Have you actually devoted a lot of time and care to your lawn, but are you suddenly spotting mushroom umbrellas here and there? However, a fungal infection does not have to be obvious. Brown spots in the middle of the grass area can also be a sign of this. Either way, it's obviously annoying after all the effort, but a fungal infestation is ultimately an indication that something is wrong on the lawn. We would like to mention the causes of fungi in the lawn, what remedies you can use to combat them and how you can prevent them in the future.
Why do mushrooms grow in the lawn?
First of all, it should be said that a mushroom needs very specific conditions in order to grow. Under normal circumstances, these are not the case on your home lawn, or at least they shouldn't be:
- high humidity
- Nutrient poverty
High soil moisture usually occurs in late summer. Then there is increased rainfall, which worsens the situation by creating additional impermeable soil. If there is also a shady area that dries more slowly, that is simply perfect for the spread of fungi. Fungi in the lawn can also be an indication that the soil is lacking nutrients, as they prefer such soils.
How do they get into the garden?
On the one hand, they can be transmitted via wood, for example if there was dead wood in the compost or used soil or if you sawed off trees at the edge of the lawn and left the stumps there. On the other hand, fungal spores are also transmitted through shoes or other materials we used in the garden and even through the air. In such cases, you are not to blame, but you should still try not to provide the mushrooms with ideal growing conditions from now on.
Common fungal symptoms
Lawn fungi can grow both above ground with fruiting bodies and underground and invisibly. That depends on the type of mushroom. If you are only underground, the infestation can still be recognized by spots and other changes to the turf. Mushrooms in lawns can be poisonous, but they can also be edible. If you are not a good judge, it is better to let the traffic stay. But you can also hire an expertconsultto find out if the mushrooms in the lawn are edible.
Witch rings in the lawn
The so-called witch rings can grow both above and below ground. They form a network that appears circular on the surface.
Small white mushrooms in the grass
The edible meadow mushroom is white in color, but so are the deadly poisonous white and green death cap mushrooms. Field mushrooms are also white in color, as is the giant parasol, which later also has brown spots.
Identify mushrooms in the lawn – Small brown mushrooms in the lawn
If the fungus in the grass is brown in color, it is often the so-called clove fungus, but honey mushrooms can also be found.
Black mushrooms in the lawn
For example, the thin-shelled potato bovist, the blackened sapling, the dotted-spored fertilizerling, the black-blue baldhead, the small crested tintling and the black-blue redhead have a black color. Some of them are edible, others are dangerously poisonous.
Remedies against fungi in the lawn
What can you do about fungi in your lawn? Well, one option would be to mow the lawn more often. In this way you also cut off the mushrooms, which will eventually die. But keep in mind that you can also spread the fungal spores further. For this reason, it is advisable to remove and dispose of any fungus before mowing (noton the compost!).
You can also fight fungi in the lawn by making life difficult for them, i.e. not creating good growing conditions for them or taking them away from them:
- Avoid waterlogging by:scarify regularlyand remove moss and felt. This and piercing with a special fork improves ventilation. Clippings also retain moisture and should always be disposed of rather than left on the lawn.
- Fertilize regularly with slow-release fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, because the fungus doesn't like nutrient-rich soil at all.
- Avoid acidic soils where fungi prefer to grow. Liming the lawn is effective in this case.
Which home remedies are suitable for spot treatment?
The effectiveness is controversial. However, if you would like to try home remedies for fungi in the lawn, you can do so in addition to the care measures mentioned above. But first, prick them out to only take action against the remaining spores. What helps against fungus in the lawn? For example, you can:
- Baking sodaUse against fungi in the lawn, because this home remedy is intended for bothagainst mildew(a fungal disease) as well as acting against weeds. There is therefore a chance that the product will also eliminate these fungal spores. To do this, mix two teaspoons of baking soda with one liter of water and water or spray the mushrooms regularly.
- Remove fungi from the lawn withsalt and vinegar, which you mix with water and then use to water the affected areas.
- Give the affected lawn area irrigation water that you have enriched with alcohol or alternatively with potassium soap. This improves the nutrient absorption of the lawn, making it stronger.
Fungicides against fungi in lawns
Before you use chemicals to combat fungi in your lawn, you should definitely know that this is prohibited. Since you would be harming the environment and also weakening your ornamental lawn, you should rather use the remedies and tips mentioned above to get rid of fungi in the grass.