Which climbing aid for Dipladenia? The different variants at a glance

The Dipladenia (Mandeville) is a real gem in the container garden.With proper winteringThe plants can get really big, so a suitable climbing aid is necessary. If you are currently looking for a suitable climbing aid for Dipladenia, we will be happy to help you choose. The article provides an overview of the different variants as well as many useful tips on how to support the plant as it grows.

Dipladenia: A climbing plant with great potential

Foto: Darcos73 / Shutterstock

Dipladenias are evergreen climbing shrubs that grow in the right locationproper carecan grow quickly. An interesting fact is that the specimens sold on the market for balconies are often treated with a compressing agent that suppresses their growth, so that they remain small and compact. Since the effect of this drug wears off after a certain period of time, dipladenia will still skyrocket in the following years.reports My Beautiful Garden.

Uncompressed dipladenias produce long, flexible shoots that can easily break or become tangled without support. A stable climbing aid is therefore necessary to provide the plant with support and to enable lush, healthy growth.

Trellis for Dipladenia: What options are there?

In order to develop its full flower splendor, the Dipladenia needs suitable climbing aid. This affects both growth and flower formation. There standdifferent variants to choose from, which differ primarily in price, material and design.

The cheapest option: bamboo sticks

Photo:@darlingely/ Instagram

Bamboo sticks are an excellent climbing aid for plants that are not only inexpensive but also very easy to build. To start with, three sticks with a thickness of approx. 1 cm are sufficient. You insert these into the outer edge of the pot and then tie them together at the top, for example with string or clips, to create a tent-like structure. The bamboo trellises have a natural look and blend seamlessly into the surroundings in the garden. Another advantage is that they fit in every pot because you can choose the width to insert them yourself.

Practical trellis

Photo:@yoco.bbb/ Instagram

Trellises offer a classic variant of climbing aid. This three-dimensional support is well suited for potted plants like Dipladenia, which grow in pots and at the same time require plenty of space to climb. It is important to consider the size of the pot when choosing so that the trellis fits in it. You can choose between inexpensive versions made of plastic and those made of wire. There are also many options available when it comes to height - depending on how high you want the plant to grow.

Trellis or trellis if space is limited

Photo:@southernfoliage/ Instagram

If the Dipladenia is in front of a wall or a fence and doesn't take up so much space, then trellises and trellises are ideal as a climbing aid. They enable the shoots to be distributed evenly and still offer good stability and longevity. This variant is also suitable for varieties that do not grow too tall.

When attaching the trellis, you should ensure there is sufficient distance from the wall so that air can circulate well.

A sturdy and elegant obelisk

Foto: Molly Shannon / Shutterstock

Obelisks are a visually attractive option. These are free-standing structures made of metal that are very stable and at the same time have an eye-catching design. The top usually stands together and ends with a spear, ball or similar shape. The trellises can also have a special shape, such as tendrils and flowers, which makes this climbing aid a visual eye-catcher. In terms of price, they are also the most expensive.

This is how you find the right climbing aid

Foto: photo-lime / Shutterstock

The selection of a suitable climbing aid for Dipladenia depends on a few factors. Not only personal preferences play a role, but also characteristics of the plant such as size, growth habit and location.

height and size

Trellises are available in different sizes from half a meter to 2.5 meters. Find out how big your Dipladenia can grow and decide whether you want the plant to be taller or bushier. The number of rods also plays a role - the more there are, the better and fuller the grown plant looks.


You can choose between wood, metal and plastic based on your own preferences and the characteristics of the different materials. With wood you get a natural look, but it requires more care. The bars should be oiled and treated to prevent them from rotting. Metal is a popular choice because it is strong and durable. However, the construction is heavier and makes the Dipladenia harder to move in the pot. The plastic variants are weather-resistant as well as light and stable, but do not have much visual value compared to the other options.

Photo:@persephonesgardens3/ Instagram

Pot size and shape

If you buy a climbing aid for an existing Dipladenia, you should definitely consider the shape and size of its pot. The diameter or width of the trellis should fit exactly into the pot and sit as close to the edge as possible.

Guide the Mandevilla on the trellis

Foto: shutter.photos / Shutterstock

A special installation of the climbing aid is actually not necessary. It is inserted directly into the bottom of the pot. Above all, you should be careful not to damage the shoots and roots of the plant and to stick the trellis as close to the edge of the pot as possible. From there, the plant will climb onto the scaffolding independently. To get the Dipladenia in the desired growth direction, you can guide the shoots by hand and, if necessary, tie them to the climbing aid with soft ribbons or special clips.

Cover photo: lialina / Shutterstock