How to Clean Your Pool After Winter – Tips for Maintaining a Clean Pool Area in Summer

Before summer comes again, you could clean your pool after winter to have a clean and well-maintained pool area for the new season. However, the cleaning process requires a bit of planning and work. Regardless of whether you have invested in a quality automatic pool cleaner, a thorough cleaning is usually a must. Even the highest quality cleaning equipment cannot withstand winter storms. So here are some useful information and guides that can help you complete this task.

Before cleaning the pool after winter

As soon as you feel the warm rays of the sun, you should jump into your swimming pool. It's not always easy to prepare pools for the summer season. However, if you plan well beforehand and put in the effort to get the job done, you will undoubtedly succeed. The cleanliness of the water inSwimming pool during winteris critical to both swimmer health and pool safety.

If there is a lack of good hygiene, filtration and circulation, your pool will probablyContain algae growth and bacteria. Additionally, a proper cleaning will likely take a few days. Only when your pool is clean and disinfected after winter can you and your guests enjoy the warm summer days. To carry out a proper cleaning, there are some important tips and steps you can follow.

Prepare the pool area for cleaning

First, make sure you have the right equipment before you start cleaning the pool. You will need test kits, cleaning supplies, a pool vacuum, a pool brush and a skimmer net to clean your pool after winter. Another thing you should do is take care of the surrounding area. If there are flowers, shrubs, or overhanging branches, you should make sure to remove everything before beginning the process.

Remove the tarpaulin

Most swimming pools are covered or covered during the winter season. So the first step in pool cleaning is to remove the pool cover of your swimming pool. However, be careful when doing this. If there is trash or leaves on the tarp, make sure you remove them first so you don't have to find the dirt in the water. You can put the pool cover in a place where it can dry completely or, if necessary, clean it for the following winter season. Once the pool cover is removed, you can begin washing it with soap and water. Remove any residue on your cover and make sure it is completely dry before storing it in a safe and dry place.

Check the structure of the pool

Regardless of your base pool design, it is important to inspect and check the structure. This will help you confirm that all areas are ready for cleaning. Most importantly, check for cracks, stains, or lifted tiles and correct any problems. If there are some tough stains, you can find many products for removing such impurities that can help you give your pool an even cleaner touch.

Carry out maintenance on the pump

The pool pump is an essential element of your swimming pool's filtration system. Their main task is to filter the water through the skimmer and return it after the process. It is very likely that the pump stopped during the winter cold. It is therefore recommended that you also clean the device. Also check whether the power cable is damaged and whether you may need to replace it. Also make sure the other pump components are in good working order and replace the parts if they are not in good condition.

Inspect the filter

The pool's filtration system is another important element to check for the presence of contaminants in the pool water. The main task of the pump is to circulate the water and return it to the pool after cleaning it. There are different filter systems. Depending on the amount of pool water and different needs, you should check the scrubber, cartridge or sand filter. Get your pool ready for carefree and exciting summer days.

Check water clarity

It is important to measure water clarity using an electronic tester to read TDS or total dissolved solids. The total dissolved solids level should be less than 2000 PPM. Simply start the filter pump and watch it for a few minutes to see if anything is leaking. If the total dissolved solids level is higher than usual, it can cause skin and eye irritation when swimming.

Clean and vacuum the pool after winter

It would be best if you started vacuuming your pool as soon as possible. If the system has a multi-way valve, you must set it to the waste position and drain the backwash hose. Allow the pump to filter for at least 24 hours as the vacuum can fill your pool with debris and debris. In this case, use a pool brush to scrub the ladders, steps and walls.

Test and balance the pH and alkalinity of the water

Check the chemicals in the water by testing the water level and making sure it is balanced. If the pH of your pool water is between 7.2 and 7.4, the water is fine. However, if the levels are higher or lower, you should use anhydrous sodium carbonate to bring it back to normal. Pool cleaning also includes checking the alkalinity, which should be between 80 and 120. If your pool's alkalinity is lower, useSodium bicarbonateto increase it. However, if it is higher, you canhydrochloric acidto make the values ​​lower.

Test the water for chlorine and calcium

The normal chlorine level in your pool water should be between 1 and 3 ppm. So, to keep the water in the right balance, add the right amount of chlorine. However, in order to ensure the appropriate balance of your pool, you also need to maintain the correct hardness of the water through calcium. This should be between 200 ppm and 400 ppm. So make sure you test the water before adding any chemicals. Accordingly, you should only add pool chemicals that the water actually needs to avoid wasting unnecessary money.

Test the water flow and reverse if necessary

First, check that you don't need to reverse the water flow. If the water is still cloudy, use a water clarifier to remove the dirt. However, this process takes at least four hours for the cleaning work to be done properly. Once the process is complete, you should wash again to rinse the filter. If the shock did not remove the algae, add algaecide to prevent algae growth.

Maintenance and care of parts

Pools require regular maintenance, regardless of their excellent quality and durability. If you want them to keep running, you should check all pool parts and remove excess water. In the winter, freezing cold water can crack pipes, which is a serious problem if you want to clean your pool after winter. Additionally, pool maintenance requires the removal of shrubs, branches, flowers, and leaves. If they enter the water, they can cause enormous problems with infiltration and balance. If your pool has a pump and filter near or in your yard, remove anything that interferes with the device and filter so they function properly.

Also check the water level and if it is necessary to add water, do so before adding chemicals. Test the water before you decide to swim. It's important to stay healthy during the season. With all these valuableCleaning tipsof a swimming pool after winter you are ready to take your swimsuit and jump into your pool. Make sure you don't skip any of the steps provided. Otherwise you risk spending the summer in unclean waters.