Pull a lemon yourself from a seed: Find out how it works and whether you can harvest fruit this way

Be honest - as a true plant fan, how often have you held the seeds of your lemons in your hand and asked yourself whether you should try planting them and growing your own lemon tree? Well, now is the time to finally really try it and...Apartment with Mediterranean flairto refine. But can this really work? Can you grow a lemon yourself from the core and how exactly do you do it? And could the plant actually bear fruit one day? Questions upon questions that we would like to answer for you today.

Grow your own lemon – can you count on lemon fruits?

The lemon tree is a really pretty plant that will visually enrich your room (or the terrace/balcony). That's enough for many people. However, some people also value a rich harvest. After all, you want to be rewarded for good care. But can you really expect fruit if you pull a lemon tree from the core?

Theoretically yes, if the plant really gets everything it needs. Also keep in mind that the lemon tree grows relatively slowly, so it usually flowers late, if at all. Don't forget this: some plants never bloom. In addition, most of the citrus fruits that we regularly snack on are hybrids that did not once exist in nature. The grapefruit is a great example of this because it was created by chance when the sweet orange was cross-pollinated with the pomelo. This then leads to a different taste. So if you have a lemonpull yourselfand actually harvest fruit one day, the taste will most likely be different from the mother fruit.

To avoid this, breeders use cuttings for propagation instead of growing a tree from the lemon seed. So that would also be an option for you if you come across a tree.

Pulling a lemon from the core – this is how it’s done!

If you want to grow a lemon yourself, you need:

  • a lemon (make sure it is not a seedless variety), preferably organic
  • kitchen paper
  • Nail clippers
  • Freezer bags or boxes
  • small cups or nursery pots with drainage holes
  • potting soil
  • Fertilizer for citrus fruits

The right cores

The fruit should contain seeds that are plump and rounded so that they can actually germinate. Some fruits have rather flat seeds. You probably won't have any success with these if you grow the lemon yourself. Now peel and prepare your lemon as usual. Eat them like this or squeeze the juice - it doesn't matter. Just be careful to leave the seeds intact or at least damage them as little as possible.

Now check the seeds for deformations and discard them.Intact CoreYou can also tell if you put them in a glass of water. If they are floating on the surface, they may be out of order. Then you can check their appearance, i.e. whether there are any deformations, cracks or anything similar. If you have any doubts, discard the seeds. You can rinse the others under running water using a sieve.

Pulling a lemon tree from a core – Prepare the cores

If you would like to grow a lemon yourself, you can speed up the germination process with a simple trick. What you see is not the actual core, but its shell. This has a protective function because it protects the seed from negative external influences. If you carefully remove this cover, you can speed up germination. Use the nail clippers to do this. Cut off the top of the core. Then separate the two halves of the case from each other. This works quite well by pushing your fingernails between them.

Let the seeds germinate!

Moisten kitchen paper and spread the prepared seeds on it. Leave enough space between them. Place another damp sheet of kitchen paper on top and carefully put everything in the box or a sealable freezer bag. From now on, the seeds should always be in contact with moisture and not dry out. Therefore, check the seeds every 2 to 3 days and moisten the paper if necessary, but not too much! Place them in a warm place. The first seeds should germinate in a few days.

Plant the lemon seed seedlings

As soon as the roots are at least 2.5 cm long, you can plant the seedlings. To do this, take the selected containers, fill them with soil and poke a hole in the soil. Place the plant inside and close the hole, pressing the soil lightly. Then place the potted plant in a bright, warm place and water it a little regularly. You don't have to do anything else if you want to grow a lemon yourself!

Grow your own lemon tree and care for it properly

Growing a lemon yourself is one thing, but of course the plant also needs itthe right care!
Make sure that the plant gets 8 to 12 hours of light a day and that it is always nice and warm so that it can grow. In winter, as temperatures drop, growth will also slow. On average, it will take 3 to 5 years until the first flowering occurs. Then fruits grow and, depending on their size, ripen for at least several months. For the hungry citrus plant, use fertilizer specifically designed for citrus fruits.

During the warm season you can put the plant outside, but this should be done in stages with acclimatization periods. The outdoor location will be particularly good for her. It can stay there until temperatures drop to 4 degrees Celsius. Water regularly and avoid waterlogging or dry periods. Lemon trees need space. Therefore, repot them regularly. You can also cut back long roots.