As soon as the first snowdrops sprout through the cold earth, you know that spring is finally here! These delicate, white flowers are true highlights in the garden, and many of us want to see them in several places. But how can you increase snowdrops? There are two simple methods: the division of the onions that go quickly and the sowing of seeds, which takes a little longer, but is exciting. Here you can find out which method is best suited for your garden and when the ideal time is to multiply.
1. Several snowdrops multiply - the simplest method
The most uncomplicated way of increasing snowdrops is the division of the onions. Snowdrops form so -called daughter on the ground underground (offsets) that multiply on their own after a few years. This creates dense flower carpets. But be careful: Too many onions in a confined space can lead to the flowers smaller or fail to fail.
Solution:Share the plants every few years to give you more space again.
When is the right time?The best moment for sharing snowdrops is right after flowering in spring (March - April). The leaves should still be green so that the onions have stored enough energy. An additional method is to plant onions in autumn (September - October) to promote better establishment in the garden.
This is how it works
- Carefully dig out:Lift a group of snowdrops with a small shovel or grave fork from the earth.
- Separate daughter onions:Carefully pull off the smaller onions from the mother's onion.
- Choose a new location:Snowdrops prefer humus -rich, well permeable soil and thrive under deciduous trees or shrubs.
- Plant directly and pour:Use the onions at your new location. Pour the plants well after inserting so that they root quickly.
Extra tip:If you don't have a suitable place, you can temporarily store the daughter onions in a saucepan - but make sure that you do not dry out!
If you are more about the right oneSnowdrop care after floweringwant to know, read our detailed article.
2. Property by seeds: for patient gardeners
The second option is the sowing of snowdrop seeds. This method is more time-consuming, but can lead to exciting surprises-sometimes even new snowdrop variants are created!
When can snowdrop seeds be harvested?After flowering, snowdrop forms small, green seed wearers who tend to the ground over time. As soon as they are ripe, they burst open and the seeds are either distributed directly in the ground or carried away by ants.
Important:Snowdrop seeds quickly lose their ability to germinate. Therefore, it is best to sow the seeds right after the harvest. However, if you want to keep you, there are a few simple steps:
- Harvest time:Harn the seeds between May and June when the seed capsules jump up.
- Collect seeds:Tie a fine network or cheese cloth around the seed capsules so that nothing is lost.
- Store dry:Let the seeds dry in a cool, dry place for a few days and then keep them in a labeled paper envelope. So they remain germinated by autumn.
Sowing snowdrop seeds: patience pays off!
Snowdrop seeds need a cold period before they germinate. Therefore, it is best to sow the seeds directly into the bed - nature takes over the necessary pretreatment. The best time for this is in late autumn, around October to November, before the ground freezes.
This is how sowing sucks:
- Select location:Shadowy areas with loose, humus -rich soil are ideal.
- Plant correctly:Place the seeds about 2–3 cm deep into the earth-just like snowdrop onions.
- Preserve moisture:The floor should always remain slightly moist.
Important:The first leaves often only appear in the second spring, and it can take three to four years until the first flower.
My tip:In order not to forget where you have sown the seeds, you canSummer flowersLike marigolds or tages plants. These not only ensure color in the bed, but also help to pour the soil regularly.
And if you ask yourself which spring flowers go well with snowdrops, take a look at our article"What spring flowers in the garden you can combine".
Which method is the best for you?
- Would you like a lot of snowdrops quickly?Then the multiplication of onions is the best choice - reliable and uncomplicated.
- Are you patient and like experiments?Then try the sowing of seeds-maybe discover a new type of snowdrop!
No matter which method you choose: snowdrops are easy to care for, hardy and a magical spring highlight in every garden. And if your snowdrops no longer bloom so lush, you will findIn our articleHelpful tips on the cause research!