Ball trees for the garden – care tips for malleable trees that are also perfect for front gardens

No matter whether you want to beautify your private garden or are looking for an eye-catcher for the small front garden, a ball tree is definitely a really great choice. It impresses with a more unusual shape and at the same time saves space, making it suitable even for compact city gardens or terraced house gardens. However, this is not a special type of tree, but rather one that we already know and which, simply because of their partially cultivated growth style, offers the best conditions for such a topiary. Today we would like to introduce you to a few of these species that are perfect as ball trees for the garden.

So the question of all questions is which tree species are suitable. Trees that remain small are of course the best option, but pruning must be done regularly so that the tree does not grow tall. You have the choice between deciduous or evergreen varieties, which either naturally have a rather spherical tree crown and then only need to be trimmed, or whateverin the case of hedge plants, as solitaires are very compatible with cutting and can therefore be shaped into the desired shape. Here is a selection of varieties that are ideal as ball trees for the garden:

Ball trees evergreen

  • Common boxwood
  • Spice laurel (not hardy, only in a pot and overwintered)
  • Cherry laurel
  • don't be afraid
  • Privets
  • Mops-Kiefer
  • Scheinzypresse
  • Stechpalme
  • Wintergreen olive willow (not hardy, only in a pot with overwintering)
  • Dwarf tree of life

Which deciduous tree to choose for front yard

  • maple
  • Amberbaum
  • Bait
  • Fan leaf tree
  • Feldahorn
  • Ginkgo
  • Globe plane tree
  • Black locust
  • swamp oak
  • Trompetenbaum
  • Winterlinde

Cutting ball trees for the garden

No matter which ball tree you choose,the topiaryshould be done at the right time. Late winter is best suited for this. Then don't go too radically when cutting, but don't go too sparingly either. By cutting the shoot tips, branching is promoted and the tree crown becomes denser. Broadly speaking, you can consider cutting back by 15 to 20 cm. You always make the cut itself in front of one of the so-called eyes. These are the thickenings on the branch from which it will later sprout again.

Trees for small gardens – shape ball trees with these species

Regardless of whether you choose the tree for the garden or front yard, the right location is of course essential for healthy and lush growth. For this reason, we have put together a selection of the most popular ball trees for the garden and explain what location and care requirements they have.


Maples are trees that naturally have a spherical crown. So if you miss the right time for a cut, it's absolutely not a problem because it's not that important. Nevertheless, it is recommended to thin it out from time to time and also remove diseased or dead branches, as this has a rejuvenating effect. Only when it gets older does this ball tree develop a flatter surface, making it worth pruning.

The tree grows quite large and therefore needs enough space (6 meters high and 5-6 meters in diameter). Therefore it is ideal as a solitary plantCenterpiece in the gardensuitable, under which a nice, shady place is formed. It is also ideal for property boundaries. Choose a location in the sun or partial shade, without having to worry about winds or soil conditions, as it is very robust in this regard. In autumn you can marvel at its bright yellow leaves.

Caring for the sweetgum tree properly

You can expect this specimen to be a maximum of 5 meters high, making it a good choice if you are looking for compact ball trees for the garden. The sweetgum tree is also called gumball and impresses with its bright red foliage in autumn. It only grows to around one to two meters high and no wider than 1.5 meters and prefers a sunny location with sandy to loamy soil. The crown becomes spherical by pruning out the trunk, i.e. removing the branches. This is how you get ball trees with a standard trunk.

Plant ball gingko in the front garden

The ball gingko reaches a maximum height and width of 1.5 to 2 meters - it couldn't be more compact. It is also perfect for pots and prefers a sunny to semi-shady place. Otherwise, the tree is very undemanding and easy to care for and ideal for small gardens and front gardens.

Ball robinias as ball trees for the garden

The ball robinia can reach a height and width of up to 5 meters. It feels most comfortable in the sun and prefers a well-drained soil that can contain clay. With a height of 4 meters and a width of up to 5 meters, the specimen is one of the relatively compact species that should be trimmed regularly to maintain its beautiful shape.

Buy trumpet trees as ball trees

You only need to trim the crown of this specimen a little more (by approx. 20 cm) every 3 to 5 years. Otherwise, do this sparingly annually. The tree grows up to 7 meters high, with the same diameter and has attractive heart-shaped leaves that can reach a full 15 cm long and turn yellow in autumn. In summer the trumpet ball tree produces pretty flowers. Find a sunny to partially shaded spot that is protected from the wind.