Planting herbs in May - this month it is easy to grow different aromatic varieties that will add a fresh taste to any dish. All common culinary herbs can be easily grown in traditional herb or vegetable gardens, in raised beds, pots or in a mixed garden. These include popular annuals (basil, coriander and fennel), biennials (caraway, speedwell and parsley) and perennials (borage, chives, fennel, marjoram, mint, sage, tarragon and thyme).
Herb plants grow best in full sun and in bright, well-drained, moisture-retaining, fertile soil with plenty of organic matter. If you can't plant them in a garden, many garden centers offer a range of young plants. When they arrive, they should be carefully removed from the packaging and planted in 9cm pots. Place them in a warm and well-lit place, such as B. on a windowsill until the roots fill the pot well (but do not overfill it).
Planting herbs in the garden in May – it is important to keep the compost moist and remove any large clumps or stones.
What you shouldn't put in the compostcan be found here!
Guide to Growing Sun Herbs
Below is a brief guide to growing and using some of the most commonly grown aromatic plants. We strongly recommend that you plant the cold-sensitive herbs after the Ice Saints. These include lemon verbena and basil, among others.
Majoran (oregano vulgare)
- It grows best in well-drained to dry, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun.
- The leaves are harvested during the growing season; They are often used dried in Italian, Greek and Mexican cuisine.
Fennel (Anethum graveolens)
- Well-drained neutral to slightly acidic soil in full sun.
- The leaves are cut in spring and summer to use fresh or dried. All are used in cooking, mainly in Scandinavia.
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
- Well-drained to dry neutral to alkaline soils in full sun, sage does not like soggy conditions.
- Many varieties have excellent ornamental value.
- Severe pruning in early spring to promote bushy growth.
- The leaves are used to season many dishes, especially meat. Fresh or dried leaves are used for tea.
French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
- Well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil in full sun.
- Collect leaves before flowering.
- Characteristic, aromatic leaves used to season poultry and egg dishes, salad dressings and sauces.
Thymian (Thymus vulgaris)
- Well-drained, even rocky, poor soils in full sun; Most thyme species prefer neutral to alkaline soils.
- Light pruning after flowering to maintain bushy growth.
- Fresh or dried leaves and flowers are used to season many dishes, primarily in French cuisine.
More spice plants that love the sun
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- It grows in rich, light, well-drained to dry soil in full sun.
- Trim the tops to stimulate the shrub's growth and delay flowering, although regular sowing is still necessary to tide through the summer.
- The leaves are harvested during the growing season and used fresh or dried.
- Varieties with purple leaves have ornamental value.
Rosmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis)
- Well-drained, ideally neutral to alkaline soil in full sun, with protection in cold regions as it rarely tolerates prolonged frost.
- Remove dead shoots and weak growth in spring, prune after flowering to encourage bushy growth.
- Use fresh or dried leaves for seasoning, mainly meat. Fresh stems can be soaked in vinegar or olive oil.
Kümmel (Dear Carvi)
- Well-drained, fertile soil in full sun, tolerates heavy soils.
- Leaves and roots are used fresh as a vegetable; the seeds, when ripe, are dried.
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
- Rich, well-drained soil in full sun, but also tolerates wet and heavy soils.
- After flowering, cut back to the ground to maintain fresh leaves.
Worth knowing:Alkaline Soil – The acidity/alkalinity of soil is measured on a pH scale of 0 to 14. More neutralSoil has a pH valueof 7. Alkaline (calcareous) soils have a pH above 7, and the higher the pH, the more alkaline the soil is. Calcareous soils are alkaline. You can measure the pH of your soil with a simple test kit.
Planting herbs in May – list of species that tolerate partial shade
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
- Well-drained, fertile soil in full sun, although leaves may be more productive in partial shade.
- Leaves and roots are used fresh, mainly in Thai cuisine.
- The seeds are dried and used in curries and for pickles.
Minze (Mentha spp.)
- Rich, moist soil in full sun or partial shade where it can become invasive, so best grown in a container and divided regularly.
- Highly aromatic leaves used for flavoring and tea.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
- Rich, well-drained neutral to alkaline soil in full sun or partial shade.
- Harvest leaves shortly before flowering and use fresh; a key ingredient in French, Italian and Middle Eastern cuisine.
Harvest:Some herbs and salads, such as cilantro, wild arugula and watercress, can be harvested just days after sowing, while others can take several weeks. Tips on location and plant types for creating a herb gardencan be found here!