Washing soda against weeds: Is the product forbidden and does it really work (+ bonus tips for green growth)?

As a non-toxic, all-natural cleaner, washing soda is good for the planet. Its use dates back at least to the Napoleonic era! It is the quick and risk-free solution for a variety of cleaning tasks around the house. Washing soda, also known as baking soda and sodium carbonate, can also be used in the garden. It is widely believed that using soda for weed control is an effective and environmentally friendly way to get rid of weeds quickly. Find out below whether washing soda is banned for weeds and whether it really works. As a bonus tip, we'll tell you how you can remove green deposits using soda!

What exactly is washing soda?

In the late 18th century, a brilliant French scientist named Nicholas Leblanc developed sodium carbonate. But soda actually occurs in nature. The Egyptians, for example, mummified corpses with a naturally occurring chemical containing high levels of washing soda. Soda decomposes quickly and is completely risk-free when used correctly.

Only plant protection products and herbicides that are approved in accordance with Section 3 of the Plant Protection Act may be used to combat weeds. In addition, they may not be used on sealed surfaces such as sidewalks. There is only one option for these areas - you should remove the weeds mechanically. In other words:Weed controlUsing household remedies such as salt, soda or baking powder is not explicitly prohibited, but is also not allowed. Anyone who wants to use these products in the garden is in a gray area from a legal perspective. Judges might conclude that you used an illegal herbicide, even though no law specifically prohibits the use of washing soda. If you don't want to take any risks, there are safer methods of weed control.

Washing soda against weeds – DIY solution

Keep this in mind: While the solution is effective against weeds, it can harm other plants and alter the pH of the soil. Soil pH can be brought back to normal with the help of a good rain or generous irrigation. Be careful when applying the mixture to nearby flower beds or grassy areas.

Below is a recipe for homemade weed killer. The effectiveness depends on the resistance of the wild herb to damage. To get the weedkiller to the roots as quickly as possible, it may be necessary to cut the plant back to the bare stems. The natural remedy should not be produced in large quantities and stored for later use. Compared to the cost of professional weed killers, this method is far cheaper and will not harm your soil. Even if you have dogs or children, this method is a better choice.

The dish soap in the recipe ensures that the weed killer stays in place. Apply the product on a sunny, warm day so that the soda can fully absorb the sun's energy and have the desired effect. After a few days without treatment, the weeds will turn brown.

What you need:

  • 1 kg Waschsoda
  • 120 ml dishwashing liquid
  • 3 liters of hot water

Mix all the ingredients well and then spray the wild herbs. If it rained shortly afterwards, it is best to spray the weeds again.

Also read:Removing weeds from the stone wall: With these natural remedies it works quickly and easily!

Can you remove green growth with washing soda?

Green deposits can be removed with washing soda. This simple and cheap home treatment involves mixing soda, cornstarch, and water to clean the surface. As already mentioned, soda increases the pH of the soil - so you should be careful when spraying it near beds or meadows.

Make your own natural remedy

  • cornstarch and washing soda

You probably already have the ingredients for an environmentally friendly and effective moss and algae remover on hand. It's that easy to make the product yourself:

  • 3 – 4 teaspoons of cornstarch in lukewarm water
  • 5 liters of water
  • 100 g washing soda

Bring a pot with 5 liters of water to the boil. Add the soda and finally add the dissolved cornstarch. Stir the mixture until it reaches a paste-like consistency. Use a brush to thicken the mixture while it is still warmon the green surface, for example on the terrace slabs. The mixture should work for 4 – 5 hours. You can then clean your patio with the scrub brush and water.

  • washing soda and soap

Soda is ideal for removing green growth from terraces. If you add a few more things, it becomes a natural care product that you can make yourself at home for little money and with little effort.

What you need:

  • 100 ml liquid soap
  • 5 liters of boiling water
  • 200 g washing soda
  • 60 ml glycerin

Everything is mixed in a sufficiently large container. You should wear rubber gloves when handling the solution, even if none of the ingredients bother you. Once the product is ready, spread it on the green surface. Allow the cleaner to work for about 20 minutes for best results. Thenscrub the surfacethoroughly and rinse with clean water.

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