Houseplants bring atmosphere into the home at any time. If you have narrow window sills, limited floor space, or pets and small children, your plant placement options are limited. Luckily, there are a number of houseplants available for small spaces. Here is our list of 12 small plants that will brighten up your space.
How to arrange small houseplants when space is limited
Lack of space is one way to get innovative with the planting in your home! You can keep it simple with a few small potted plants or get creative with a wall garden to take advantage of the vertical space. Small DIY projects like modern plant terrariums and kokedama string gardens are other ways to incorporate small houseplants into your tiny space.
Small houseplants that will refresh your space
To make things easier for you, we've rounded up our favorite small houseplants and included a few tips for arranging them in a small space. Take a look and see which of these you can apply to your own space.
1. Miniature African Violets
These are tiny versions of the classic onesflowering houseplant(which isn't actually that big!). Mini violets thrive in a small pot and bloom in candy-colored bursts throughout the year. They need moist soil, so they should be watered regularly.
2. Grow cacti and succulents
These prickly or not so prickly water guzzlers can grow quite large in the desert, but indoors they grow incredibly slowly, meaning a small plant can fit on your narrow windowsill for years. They also thrive in dry soil.
3. Anthurium thrives in bright, indirect light
Smaller anthuriums are perfect for adding a bright pop of color to any room in the house without taking up too much space. They tolerate all types of light, but grow best in bright, indirect light.
4. Air plants as houseplants for limited space
These curious epiphytes are naturally small and slow growing. They draw water from the air and therefore do not need to be grown in soil. This opens up more options for placement since you don't have to accommodate a pot.Air plants can beEasily fit into nooks and crannies. All they need is bright light and occasional watering.
5. Oxalis for gorgeous color
Oxalis is also called “purple clovers” or “false clovers”. It gets its name from its resemblance to the Irish shamrock, which is more commonly known as the three-leaf clover. In addition to its name, it is also known for its photophilous nature. This means that both the flowers and leaves open and close in response to light.
6. Miniature begonias don't need a lot of light
There are a variety of tiny, fat-leaved begonias that you can grow as houseplants for small spaces. Their colorful, textured foliage can brighten up a flat windowsill or shelf, and they don't need a lot of light.
7. Grow miniature orchids in small pots
Moth orchids are one of the easiest orchids to grow, and they also come in miniature versions. They are often sold in pots two centimeters wide and prefer indirect light. The leaves and flowers are reduced to perfect proportions in small pots.
8. Aloe vera loves the sun
Did you know that aloe vera plants belong to the succulent family? Just like their relatives, they love the sun and prefer their soil to be completely dry between waterings.These small potted plants are practicalif you have minor burns, e.g. B. a sunburn.
9. Do not overwater Echeveria
The Echeveria is one of the most widespread succulent species. Because of their easy care and small size, these small plants are often found on desks in offices and homes. However, a common cause of death is overhydration. Be sure to allow your plants' soil to dry completely before giving them another drink.
10. Jade plants as houseplants for limited space
Jade plants are best known for their thick, oval-shaped leaves. They can live for years if properly cared for. So that the leavesyour plantTo stay nice and shiny, wipe them down every now and then to combat dust buildup. This keeps the leaves shiny and allows them to absorb sunlight better.
11. Pothos purifies the air
Pothos plants are another popular plant that purifies the air. They are vining plants that can brighten up a bookshelf or a plain wall with their drooping leaves. Their classy appearance and air-purifying properties make them a good choice for an office or living room.
12. Polka dot plant for color at home
Polka dot plants are colorful plants that add an unexpected pop of color to any shelf or table. These small plants are best known for their pink color, but recently they have also come in other colors (like red and white). Although it prefers indirect sunlight, some direct sunlight is acceptable during the dayfor your plantin order. Just remember to move them out of direct sunlight to avoid burnt leaves.