Wild vine as a privacy screen or ornamental plant in the garden: This is how you care for the bright red maiden vine!

While some climbing plants beautify the summer with their impressive flowers (think of the clematis), others impress with their unique foliage in the autumn months. The latter undoubtedly includes wild wine, also known as virgin vine or false wine. Quite inconspicuous in summer, it delights in autumn with its bright red foliage and contrasting blue fruits. You can find out everything about caring for this popular climbing plant from us! This makes wild wine an eye-catcher in the garden.

Climbing plants with a decorative character

Virginia creeper is a climbing plant that can decorate a wide variety of surfaces. The plant can climb not only on walls and walls, but also on trellises, pergolas or a fence. This is a really useful feature because you can hide unsightly places like the old shed or the barrel house, for example.

Wild vine is ideal as a climbing plant and the fact that it is a fast-growing garden plant only makes things more practical. This racer can grow up to one meter per year and reach a maximum height of 15 to 20 meters. That makes him a real competitorof the Fires.

Planting wild vine – when and where?

Wild wine – choose the right planting time

You have a relatively long period of time available for planting, namely from spring to early summer. However, a single plant is not really enough to achieve dense planting over a larger area over time. Allow for a young plant about every four meters.

The right location and soil conditions

How practical it is that this plant is so easy to care for and undemanding! And that starts with thisLocation. This master climber tolerates shade as well as partial shade and sun excellently, but you can also use this factor to control the intensity of the weatherRed color in autumninfluence. The more sun the plant gets, the brighter the leaves become. However, a very windy place can be a bit problematic. Not because he is sensitive to drafts, but simply because he may not have the strength to withstand it.

Regarding theBodenPretty much everything from sand to clay is suitable. The only thing you should definitely avoid is waterlogging, as wild wine doesn't particularly like this. Therefore, a loose and well-drained soil that is moist is optimal.

Do you need to build a trellis?

The good news is that wild vine does not need a trellis as it has so-called adhesive discs with which it can hold on. However, that doesn't mean that you can't still provide one if, for example, you want to get a free-standing privacy screen or make a terrace opaque. Even if wild wine is oneDecorate pergolaIf this is to be used as a climbing aid instead of a wall.

But there are also varieties that can't hold on quite as well. It is therefore better to support them initially with a climbing aid, which you can also use to guide the tendrils.

Proper care of the maiden vine

How to water correctly

You must avoid waterlogging, but the soil should not dry out too much either. Make sure the soil is moderately moist and it is best to water as soon as the top layer of soil is dry.

What is the best way to fertilize?

By and large, the plant gets what it needs from its environment. However, you can encourage growth by spreading some compost around the base in the spring. This should be ripe.

Virginia Creeper – Prune properly to promote growth

So wild wineserve as a privacy screenIn contrast to some other plants, it does not need compaction pruning. It's growing densely enough as it is. However, it is advisable to prune vigorously immediately after planting, as this will stimulate the plant to immediately form many branches and tendrils at the base. Otherwise, only topiary cuts are necessary if the tendrils grow in undesirable directions.

Can you propagate the maiden vine yourself?

Wild vine can be propagated by sowing, for which September and October are the best times. Another variant would be cuttings.

Wild wine in the bucket

Another great news is that you can even grow maiden vine in a container if the conditions are right. However, keep in mind that the care required here is a little more demanding:

  • The high nutrient requirement must be satisfied with liquid complete fertilizer every three weeks.
  • The need for water also increases as the soil dries out more quickly.
  • Waterlogging must also be avoided here with the help of good drainage. Do not place the bucket in the saucer, but rather on wooden blocks or other suitable objects so that excess water can drip off directly.
  • The container must hold at least 30 liters and is replaced with a larger one every two to three years. You also replace the soil.
  • The climbing aid should be very stable.

Is Virginia creeper poisonous?

The berries contain oxalic acid, which is considered lightconsidered poisonous. However, the amount can also be dangerous for children, so consumption should be avoided at all costs. The leaves are also slightly toxic.