Which flowers to plant in March: Lists for the beds in the garden & boxes and pots on the balcony

The first rays of sunshine will definitely draw you outside into the garden, onto the terrace or balcony. And that's a good thing, because there's already a lot to do! For example, you have to after the long winterprepare the balconyor pruning various plants and preparing beds. It's finally time for new splashes of color in the form of flowers for the balcony, or for planting in the bed for blooms in summer and autumn. Butwhat flowerscan you plant in March? We have summarized a few options for you.

In the garden, where the plants are completely exposed to the weather conditions of spring, planting or sowing is usually not started until mid-March at the earliest, and usually not until the end of the month. Ideally, the frost periods should be over and temperatures should no longer fall below zero degrees. Otherwise they need protection.

Plant roses and other flowers in the garden

Autumn is a popular time to add a few new rose bushes to the garden. But if you missed it, you'll get another perfect time in spring. Not only the garden roses are suitable, but also theRose varieties for the potand buckets. But of course roses are not the only ones –what flowers in Marchplant?

For example, at the end of March you can also plant the following flowers, which are purchased in pots, in the garden:

  • Bergen
  • Foxgloves
  • Fuchsien
  • Hosta
  • Lupine
  • Malve
  • Scabies
  • Periwinkles

What flowers sow in March

Especially if you want to have a beautiful mix of meadow flowers in your garden, you can start sowing as early as March, and more precisely from the second half. But which flowers to sow in March?

For example, the delphinium, the dahlia and the daisy, the golden poppy or the cornflower are suitable. In general, native varieties are the better choice because they are naturally adapted to our weather conditions and can therefore better withstand a sudden cold snap. In cold weather they have the ability to slow down their growth.

Seed mixes usually indicate when they can be sown. You can also simply observe wild nature: everything that blooms in April or May can be sown in March. Also suitable are:

  • Campanula
  • Centauries
  • Erntechrysanthemen
  • Corn row
  • Lark feet
  • Girl's eye
  • Margerites
  • Mohn
  • Nigelle of Damascus
  • Summer mallow
  • Strawflowers

There are also popular garden flowers that you can't sow in the garden yet, but can grow in pots indoors. These include marigolds, petunias, snapdragons and nasturtiums, for example, as well as:

  • Ageratum
  • Amaranth
  • sweet pea
  • Gaillardia
  • Impatiens
  • Kosmos
  • Lobelia
  • Maisnelke
  • Margerites
  • Prunkwinden (Ipomoea)
  • Summer mallow
  • Sommer-Adonisröschen
  • Springkraut
  • Ornamental tobacco
  • Zinnie

Suitable flower bulbs

You plant flower bulbsIt's best to plant them in the garden at different times so that you can keep getting new flowering phases over a longer period of time. Daffodils and lilies, for example, can be planted in the beds at regular intervals from March to May. Late bloomers will bloom this year if you plant them in March or April. However, you can plant spring bloomers like daffodils now for next year. Other flower bulbs you can plant from the end of the month include:

  • Agapanthus
  • Gladiolus
  • Hyacinth
  • Crocus

Tipp: Flowers that you planted early in the garden are still at risk from possible sudden cold snaps. As long as they don't fall below freezing, there shouldn't be any problems with the flowers mentioned. If it gets colder, cover them at night to protect them from frost.

What flowers to plant on the balcony in March

And which flowers are best to plant in Marchon the balcony? If you think it's still too cold for this, you're wrong. There are species that are already doing well outdoors - by the end of the month at the latest. The plants can be protected here and are less exposed to the cold, especially near the wall of the house. However, that doesn't mean that the flower boxes on the railing can't be planted.
Also,what flowers in MarchPlant in containers or in boxes and pots? In principle, two-year-old plants are added to the balcony in March.that bloom in spring.

Marigolds, pansies, violets and daisies, among others, are ideal for beautifying your small outdoor area. At the end of March, when the weather has become a little better and warmer, you can also add nasturtiums, petunias, busy lilies and fuchsias. You can also care for the spring flowers from flower bulbs that you bought in pots outside in the box or pot.

Which flowers to plant in March:

  • Amaranth
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Bell vine
  • Lovely flower
  • Lupins
  • Soapweed