What autumn flowers plants in August? Decorate with balcony flowers, perennials and Co.

Of course, the summer flowers still adorn the garden beds in numerous colors. But that does not mean that you can dream a little of the early autumn flowers. It is even the case that you can now start preparing, because many species are already allowed in beds and buckets. So you can plant autumn flowers in August, but which one exactly?

Get the empty flower boxes out, loosen the beds, roll up your sleeves and pack your garden tool in your hand: a new flower season can start with this!

Which flowers plant now in the bed?

What flowers can you plant in August to do thatTo refresh the garden bed a little? Dig the first faded specimens and replace them with the following freshlings:

Bartblume decorates the bed until November

Do not wait too long, because if the flower is also to bloom for a long time, you should still put it on a sunny location. The beautiful beard flower (Caryopteris x clandonensis) With its purple flowers, 60 to 80 cm becomes high and attracts numerous insects into the garden, for which the last food comes just right before winter. The plant is not only impressed with the flowers. It also gets drives in silvery color, which harmonize wonderfully with the flower color. It can easily survive the winter if you spend protection against the cold.

The beard thread: hardy and violet flowering

Beet plants, are hardy, you get the pretty beard thread (Penstemon fruticosus), which comes with trumpet -like flowers in a bright violet. The flowering period also takes quite a long time, so that the splashes of color can be viewed in the sunny bed for some time. In addition, the 30 to 40 cm high plant is very easy to care for. Pour regularly, but in moderate quantities, because it doesn't like waterlogging. In order to be able to bloom splendidly, supply the beard thread once a week with fertilizer and clean it out.

Dark blue chairs as autumn -flowering perennials

The dark blue chair (Agastache Rugosa-Hybride) especially scores with her pleasant fragrance, which she flows out of the attractive, small flowers to enchant them. Since it takes a little time to grow in, it is advisable to put it in the beds from the beginning, but at the latest in mid -August. And then you can enjoy the flowers until November. The fragrance pigeon becomes 80 to 120 cm high and likes it in a sunny location. It is also the perfect flowers for outside when it is supposed to be in the bucket.

Autumn flowers plants in August-the bright yellow gold-haired chin

Not only the color of the gold-haired daster (Aster linosyris) attracts all looks. The flower shape itself is also very interesting and is reminiscent of small bombs that could not fit better in the coming season. They have flat roots and can therefore also grow on a rockier surface on which they grow between 30 and 60 cm. The flowers will shine until November and will even be available in the coming year from June. After flowering, the flower adorns the garden with its seeds throughout the winter, because it is hardy.

What else can you plant in August?

  • Autumn iron hat (Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii'),poisonous
  • Gold basket (Chrysogonum virginianum)
  • Heather (Erica)
  • Mexican professional herb (Erigero's Karvinskianus)
  • Purple bells (Heuchera-hybrid)
  • Storchschnabel (Geranium Hybride)
  • Carpet-myrtle-chicken (ASTER ERICOIDES VAR. Pansus)

Sow and plant them for next year

  • Astern (Aster)
  • Colored (Solenostemon)
  • Bell flower (Campanula)
  • Goldlack (Erysimum cheiri)
  • Grainblume (Centaurea cyanus)
  • Seiden poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

The silk poppy is not yet too well known, but still very much on the rise, because it impresses with a beautiful flower, which is impressed by the tenderness of the petals of the red gossip poppy with beautiful colors and filled flowers thanks to different varieties. A copy that you should definitely consider for the coming year.

The cornflower is also underestimated by many, not only its flower structure is extremely attractive. The bright color should also be mentioned, because it turns ease in the shade.

Not only the garden should remain pretty and therefore you should also provide for autumn flowers for the balcony and terrace in the bucket and plant it. What flowers can I now plant in balcony boxes or in buckets?

Plant the balcony box - Begonia should not be missing anywhere

Easy to care and also beautiful to look at, the Begonie (Begonia) And that's why they should not be missing in any flower box. The flowers shine in different colors and, above all, the icebingonies also decorate the outdoor area with their beautiful leaves. You can put the autumn planting in the bucket even during flowering, which will not disturb your flower joy until November. Begonia are between 20 and 60 cm tall and, depending on the variety, can stand both in the sun (ice gesture) as well as in partial shade and shadow. Some varieties are underCertain conditions even hardy.

The heather - an undefended darling on the balcony

Pretty, easy to care for, robust and hardy: the reasons why many are for the heather (Erica) are numerous as autumn flowers for buckets. It is also colored in stores in order to set bright color accents in the box or garden. But in its natural color the herb is impressive and enchants every arrangement. There are different types and varieties that bloom depending on the variety from September and December, so you can already set them to get balcony plants for autumn and winter.

Balcony planting for autumn with autumn alpine violets

Inside mostly the classic, non-hardy alpine veils, the windows, the autumn alpine violet also feels outside (outside also feelsCyclamen hederifolium) probably. The flowers present themselves in simple white, which, however, comes into its own in the middle of the dark leaves. It doesn't always have to be a colorful color! The flowering phase begins in July and if you don't wait too long with planting, you can even enjoy it until November. The beautiful autumn flowers for balcony boxes and buckets are 10 to 15 cm high.

Autumn chrysanthemums

Very frosthart and in colorful floral splendor from October toNovember or Decembershine the autumn chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum indigo-hybrid) as autumn plants for the balcony. For this purpose, however, the plant needs a sunny location that is also protected by the wind and warm. The beautiful flowers reach a height of about one meter and are perfect when they plant flower boxes.

The approaching end of the summer season does not mean the end of beautiful blooms. With the right species and varieties, you can continue to shine the balcony and garden in bright colors and enjoy the last rays of the sun outdoors.