Plants that self-sow make the gardener's job easier, don't they? Many gardeners prefer such perennials, not only because they are usually robust, but also because they bloom magnificently and most of them also constantly attract pollinators to the garden. Self-seeding perennials bring many advantages to a garden. But which perennials self-seed in the garden? Well, there are a number of blooming beauties for your outdoor space. Check out our list and choose the ones you like so you can get oneBlooms in your own gardencreate!
The hollyhock sows itself in the garden
Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are popular with many gardeners.Pollinators love it toothe magnificent plants because they attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. They are edible, can be used to make dyes, and who hasn't made fairy dolls out of the flowers as a child? Hollyhocks grow as biennial or short-lived perennials. But if you neglect to remove the flower heads, they will come back on their own year after year. Although the plants may look delicate, they are quite tough.
Columbines are annual plants
Columbines (Aquilegia spp.) are sweet and delicate, and they disappear after just a few years. But they don't need to be replanted like annual plants. Just let them go to seed and they will always come back. Double columbines, whose flowers shine in pastel to strong colors, are particularly beautiful.
Gladioli are popular with many gardeners
Who doesn't love the magnificent gladioli (Gladiolus spp.) with sword-shaped leaves and tall spikes of bright flowers? “Gladius” means sword in Latin. If you want to sow them yourself in the garden, all you have to do is leave a few spikes standing after the flowers have faded. The flowers are perfect for cut flower arrangements and hardy gladioli can even tolerate cold climates. Cultivars such as G. ramosus 'Volcano', G. nanus 'Galaxian', and G. nanus 'Atom' are hardy, and most others that are hardy indicate this in their name or plant description.
Which perennials reproduce by themselves in the garden: Bluebells
The bellflower plant (Campanula spp.) has thin brown stems with light purple flowers and leaves. If you are looking foran easy-care plantyou can't go wrong with bluebells. There are many types and they are all pretty. They all have bell-shaped flowers, mostly white, purple or pink. It's best to plant them in full sun so they bloom beautifully and water them regularly.
Morning glories are delicate and bright
You can grow morning glories (Ipomoea) as annual plants in the garden. These enchanting vines are covered in vibrant flowers that open at sunrise and close again in the heat of the afternoon. The plants grow quickly, up to approximately 3 m per season. After flowering, green seed capsules form. Once the pods turn brown, they open and the seeds inside fall to the ground and form new vines.
Bleeding heart doesn't like dry locations
Bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) comes with its name and anyone who has ever seen the plant knows why. The plants bloom for several weeks in the spring and the seed pods persist long enough to reproduce. Bleeding heart doesn't like dry heat, so you need to make sure you keep plants moist enough. Cut back old leaves to make room for new growth.
Foxglove for flowers in the garden
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is an excellent choice for the cottage garden. In some lands these plants were considered the home of fairies, and woe betide anyone who plucked the flowers and disturbed their home. The magnificent beauties bloom in white, cream, pink, purple, lavender and yellow, usually with speckles and spots of contrasting colors. Most bloom and produce seeds in the second yearsow in the garden. However, some hybrids bloom in the first year. If you have a partially shaded spot that could use some color, this is a great choice.
Marigolds are useful for every garden
Marigolds are usually annuals. They are fast-growing plants, and most varieties self-seed, dropping seeds and spreading throughout your yard or garden. They enrich your garden with constant, bright flowers and the plants are extremely easy to care for.
Which perennials reproduce on their own: Clary sage
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) is a perennial or biennial plant with attractive pink, purple and white flowers that bloom from late spring to mid-summer. The plants spread in large, loose masses as far as you let them. This plant does not tolerate wet feet, so you must choose a suitable location with adequate drainage. It is a plant that is not only beautiful but also useful, as you can use the flowers and leaves in any recipe that includes sage.