Combining vanilla flowers: Which companion plants for the flower box and which plant partners for the pot?

It is one of the most beautiful fragrant plants in the home garden. But it also cuts a fine figure in balcony boxes and pots and is increasingly decorating balconies and terraces. In today's post we will explain to you how the beautiful purple vanilla flower can be combined.

These companion plants look good in flower boxes and pots

The vanilla flower is a low fragrant plant. In South America the exotic grows to a height of around 60 cm, in this country it reaches a height of 40 to 50 cm. Thanks to the long flowering period and its sweetnessThe plant enjoys the scenta great popularity. It looks particularly good in balcony boxes and flower pots and can be combined with other summer-blooming flowers and perennials.

The right balcony plants should first have similar requirements in terms of location, soil, fertilizer and water. When it comes to the design of the balcony box, low flowers and plants simply look better.

Combine angel face, geraniums and vanilla flowers

The angel face is a true sun worshipper and a popular potted plant for the south-facing balcony. You can find purple, pink and white flowering varieties at garden centers. The perennial grows to a maximum height of 50 cm and has a compact and upright habit. The angel face blooms from May to the end of September. There are many geranium varieties to choose from in garden centers. Most have similar requirements and can therefore be easily combined. Minimum distance between flowers: 20 cm. Arrangement in the flower box and pot: plant vanilla flowers at the front, on the edge, and the angel face directly behind it. Use the geraniums to fill gaps and create accents.

Petunias and morning glories in the flower box

If you want a display of flowers for your balcony box, you should choose the following combination. White and red petunias set accents, the vanilla flower spreads a gentle aroma and enchants with its purple flowers. The white Busy Lieschen is simply perfect as a gap filler. Morning glory is the perfect ornamental foliage plant for the arrangement. Planting distance: 30 cm.

Care tip: The permanent bloomers need a lot of attention in the flower bedless frequent fertilization. However, the volume of soil in the bucket and balcony box is significantly smaller and the nutrients are washed out of the soil when watering. Regular fertilization

Daisies and vanilla flowers with torenia and magic bells

Daisies and vanilla flowers form a charming duo. The small field leaf, the torenia and many magic bells still fit in the large flower box. The scented steinrich proves to be the perfect gap filler. The plants have similar soil and location requirements and get along very well. As for the arrangement in the pot: The flowers with overhanging shoots are planted at the front, on the edge. Taller plants are at the back, the optimal place for the blooming flowers is in the middle.

Care tip: A 120 cm long balcony box is best. Its earth volume is around 70 liters. The correct distance between plants is very important so that they do not crowd each other out.

Combine magnificent bear ear and vanilla flower

The magnificent bear's ear is a truly exotic species that is grown in this country as an annual flower. With its height of 80 cm and its delicate flowers, it definitely deserves a place in the tall flower pot. Together with the vanilla flower it forms a delightful pink-purple ensemble. Place the flowers in the soil 30 cm apart so that they do not crowd each other.

Care tip: The bear's ear is grown as an annual plant. However, you can bring the two into the house or winter garden after the end of the gardening season and cultivate them as perennial flowers. Optionally, you can plant the flower pot again next year.

Pelargonium and buddleia as planting partners in the pot

With its overhanging flower buds, the buddleia also looks wonderful in balcony pots and flower boxes. The plant feels e.gtogether with pelargoniums (geraniums)particularly comfortable. Plant the two permanent bloomers in a clay pot. Good drainage is an absolute must; no plant in the arrangement can tolerate waterlogging.

Combine fat leaves, vanilla flowers and sweet berries

Fat leaves and noble lilies form a charming ensemble in the balcony box. With their splendor of flowers, they delight the hobby gardener's eye all summer long. They have similar requirements for location and soil and also go well together in terms of color. The small white flowers of the fat leaves form an attractive contrast to the large, delicate flowers of the noble flowers. Care tip: Plant the fat leaves on the edge to fill gaps, the noble lilies go in the middle and the vanilla flowers in the back.

It is exotic, exudes a pleasant scent and delights the eye throughout the entire gardening season with its small purple flowers. But what can it be combined with in the tub or balcony box? Which planting partners feel particularly comfortable together? Luckily, there are a lot of flowers and perennials that look great with the vanilla flower.