The African lily is known as the love flower. The plant has the scientific nameAgapanthus: This name comes from Greek,Agapemeans love andAnthusmeans flower. Agapanthus plants can grow in cool areas but still need sunlight to thrive. If not cared for properly, agapanthus flowers are also reluctant to bloom purple and white. You often hear: “My African lily isn’t blooming!” Why?" If you also have the same problem, discover the possible causes and tips on how to eliminate them here!
African lilies do not bloom in the first year
In the first year, you may have to be patient and wait for flowering. Often agapanthus does not bloom in the first year of growth.
In the first year after planting, most of the plant's energy goes into growing and anchoring the roots in the soil and growing the lush green foliage, rather than into developing the flowers.
The flower should be repotted
The purpose of repotting is to renew the growing medium with as many nutrients as possible. In addition, the roots should be broken up so that they are not too dense. So check the growth of the roots if the plant has been growing for more than 1 year but has not yet flowered.
If the roots are too dense, the flower needs to be repotted. It should be noted that Agapanthus plants need to be repotted at least in the fourth to fifth year. Removing the love flower when it is too young will also not make it strong, especially in the first growing season.
Also remember that the optimal time for repotting is in the spring, before the plants start growing, although it is also possible to divide them successfully in the fall.
African lily will not bloom after planting, repotting or dividing
Agapanthus plants often bloom less in the first year after planting, repotting, or dividing because they experience transplant shock and their roots can be damaged during division. Therefore, moving from a greenhouse with controlled conditions to the garden can be quite a shock to the African lily, which can prevent flowering.
Enough sunshine for your plant: choose a location
In plants, sunlight plays an important role in the flowering process.If your floweris not blooming, it may need more sun, as Agapanthus needs at least 6 hours of sun per day.
Although the African lily requires sunlight, you should be careful when placing this plant. It cannot grow optimally if exposed to the hot sun during the day. So put them in a cool place in the morning and eveningexposed to the sun.
African lily does not bloom - incorrect watering as a possible cause
Agapanthus is a plant that does not need much water after a year of planting. However, you need to pay close attention to soil moisture. If the love flower doesn't bloom, it may be because it isn't getting enough water. In its natural environment, African Lily receives a lot of rainfall, so you need to take care of it. This is especially important if you are growing your agapanthus in containers. You mustWater your plants regularly, especially in late summer and autumn. This will affect the development of the flower buds.
At the same time, you should make sure that your plants grow in well-drained soil. They don't like being in water for too long.
The right fertilizers for the flower
To make an agapanthus plant bloom,you have to fertilize them. But be careful, this beautiful, blooming love flower doesn't need too much fertilizer. Try applying a liquid fertilizer twice a month in the spring. After the flowering period begins, reduce the dose to once a month. Fertilization must be stopped when the flowering plants begin to bloom.
African lily not blooming: control for pests and diseases
If agapanthus doesn't bloom,it can be caused by pestsand diseases lie. These can stress your love flower and the stress can cause it to not produce flowers. In addition, certain pests attack the buds and destroy future flowers.
Be sure to monitor your plant regularlySigns of pestsand detect diseases. If you notice a problem, you must fix it immediately. You should never let these problems persist for too long. In extreme cases, they can permanently damage or even kill your plant.
Proper care: Protect flower buds in winter
Most Agapanthus varieties are drought tolerant but not frost tolerant and require protection from frost in winter. The flower buds of the love flower are formed in autumn, which then show flowers the following year. To prevent the flower buds from suffering frost damage, plant the African lily in pots and place them in a protected, frost-free location (for example in a greenhouse).
Alternatively, you can use a garden fleece to insulate the plant and keep out the cold, leaving the flower buds undamaged.
When planting agapanthus in garden beds, choose deciduous rather than evergreen varieties because they are less sensitive to cold. Nevertheless, it is important to protect the flower buds of the love flower with fleece or a layer of mulch such as straw over the winter. Thanks to the cold protection, the flower buds remain intact over the winter and your agapanthus can develop its flowers in spring.