Pampas grass does not bloom: these are possible causes + tips for correct care for a lush heyday

Ornamental grasses are among the most popular ornamental plants for the home garden and that's no wonder. Not only are they very nice to look at, they usually grow quite quickly and the high varieties can even serve as a privacy screen. Not only the grasses for the garden itself are a feast for the eyes, but also their flowers or the so -called fronds - another point, which is why many decorate their gardens with these plants. This is also the case with the beautiful pampas grass. Of course, it is all the more disappointed if this flowering period fails for some reason. Your pampas grass doesn't bloom either? What could be the reason?

When is the flowering period?

Before you get annoyed, you should first know when Pampasgrass has its blossom. Maybe you just wrong and expect them at the wrong time. When does pampas grass bloom?The so -called flower frondsappear in summer, mostly in July or August. In some cases, however, they only appear in autumn.

It would actually be flowering, but there is nothing to be seen from wagging? Or have you even been waiting for it for several years? Then there are probably other reasons. Check the following to find the possible problem.

Pampas grass does not bloom - that can be the causes

The plant is still too young

Pampas grasses not only have to get used to their location, but also be old enough to be able to train flowers. So it could be good that your plant is only too young and you just have to spend a little patience, because the pampas grass flowering time only sets up for the first time after about two to three years. Until then, the plant focuses on developing its roots well.

The ornamental grass receives too much shade

Your pampas grass does not bloom because it may not get enough sun. Pampas grass in the shadow cannot train any blossoms. Therefore, provide it with really a lot of light by finding a location that offers several hours of sun. If the plant lacks, it does not need to expect an impressive flowering period.

The temperature is also important: at least 20 degrees during the growth phase, the pretty grass needs to thrive well. Therefore, choose the location carefully or plant the grass if you have chosen an unfavorable one. Spring is ideal for this and more precisely April or May after you have cut the plant back.

Pampas grass does not bloom due to unfavorable soil quality

The soil quality should also be mentioned in the keyword “location”. Because if the soil is not correct, it also disturbs the plant to develop properly and the formation of flower is part of it. The pampas grass does not bloom, for example, with too much compressed soils, because these cause waterlogging. Instead, ensure a loose and permeable soil that also offers the decorative grass enough nutrients (fertilize appropriately). The floor may also be drier (definitely better than waterlogging), but it should not dry out completely. So pour regularly when dry.

Is it a male or female plant?

If it is a male specimen, you can talk about luck if you get one or the other flower at all. Male pampas grass blooms very sparse or even not at all. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to this when buying. This also applies if you pull your plants from purchased seeds. Here, too, you cannot know what kind of seeds it is. Share of a female plant that you also know that it always produces plenty of blossoms is therefore the better choice.

Be careful when cutting pampas grass!

If you maintain your pampas grass, the pruning in spring is also part of it. After that, the new blades of grass grow, and, hopefully, later in the season also beautiful fronds. Not, however, if you do something wrong. Your pampas grass does not bloom if you also cut new shoots that have already been shown. So goCareful when cuttingbefore.

Pampas grass in the bucket does not bloom

Even with container plants, it can take a few years before they bloom for the first time. Have several years have passed and they apparently gave the plant the right care, but the flowering period still does not exist? Then a lack of space could be a possible reason. Pampas grass does not bloom if it doesn't have enough space for the roots. So get the plant a bucket with a capacity of at least 40 cm so that the rootstock can develop well.

In general, thePlants in the potare more sensitive than those in the garden and therefore require a little more attention regarding care. Keep the conditions mentioned above regarding irrigation, soil quality and fertilization as well as the location and consider that a lack of nutrients and dryness in the bucket occur faster than in the bed.