Hardy, flowering potted plants with which you can decorate your terrace and balcony

There are plenty of plants that are suitable for container planting. The only disadvantage is usually if you have to provide them with winter quarters. In a larger house this may still be possible, but if it is smaller or even an apartment with a balcony, the whole thing becomes more difficult. Hardy, flowering potted plants are of course the better choice. And you'll be happy to know that there is actually a wide range of plants that can be left outside in the winter without suffering any damage. We have listed a few nice variants for you in today's article.

Hardy, flowering potted plants – these will keep your balcony and terrace equipped for years to come

Let's go: Take a look at the following robust potted plants and choose your favorite species to decorate your terrace and balcony. Hardy, flowering potted plants will delight you every year.

Choose easy-care bearded flowers as potted plants

The Bartblume (Caryopteris x clandonensis) with its beautiful flowers in purple or pink colors blooms from late summer and into autumn. For this purpose, you also need to get it a sufficiently large bucket (at least 15 liters) and care for it properly. The plant likes it sunny and warm, although it also tolerates a certain amount of dryness, especially in contrast to waterlogging. The bearded flower is the perfect choice if you are on the terrace tooPamper bees and other insectswant.

Cultivate the beautiful bergenias in pots

Bergen (Bergen) are not too demanding regarding the location, but theFull sun is their preferred location. They can only tolerate the shade if it doesn't get too dark. Their pink flowers also attract bees and other insects, making them a wonderful feeding place. Be sure to choose a large container because she doesn't like it too cramped.

Hardy, flowering potted plants – Lavender is extremely robust

The real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a particularly popular specimen that will have no problems surviving the winter outside and delighting you with its flowers again next year. Other varieties are also suitable. It is important that you avoid waterlogging, otherwise the summer bloomer will die. Furthermore, he needsfragrant lavendera sunny location and enough water, but only a little fertilizer. You should also offer these extremely winter-hardy potted plants a sufficiently large container, because they don't like a lack of space.

Potted plants with abundant flowers – cranesbill thrives well in pots

Any cranesbill variety can thrive in a pot, but there are varieties that are particularly suitable and impress with their lush blooms. 'Rozanne', for example, is one such species. In any case, you should inquire about the location requirements of the selected variety, which can vary greatly and ranges from rather shady places to full sun. Pour the cranesbill (Geranium) regularly, but be careful not to cause waterlogging.


Maybe you didn't know it, but succulents can actually bloom. In addition, these plants also impress with their leaf decoration and thus decorate the terrace and balcony even when they are not in bloom. You can leave the pots outside without any additional winter protection. You can get winter-hardy, flowering potted plants with the sedum (Sedum) and the houseleek (Forever living) for example. But keep in mind that not all succulents are frost hardy. They love the sun and rarely need fertilizer. This plant does very well even with very little water.

The daylily as a summer bloomer

The ideal location for this beauty is in the sun, but if you only have partial shade available, that's no problem as long as the flower still gets enough sunlight. Regular watering is optimal, but if you find yourself unable to keep up, take comfort in the knowledge that the plant can cope with shorter dry periods. daylilies (Hemerocallis) are quite frost-tolerant, but you should wrap the pot with protective materials in winter (e.g. fleece or straw mats).

Did you know that daylily flowers are edible?

Flowering container plants that are hardy - carpet aster with white flowers

The carpet myrtle aster (Symphyotrichum ericoides) likes it sunny to partially shaded and with moderate watering. It blooms from September to October, so you get the perfect fall bloomer. The flowers appear in large numbers in a delicate, white color and also attract bees, so you can use them to create an insect-friendly balcony or terrace. The “Snowflurry” variety is highly recommended. The flower gets through the winter without any problems and sprouts again next year, delighting you again with its splendor at the beginning of autumn.

You can find winter-hardy palm trees for potsin this article.