Thunderflies, also known as thrips, can be a nuisance in the home and garden as they destroy plants and food. Although they don't sting people, they aren't exactly pretty to look at and you should get rid of them immediately as long as you notice an infestation. Luckily, you can control thunderflies by using only simple home remedies and no harsh pesticides.
The small black insects with long bodies and spines on their tails attack not only houseplants, but also flowers and outdoor crops, as well as plants in greenhouses, and can cause great damage to them. They are attracted to bright colors, which is why they can often be spotted on flowers and in the buds where they feed and reproduce. Find out here how to get rid of the annoying pests in your homeGarden with simple home remediescan fight.
How long do thunderflies live?
Thunderflies thrive in warm, dry conditions. They hatch in spring and after one to two weeks they become sexually mature and begin to reproduce. Although they live for about 45 days, multiple generations can occur within a year.
What damage do thrips cause to plants?
Both the adults and the wingless larvae are attracted to the bright flowers of the plants and can spread various plant viruses.
The first sign of a thrips infestation is the faded or dirty-looking leaves caused by sucking up the sap. Another symptom is the black spots on the leaves and flowers that fall off and do not open.
Although thrips rarely kill healthy plants, they pose a great threat to small, weak plants because they can stunt their growth.
Which home remedies for thunderstorm animals?
If you notice an infestation on your plants, it is important to act immediately to prevent it from spreading. The following home remedies have proven their effectiveness against thunderflies.
Drive away storm animals with essential oils
You can make a simple solution using essential oils to get rid of the thrips. Mix 250 ml of water with 3 drops of cinnamon oil and 3 drops of orange oil and spray on both sides of the plant leaves. Repeat the process weekly until the thunderflies are gone.
Neem oil is another effective remedy for thunderflies. Mix 5 ml of neem oil, 2 ml of liquid soap and one liter of water and spray the leaves and stems of the affected plant with the solution. Most thunderflies are killed immediately, while others die as they feed on the leaves. Neem oil is effective for both houseplants and garden plants and can also be used to prevent thrips.
Get rid of thrips with soapy water
An effective way to combat thrips and other pests such as lice is soapy water. To make them, mix two tablespoons of olive oil, a quart of water and a good squirt of dish soap in a spray bottle and shake well until the solution is well mixed.
Test it on a small area of the plant first to make sure it is not damaged. Then spray the entire plant daily until the storm creatures have disappeared. Pay particular attention to the underside of the leaves, where the tiny pests are mostly found.
Fight thunderflies with lemon and cloves
You can effectively get rid of thrips outdoors with lemon and cloves. Therefore, all you need is fresh lemons or limes and cloves.
Cut the lemons in two even halves and press the cloves into the lemon flesh.
Distribute the lemon halves in the garden, on the terrace and anywhere you want to avoid annoying insects. This method isalso against mosquitoesand flying very useful.
How can you get rid of thunderflies in your home?
If you discover thrips on a houseplant in your home, you should immediately quarantine it and check the remaining plants. If the thunderflies have already spread throughout the apartment, quickly remove them with the vacuum cleaner.
- Then rinse the leaves of the plant in the sink tothe pests so quicklyto remove as possible. Use lukewarm water and make sure that the plant does not get too much water.
- To distract thunderflies from houseplants, cover the soil around the base of the plant with aluminum foil. The reflective surface of the film successfully keeps them away.
- Hang yellow or blue sticky traps directly over plants to control thrips. However, we recommend that you only use this method indoors, as outdoor traps can also attract beneficial insects. You can also use the sticky traps to prevent future infestations.
However, the best way to combat thunderflies is prevention. Therefore, it is important to take the following measures.
- Spray the houseplants with water in the morning as thunderflies do not like moisture.
- Install fly screens on the windows to prevent the tiny pests from entering.