Creating a rock garden – 116 design ideas and some helpful tips

The design of a rock garden and the arrangement of the stones there are so subjective and individual that it is difficult to give good advice in this regard. We can give you at least one good tip: Before you make a decision about your rock garden, you should perhaps have seen many other rock gardens in order to be able to compare properly. If you want to create a rock garden, you have to get really familiar with the rock garden look. Just the bare edges of the massive onesStonesmust show themselves on the surface of the earth, everything else must remain hidden in the earth. You can place small stones seemingly randomly along the pool or along the walkway. It is better to use fewer stones, but ones that look weathered and ancient.

Creating a rock garden – necessary building materials

Attractive stones:The main material is the stones. You can achieve an impressive effect when they are older.
Choose:Is placed around the plants.
Boden:You need really fertile soil. Only the upper layer of soil is used, which can be enriched with organic and mineral fertilizers if necessary.
Plant:Preference is always given to local ornamental plants of mountain origin, which, in contrast to the exotic types of vegetation of the tropics and subtropics, are much better adapted to the climatic conditions.

Creating and planting a rock garden – recommended rock garden plants

There is a large selection of special rock garden plants. In principle, it is said that it is better not to use too many different plants. It's better to choose larger groups of the same plants, that's really better. Of course, the size of the rock garden is always crucial. In addition, all plants should match each other in color, even if this limits your selection somewhat. Many rock garden plants love lime, but there are also species that don't like it at all. So, be careful with that onePlant selection!

Plant a stone bed
Planting the rock garden and creating it are not easy tasks, but once you have done that, you won't have much to do in the rock garden later. For planting, choose plants with a strong and large root system if possible.

The plants that grow between the stones need soil mixed with fine gravel or sand and a bit of clay in the garden soil. First, you need to properly assess your soil so that you buy appropriate plant species. For example, greenish-yellow rockery plants prefer alkaline soil reaction, so enrich the potting soil with a handful of pieces of limestone, and your plants will definitely be grateful.

Grasses and bulbous plants

DiegrassesAlthough they are perennials, they should be mentioned separately. Blue fescue, bear grass, bluegrass and blue rush look particularly good in rock gardens.

Tuber and bulb plants –The tuberous and bulbous plants are absolutely essential for a rock garden. It's not just in spring that they impress with their abundance of flowers. There are also plants that bloom in summer and autumn. Species that are particularly suitable for naturalization are those that spread well and fit perfectly into nature. These are tulips (ideally wild tulips), daffodils - low species, crocuses, winter aconites, squill, grape hyacinths, autumn crocus, autumn crocus, summer-flowering daffodils.

Create and plant rock gardens - ornamental grasses and ground cover

Ornamental grasses soften the harsh lines– Perennials are essential. Very popular are gentian, edelweiss, primroses, cushion perennials, cyclamen, sedum, sun rose, thrush, alyssum, cat's paw, alpine poppy and various herbs such as lavender and thyme.

Flat stones and ground cover –Low and semi-tall perennials bring color and life to any rock garden.Ground cover, which also includes upholstery perennials, spread widely over the years and grow in all directions. They make the stone bed look so natural and should therefore not be missing in any room. You can also find rare plant species, which are usually very striking and beautiful. These rarities often have the disadvantage that they are not easy to obtain and also place higher demands on care. However, you also have something very special in your rock garden.
To create a rock garden, you need a slope or hilly terrain. If you don't have one in your garden, try to create one. Use stones that harmonize well with the paved or gravel paths. Arrange the stones in the same way.

Create and plant a rock gardenDecoration

Stone figures as decoration –Dwarf trees are evergreen. They are important so that your rock garden does not look desolate even in winter. The following are well suited: alpine azaleas, nesting spruce, dwarf conifers, dwarf mountain pine, ball pines, hanging willow, creeping juniper and others.

Design stone groups

Groups of stone or large stone blocks are an undisputed eye-catcher in the garden and remind us of folk tales. They are so attractive and immediately attract everyone's attention that it would be hard to miss them.

