Which perennials divide in August: Why division is necessary & which varieties they tolerate in mid-summer

Are you currently wondering when you should divide perennials? Well, now in August is one of the best times for some types of perennials. But how do you know which ones exactly? To help you a little, we have put together some of the species that you can now care for and propagate through division. So roll up your sleeves, get those garden tools out of the shed and get to work to continue keeping your garden in tip-top shape. Which perennials divide in August? We summarize!

On the one hand, you can propagate your plants in this way and help them form a dense carpet of flowers. On the other hand, dividing every few years is also an important measure to promote and improve flowering. This is very specialin upholstery perennialsthe case. So this step is important for taking good care of your plants. But which perennials divide in August?

Which perennials divide in August – This depends on the flowering time

The best time or period to divide perennials depends primarily on when they bloom. Autumn-flowering perennials, for example, should not be disturbed in midsummer or late summer, because they are just preparing for this flowering period and need the strength for this rather than for getting used to the new location. Because then the plant needs strength to form roots. The same applies to perennial species that are currently blooming. For them, division is best done in spring.

So if you're wondering which perennials you can divide in August, all that remains are the varieties that are in thespring and early summerhave their heyday. This is now over and another advantageous feature has been added: These perennial varieties now have a short rest period in midsummer, which offers ideal conditions for division. If you now replant the divided plants, you will have enough time until the colder autumn to form new roots and adapt to the new location.

But, as is often the case, there are exceptions. Peonies, for example, are best left alone because they continue to grow until autumn. There are also such species that, despite their early floweringnotshould be shared. For this reason, you should always do your research before starting to divide certain types of perennials if you are unsure. Now let's move on to a few suitable varieties:What perennialsshare in August?

Perennial species that tolerate (and need) division in midsummer

How often and how irises are divided

The bearded iris is without question one of the most popular garden plants. Therefore, we are not surprised if this beauty also decorates your garden. This perennial should be divided every three to four years and since it blooms in spring, August is also the ideal time. And this applies to both varieties with rhizomes and those that do not form rhizomes.

The Bartiris

New ones should have grown from the so-called rhizome. You can separate the outer ones, which have now developed healthy and strong foliage, shorten the leaves to around 10-15 cm and let the interfaces dry for a day before replanting them. Part of the rhizome should be outside the ground so that the sun can shine on it.

The meadow iris

Meadow iris blooms from mid to late spring and after flowering,also im August, is also the best time to share them. This variety does not have a rhizome, but forms new sections that you can also separate. Beforehand, pay attention to how deep the mother plant is planted and plant the new iris plants just as deep.

Care for and propagate the robust daylily by division

Since the daylily is a robust plant, division is possible in principle at any time. But if you're already dividing perennials in August, you might as well move on to the daylily. Make sure the pieces you cut are about the size of your fist and don't have too large interfaces, as this will make them more susceptible to damage. As with the iris rhizomes, allowing the cuts to dry is an advantage. You can then plant the new parts the next day.

Which perennials divide in August – These species do not need division, no matter what time of year

  • Akelei
  • Miscanthus
  • Thistle species
  • Pasqueflower
  • beautiful muscle,
  • Peony
  • Raublatt-Aster
  • Veil herb
  • Silberker
  • Bleeding heart
  • Turkish poppy
  • Forest goat's beard

Notice: The Bleeding Heart can be shared under certain circumstances, even if it is not recommended and necessary. However, if you really want to propagate your plant, be very careful when dividing it, because the plant has rhizomes with very sensitive roots that you must not injure (apart from the cuts, of course, which cannot be avoided, but should be as small as possible should). Each new section should be about the size of a fist and allowed to dry for two days before replanting.