. But not next time! Instead, try growing a pineapple with it.
Grow your own pineapple – instructions
1. Grow pineapple plants yourself – choose the right fruit
If you want to grow a pineapple yourself from the stalk, choose a medium-ripe fruit. The flesh should already be yellow in color, but not overripe and mushy. Also pay attention to the leaves: they should look fresh and green. It is also important that they have not previously been exposed to cold temperatures. So keep the pineapple until ready to eatnotinto the fridge.
2. Grow your own pineapple plant – prepare the fruit
Now cut off about three quarters of the pineapple. You can do thisprepare for consumption. Leave the rest on the crown of the leaves. It is important that you do not cut the stem below the leaves too short (about 3 cm). This is also where the root systems are located, which could otherwise be damaged. You should then carefully remove the pulp to avoid mold formation. Use a knife for this and be careful not to damage the stem.
Then remove the lower leaves. Now all interfaces must dry thoroughly. A place on the radiator is best suited for this. Plan two to three days for this. Additionally, you can sprinkle the interfaces with charcoal powder. This will protect them from rot.
3. Provide leaves with stem and water
If you would like to grow the pineapple yourself, you can either dip it in water or plant it directly. If you choose the immersion option, a simple glass of water is enough. The crown of leaves is wonderfully supported while the stem is in the water. After a few days, roots should appear. Once they are about 5 mm long, you can plant the pineapple in a pot with substrate.
4. Plant pineapple stalks
Both in this case and if you want to grow your own pineapple in a pot with the stem instead of in a glass of water, it is best to choose potting soil. It is important that it is a permeable substrate. Palm soil and sand mixtures are also suitable. Fill the selected soil into a pot that is not too small. This should also have sufficient drainage holes, because the plant cannot tolerate waterlogging. Then make a hollow in the middle, carefully insert the stem and leaves into it, fill the hollow again with substrate and press it down. Water the plant generously, but allow excess water to drain away.
Of course, after you grow a plant from a pineapple, you still need to take good care of it. What you should know:
- Make sure the temperatures are sufficiently high. Ideally, you should offer the plant around 25 degrees.
- The pineapple needs enoughhigh humidity. 60% is perfect for them, but this is difficult to achieve in our latitudes and especially at home in winter because the heating dries out the air. Therefore, choose a location away from radiators and ideally set up a humidifier in the immediate vicinity. If that's not possible either, use another trick: put foil over the leaves to keep the moisture inside. However, do not forget to remove this hood every now and then to ventilate the plant.
- As soon as the plant sprouts (in the middle of the leaf crown), the foil cover is no longer necessary. Moisture is still important. If you have a bright bathroom that is also warm, this is the perfect location for the potted plants.
Grow and harvest your own pineapple
Under the right conditions, the pineapple plant can certainly reward you with fruit. The first flowering usually occurs after three to four years, in rare cases even after one year. Either way, you don't have to worry about pollination because this plant pollinates itself. The fruit then appears about six months later. As soon as it has turned yellow, it can be harvested. The plant will then form new plants around the leaf tuft, which you can easily plant in new pots to propagate your pineapple plant. However, the mother plant dies in the meantime.