Garden Guards –Many nations have an old tradition where you can see tall, lonely stones in the garden. This is very common in Japanese and Chinese gardens. The English adopted this ancient tradition from the Celts and developed it further. Tall monolithic stone blocks inevitably stand in their gardens and are reminiscent of guards or guardians. They symbolize strength, endurance and dignity. If you want to have something like this in your garden, it would be a great decoration.

the most important tips at a glance

I hope that with this detailed information about the rock garden I have convinced you that it suits every house. An uneven surface is important; a slope is favorable. Upholstery perennials in particular fit well between the stones. When choosing, you have to make sure that something is always blooming! The right soil is important for the good development of the plants. Some like lime, others don't. The rock garden must not be planted too thin! Lush upholstered perennials interspersed with small onion plants and one or two small trees placed around a small pond - that's pure harmony! Birds and other small animals also feel at home there. Isn't that great? I hope you enjoy creating and designing your rock garden!

Small front garden decorated with various stones

Feel free to integrate the garden path into your stony garden, as was done here. To create a variety of stones, it is best to combine several types of stone for the path and use gravel in any color for the side beds. Beforehand, plant a few plants of your choice in this gravel area.

Two alternatives for small rock gardens in the backyard

Here you can see the path again from a different perspective. The individual elements form geometric and abstract shapes that create a modern look. Another interesting variant is the patchwork design on the right. The garden path that runs through the garden stone bed was made from different stepping stones. The joints between them are again filled with gravel. Plants include ferns. Find ones that can survive the winter so you don't have to replace them every year.

Beautiful koi pond next to the rock garden

When you create your rock garden, it is also a wonderful idea to incorporate a small pond. Modern areas in particular can incorporate angular ponds and loosen up the surroundings in a special way. You can decide the size of the pond yourself. If the pond interrupts a path, this is the perfect opportunity to build a bridge. Asian garden styles can also be designed in this way.

With a small garden pond and ground cover plants

Instead of a garden pond, streams and other water features can also be used. Then frame the stream nicely by creating a rock garden, for which you can use not only stones and plants, but also bark mulch. Lush planting perfectly complements patchwork designs and makes the whole thing look more harmonious.

Beautiful stone table in the garden

Go one step further and decorate your outdoor area with giant stones. The acquisition costs including transport are undoubtedly higher. However, you can still consider whether the investment is worth it for you. A large stone in a raised bed can potentially be used as a counter or even for seating, provided you find the right shape. You can also continue the stone bed along a staircase by placing stones on which you can place candles for lighting. Also pay attention to fire safety if you use real candles or rather use LED candles.

Create a small rock garden in the backyard with succulents

You can design the bed yourself. Choose rounded, organic shapes or straight, geometric ones. With the help of various elements, you can then visually separate the different areas from each other. For example, decorate one part with light gravel and another with darker one. An accent can then be placed with plants in the middle of the bed or you can put together a small garden rock garden like in the example above.

This round bed, in which a tree and flowers were planted, is also very original. It is visually separated from the rest not only by the difference in color (contrast between gray gravel and brown earth) and by the structure (coarse gravel in a circle and finer ones around it). Bed borders that are only discreetly visible also contribute to this purpose.

Creating a raised bed – original design idea

Stone raised beds are also real eye-catchers. They are also particularly easy to plant and design. It's best to imagine the raised bed as a picture that you can design individually. The size and shape don’t matter. The raised bed is filled almost to the top with soil. The pebbles are merely an upper layer that serves as decoration.

Stylish rock garden decorated with flowers and ornamental grasses

Rock gardens not only create a very neat look in your outdoor space, but are also very easy to maintain. These are two more reasons to choose this decorative element. The idea of ​​creating a rock garden is particularly suitable for gardens on slopes, where this is impractical for some plants. Either opt for a stone bed where it is used as an accent or design a large part of the garden with stones and use green spaces as accents.

Skillfully combine different types of rocks