Eucalypts grow to a maximum height of around 9 m. The shape and color of the leaves vary greatly from species to species. The most common varieties have glossy green, oval leaves that taper to a point. Some less mature varieties have rounder leaves. Today, eucalyptus plants are grown around the world for their menthol-like scent and medicinal properties. You can find out how to plant, care for and overwinter eucalyptus in our article!
Plant eucalyptus in the garden or in a pot
Eucalyptus trees thrive in the garden, but some home gardeners prefer to plant them in containers or as potted plants indoors. Once planted correctly,are eucalyptus plantsrelatively easy to care for. A word of warning: They shed their bark, and although they are evergreen, the leaves only last about a year and then fall off to form new leaves. The shed vegetation makes great mulch and does not need to be removed if it falls on your beds. Other than that, you just need to keep a few simple things in mind until your new tree is established, especially watering and weed control.
What kind of soil is suitable?
Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. Eucalyptus plants prefer locations that receive at least eight to 10 hours of full sun. If you plant your eucalyptus indoors, place it near a south-facing window so it gets plenty of sun. If youPlant eucalyptus trees in the garden, make sure the soil is well drained. If you plant the eucalyptus in a pot, use good quality potting soil and a pot with drainage holes to allow excess moisture to drain away.
How often to water eucalyptus
Once established, they areEucalyptus plants are only partially drought tolerant. Water your new plants regularly to prevent leaves from drooping and falling off. If you are planting the eucalyptus outdoors, you should place a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to keep moisture where it is needed most.
You don't want the eucalyptus to become dependent on you watering it every week, but you definitely don't want a young eucalyptus to wilt. Witheredbecome eucalyptsbrown and crispy. All evergreen plants (i.e. shrubs, conifers and trees) cannot recover well if they experience severe wilting. Deciduous plants have the safety net that they can shed their leaves and very often revive when water is available again.
So water your tree well when it needs it, especially during drought or when it is wilting. This could mean watering once a day to once a week in sandy soils. If there is a prolonged drought, give your new tree 1-2 liters of water. Be sure to be vigilant about watering until your new tree is established and has grown a few feet, meaning its roots are well established into the surrounding soil.
Is fertilizer necessary?
Outdoor eucalyptus trees rarely need fertilizer, but your eucalyptus houseplants can benefit from a little liquid fertilizer every few weeks in the spring.
Cutting eucalyptus plant
Prune your plant as needed. These plants grow quickly. The best way to keep this growth in check and keep the plant healthy is to prune and shape it regularly.
How to overwinter eucalyptus
If you live in a place where temperatures don't drop below freezing in the winter, you can keep your eucalyptus outdoors even in the colder months. In this case, just make sure that the plant has good drainage, gets as much light as necessary and that the soil always stays dry. If you live in a place where temperatures drop below freezing, you will need to care for your eucalyptus as followswinterize:
- Check the floor. Before moving your plant from its location, make sure the soil is dry to prevent mold growth.
- Check for pests. When your eucalyptus is moved to a new location and enters the winter months, it may become somewhat weak. Your normal resistance to pests is then lower. Make surethat your plantis healthy and pest-free before moving it to its winter location.
- Lower the temperature. Place your plant in a cool room. For example, in a garage, a basement, an attic, a garden shed or a cool stairwell if you live in an apartment.
- Add additional light. Choose a full-spectrum bulb and place it 8-12 inches above the plant to avoid leaf burns. Leave the lights on 12-16 hours a day.
- Reduce watering. During the winter, reducing watering is key to your eucalyptus' survival. How much water it needs depends on the amount of light and the temperature in which it is located. But in general, it's better to water a little too little than too much. However, drooping leaves can be a sign that something is wrong with the watering: either too much or too little, in which case you should check the soil and adjust the amount accordingly.
- Check your eucalyptus from time to time to avoid anyPrevent infestation early. It is also important to know that it is not normal for eucalyptus to shed its leaves in winter. So if your eucalyptus starts dropping its leaves, something is up! The most common causes are too much or too little water, too little light and temperatures that are too high. So check the soil and roots and make sure the light and temperature conditions are right.