The kitchen is the place in the house where housewives spend a large part of their time. For this reason, it is one of the places in the house that gets dirty the quickest. And what mother and housewife doesn't wish there was a magic wand for cleaning the kitchen that she could use to clean it with just one movement after the stove was in full swing.
Because sometimes cooking leaves a lot of dirt behind. However, don't be in a hurry to buy chemical products for cleaning. Because with this you can destroy the color of the appliances and furniture and you will inhale toxic gases. Below we have a few helpful andnatural household tipsfor cleaning the kitchen for you, which will make you part with the chemical cleaning products.
If you have a stubborn stain or burnt food on the stove, ketchup can help youCleaning the kitchenhelp to get rid of them. To do this, put a dab of ketchup on the area to be cleaned and let it work for 5 minutes. Then clean the whole thing with a microfiber cloth using rubbing movements.
Cleaning the kitchen – aluminum foil cleans silver in a neutral way
If you have silver cutlery, you can polish it to a shine with aluminum foil. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Add a piece of aluminum foil to the container with the solution. Boil the water. Once the water starts to boil, add the cutlery and let it boil for 10 minutes. Afterwards it will be like new and you will be convinced that this is one of the best household tips for youCleaning the kitchenis.
Kola for unclogging pipes
Kola is a natural product and an important helper among household tipsCleaning the kitchen, which allows you to clean the food residue that accumulates in the sink drain pipe. Pour some room temperature kola down the drain pipe and wait until it stops hissing. Rinse with warm water.
Salt removes rust
Salt is a proven helper and an important part of the household tips forCleaning the kitchen. You should use salt to get rustyto remove stains, you will see for yourself how much better it works than the dishwasher and detergents. To do this, simply sprinkle a little on a damp sponge and rub the problem area.
Cleaning the kitchen – orange peels remove water stains
The dried stains from water and soap in the bathroom, as well as the deposits on the sink and sinks, and the metal taps are undoubtedly extremely unpleasant. And here comes the orange peel fresh from nature as one of the most practical household tips for youCleaning the kitchento help. Rub this onto stained sinks and faucets and they will shine like new.
The lemon disinfects the refrigerator
If your refrigerator has started to smell like food, you can put a sponge or wool cloth soaked in freshly squeezed lemon juice in it. Let it work until it has neutralized the odors.
You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice to decorate the walls and shelves
If cast iron has developed a stubborn layer of rust, place it in a solution of 1/4 cup salt and 1 quart of water and let it soak overnight. In the morning you can clean them with salt and a damp sponge. The rust now falls off more easily and you can use it more quicklyCleaning the kitchencomplete.
A new life for the pan with rust