Large plant pots can be used effectively in the garden

Large planters are a beautiful addition to the garden - they set accents, screen the terrace and add the finishing touches to the formal design. We'll show you 50 ideas on how to stage them effectively.

A terraced garden is now typical for terraced houses or small city villas. The lack of space is compensated for with creative design ideas - large plant pots often play the main role. Whether as a charming eye-catcher on the terrace, as a privacy screen for the front garden or perhaps as a decoration in front of the house entrance - these can be used in a variety of ways. They are often planted withshade-loving ground cover plants, evergreen climbing plants or exotic ferns and palm trees. If you want to showcase them effectively, arrange several tubs of different shapes and heights in one corner.

Garden design with a Mediterranean touch calls for terracotta elements. These willplaced next to the garden path or accentuatedparticularly nice seats.

And if that's too boring for you, you can plant a Corten steel bowl instead and achieve a similar effect. Not only flowers and plants from the Mediterranean region are combined, but also fragrant herbs. These canDrive away mosquitoes and wasps.

Things look different when the garden is formally designed. Typical examples are the gardens in France or England, where hedge plants and lawnsgeometric shapesthe image.