Tips for repotting houseplants – everything you need to know

In today's article we want to give you a few useful tips again, this time about repotting houseplants. Many housewives at a certain moment are faced with the question: how to properly transplant houseplants, choose the required substrate and the appropriate pot? We want to find the answer to these questions together here.

Most houseplants are transplanted in spring. Depending on the type of plant, this can be done annually or once every few years. This procedure always contributes to healthy and good-looking plants, so it is particularly important. Why is transplanting so necessary? Because sooner or later the potting soil becomes exhausted and has to be replaced with new one. In addition, this also improves their ventilation. Repotting is extremely necessary in cases where the potting soil has already become acidic, there are decayed roots or the roots are already growing out through the drainage holes of the flower pot.

When is the best time to transplant?

This happens when the houseplants come out of a dormant state and begin to grow. If a plant blooms in spring, you should wait until the end of the blooming period. If you act too early, you risk damaging the young shoots.
Azaleas and camelliasshould be transplanted in early summer while bulb plants are to be transplanted after their dormant period.
DieCactiThey usually grow very slowly, but if they need to be replanted, it's a good idea to do so at the beginning of winter.
Young plants are transplanted annually, and older ones – once every few years. ThePalm treescan stay in their large vessels for up to 10 years.

Types of transplanting
There are several different types of transplants depending on how much potting soil is being replaced:
Complete transplanting– the entire potting soil is renewed and the roots are cleaned of the old soil;
Incomplete transplanting– where some of the old potting soil remains around the roots of the plants;
Replacing only the surface layer
Transferring the plant from one pot to another is similar to a transplant. You can only start this procedure when the old pot is already too small and the roots are already coming out. In principle, the transfer can be carried out at any time of the year. Transplanting may suspend plant growth for some time, whereas this does not happen with transferring.

How to choose the right pot?

Choose the pot size first. The new pots should be 3-5 cm larger in diameter than the old ones. There are three types of plant containers: planters, pots and containers. Be aware of the differences between different containers so you don't get confused when shopping.

The flower container usually has a sustainable base. Some planted pots or several plants are placed there. The containers are usually made of clay or plastic. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of ceramic containers are that they are essentially heavier than all others. The clay has a pore structure and excess moisture evaporates there more easily.

The biggest disadvantage of clay pots is that they are easily breakable. Porous structure reduces their durability. When pores become clogged with mineral salts, cleansing is often impossible. The bottom in such containers dries quickly, but this can be avoided if it is covered with glaze (varnish). They are also more expensive than plastic containers.
The advantages of plastic containers are that they are lighter and rarely break. They also retain moisture better, so plants are always well watered this way. There is currently a wide range of shapes and colors available on the market. Oh, yes and one more thing, these flower containers are also easier to clean.
Of course, plastic containers also have their disadvantages. For example, overwatering the roots is one of them, the potting soil becomes too acidic and the roots rot quickly in the summer heat.
Sometimes the plants are placed in wooden containers. These are heated more slowly by the hot sun and then cooled more slowly, but the moisture can damage the wood. With proper care, your houseplants will do well in all types of flower containers.

Selection of potting soil

Most plants like the special soil mixes sold in flower shops. The range is very wide and it is not difficult to choose the right potting soil for your flowers. Only buy from certified manufacturers.
It is better to open the packaging before use so that the nitrogen accumulated in it is dissolved. Otherwise it could damage the plant roots.
It is undesirable to use regular garden soil for your houseplants because it is not suitable for such use and can often become infected with pests or pathogens at room temperature.

Rules for replanting houseplants
First prepare the flower pot. Wash it, especially if it has been used before. Clay pots can be soaked in water overnight to make it easier to remove the accumulated limestone on their walls.

Place small ceramic pieces, broken bricks, small stones on the bottom of the flower pot. This improves drainage.

Before transplanting, water the houseplant with water, gently tilt the pot to the side and remove the plant along with the potting soil by holding the houseplant with one hand. Use your other hand to gently pull the pot. To make it easier, you can lightly tap the hard surface of the flower pot. For some plants it is even better to break the old pot so that the roots are not injured during the separation.

Your next step now is to carefully clean the roots of the old potting soil, being careful not to damage them. Rotten roots must be removed. However, if it happens and you hurt the roots, sprinkle a bit of crushed charcoal on them. That can definitely help.
Place the plant in the new container so that the root collar is slightly below the edge. Add new, moistened substrate.

Pack the soil around the roots as well, gradually adding more mass until the level reaches the base of the trunk.
Now water the plant. Note that some dry-loving plants do not need to be watered after transplanting, so you only need to use a moist substrate.
DieTransfer of plantsfrom one container to another happens much easier because the old soil is maintained and its integrity is not violated.

Sometimes transplanting is not desirable at all, especially for larger houseplants. Then you just have to renew the surface layer of potting soil up to 5 cm deep. The old soil is carefully removed, new soil is added and slightly compacted.

What are the most common mistakes
For example, people often think that larger containers are always better than smaller ones. No, that's not true. You don't need larger flower containers than those needed for your plants. This leads to leaching of the potting soil, root rot or growth retardation, and can even lead to lack of flowering and death of the plant.
Other people believe that any potting soil will do as long as it is properly fertilized. Of course that's not true. Every plant needs a well-defined composition of the soil substrate.
For some plants, the narrow containers are better. For example, for Hippeastrum vittatum the narrow pot is good, it inhibits the formation of daughter tubers and stimulates flowering. Epiphytic orchids also like their roots to be in a tight pot.
Do not trim the plants during transplanting! This will be too much for her, all at once.
If you follow these simple rules for transplanting your houseplants, you will enjoy healthy, strong and incredibly beautiful flowers at home for a long time!