Growing sage species: which are the best-known and most popular salvias for the kitchen and garden

Salvia is a large genus of plants consisting of annual and perennial plants and some shrubs. Many of the species are called “sage”. There are more than 1000 species. What can you use sage for? Sage plants can play many roles in the garden, from flowering annuals to lush perennials to delicious herbs. But what types of sage could you grow?

They are so versatile that they can often be used interchangeably - culinary varieties are showy enough to be used in the flower garden, and perennial varieties bloom so profusely that they can be used in containers and window boxes.

What types of sage are there?

Sage belongs to the mint family and has a strong, pleasant scent. Most sage species are perennial. However, some of the most popular types are annuals that grow in colder regions. They are known for their long flowering period. These plants are the perfect addition to your garden and offer you a wide range of different colors.

Grow edible types of sage

Sage leaves are used in fish, pork and poultry dishes, also with vegetables and in sausages. In ancient times, the plant was associated with aging and preventing memory loss. In the Middle Ages it was used as a panacea for most ailments. The medicinal plant is still used today in some herbal circles. If you want to buy edible sage species, you can choose between the following.

Salvia officinalis: one of the most famous varieties

This is the best known and most commonly used variety, also called common sage. Its leaves are obtained for sage fillings; It is also suitable for seasoning cheese and stews, soups and casseroles. The leaves are highly antiseptic and are used in medicine as a tonic for sore throatsWard off coldsand used to reduce sweating. The plant is rich in antioxidants, and recent research suggests it may even slow aging and improve memory.

Pineapple sage smells like the exotic fruit

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) has bright red flowers, and both the leaves and flowers can be eaten for their strong pineapple flavor.
This species is a shrub-like perennial. It has a pineapple-like scent, especially when the leaves are crushed, and blooms with scarlet flowers in late summer to mid-autumn. This plant thrives best in warm and sunny climates. It originally comes from Mexico and Guatemala.

White sage has been cultivated since ancient times

White sage (Salvia apiana) is a California native plant with gray-white leaves and lavender-colored flowers that provide abundant nectar. Native Americans used this plant for ceremonies and drank tea from the leaves to relieve constipation and colds. The leaves are also used as a deodorant.

Grapefruit sage offers sweet flavor

The flowers of grapefruit sage (Salvia Gesneriiflora) are rich in nectar with a wonderfully sweet taste. You can eat them directly from the plant.

Salvia in the garden: which types of sage to grow?

Sage can grow large and unwieldy in an herb garden and, with its beautifully textured foliage, is better placed among flowers.
What they all have in common is their jewel-like color and a preference for good drainage and warmth, making them a gift for drought-stricken gardens.

Salvia amistad (friendship sage)

Salvia Amistad is particularly floriferous and bears unusually large, deep purple flowers with almost black calyxes and stems. It is very popular with bees and makes an excellent cut flower. The plant thrives best in a sunny, sheltered spot in well-drained soil. Remove the spent flowers regularly so that they continue to bloom into autumn. Mulch annually with well-rotted manure or garden compost. During the harshest winters, plants may need shelter.

“Black and Blue” Salvia

Salvia guaranitica is an attractive perennial that bears cobalt blue flowers. The variety also known as “Black and Blue” Salvia belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs that is grown in southern South America, particularly in Brazil, and is grown as an annual plant.

Scarlet sage is native to Brazil

This type of Salvia coccinea is typically called blood sage. It is considered a tropical perennial, but can also be grown as an annual. This plant usually has bright red flowers. Some varieties bear white, salmon, burgundy, lavender, pink and orange flowers. This plant is native to Brazil and grows best in an environment with full to partial sunlight.

Mealy sage with different colors

This variety (Salvia farinacea) comes in different colors, such as blue, purple and lavender. It has a long flowering period, blooming from May until frost, and also does best in an environment with full to partial sunlight.

Mexican Bush Sage – a favorite for gardeners

The evergreen, shrub-like Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha) blooms with purple or white-purple flowers from late summer until frost. The flowers are unusually attractive and profuse, making this plant a favorite for late-season gardens.

Fortune telling sage needs a lot of sun

Salvia divinorum has beautiful purple flowers. The leaves contain a substance that can sometimes cause hallucinations. This plant is native to southern Mexico and grows best in a full sun environment.

Forest sage is suitable as a cut plant

Wood sage (Salvia nemerosa) is a perennial plant that blooms in various shades of purple and lavender from June to September. These vigorous plants have lance-shaped leaves and many spikes of purple-blue flowers. Lots of gardenersremove the spent flowers(or cut them off with secateurs), but sometimes they bloom all summer long, even without flowering. Removing the spent flowers ensures that the plant looks well-groomed. Popular species to grow include 'Marcus', 'Caradonna', 'Sensation' and 'Blue Hill'.