Losing weight tips – you should change these 10 habits!

Achieving your desired weight can sometimes be a real challenge. Are you one of those people who regularly go to the gym and have already changed their diet? But despite strong will and tough discipline, nothing at all is happening? Well sometimes the very small changes in everyday life can be the solution to your problem. So don't give up straight away - we'll tell you lots of weight loss tips and which habits you should change in our article!

No coffee immediately after getting up

The first sip of coffee – who doesn’t love it? For most people, a morning without a delicious cup of coffee is unimaginable. But if you reach for the “black gold” immediately after getting up, you are not doing your body any good. Even if you wake up in the evening and drink some water, you are usually always dehydrated in the morning. All caffeinated drinks, including various types of tea, remove more water from your body and increase itin this way the appetite. So if you want to really boost your metabolism, you should first grab a glass of lukewarm water. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can also cause many gastrointestinal problems.

An interesting fact is that coffee does not always have the desired effect on the body. The distribution of theStresshormons Cortisol, because it basically has the same effect – it wakes us up. The hormone is produced three times a day - between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. and 5 and 6 p.m. That's why we recommend that you avoid the delicious drink during these times. The excess caffeine will only make you more stressed, unbalanced and restless.

Get enough sleep

If you stay awake until the early hours of the morning far too often, then you are undoubtedly sabotaging your diet! Sleeping in is one of the most common tips for losing weight - if you don't sleep enough (less than 7 hours), the body produces much more ghrelin. The hormone is responsible for controlling satiety and hunger and preventing fat stores from being broken down. When you lack sleep, your body is in a state of stress, which slows down your metabolism and can even lead to weight gain. Always try to sleep between 7 and 9 hours - this will not only help you lose weight, but also ensure afresh and beautiful facial appearance. In addition, the body burns around 70 calories per hour while sleeping, which can only be an advantage.

Start the day relaxed

Do you use the snooze function far too often? Then you should change that as soon as possible. The stress in the morning takes care of thatRelease of cortisoland this interferes with the body's ability to build proteins. Even worse – the proteins are pulled from the muscles and convert them into glucose to provide the body with the energy it needs. Too high a level of the stress hormone can also lead to cravings. What you can do about it is get up a little earlier and learn how to deal with stress better. Stress relief is different for everyone – try different methods and find what works best for you. This could be exercise, yoga, or relaxing music.

Cell phone in bed is bad for your health

Want to take one last look at Instagram or Facebook before you go to sleep? Since the blue LED light from smartphones or tablets prevents the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, you should leave it alone. The consequences of a disturbed sleep rhythm can be cravings, which have a negative impact on your weight loss. So if you want to do something good for your body, you should turn off all electronics about 2 hours before bed.

Not having a plan for the day and skipping meals is not a good idea

Although many people believe that eating less always leads to weight loss, unfortunately that is not the case. If you skip meals too often, your body assumes that you are starving and automatically switches to economy mode. In this way, it tries to protect reserves and stores most of it as fat in preparation for the next long period without food. Eating too little can prevent you from achieving your dream weight - always try to consume at least 1,500 calories per day. The rule of thumb is three healthy meals a day. When you're always out and about during the day, it's pretty hard to get a proper and healthy meal. We therefore recommend that you always prepare your food at home and take it with you to work. So that you always have a clear overview of what you have eaten throughout the day, it is best to keep a food diary.

Provide variety

People are real creatures of habit. Even though it seems very convenient for most people to eat the same thing every day, it can quickly become boring. Plus, if you nibble on the same salad every day or eat different protein shakes, your body will eventually get so used to it that it will no longer respond by losing weight. In this way, he begins to burn much less fat than he actually could.A varied menuhelps to build up a very diverse intestinal flora.

Avoid the many light and diet products

Fat-free yogurt or cola without sugar – these days almost every product has a light version. Unfortunately, most of the foods advertised contain harmful chemicals and additives. Plus, they only taste half as good and almost always cost twice as much. According to a study, people who choose light products consume almost 30% more calories than those who choose the original. Instead, focus on whole foods that contain lots of healthy fats - such as raw nuts, Greek yogurt, kefir, avocados.

Eating in front of the TV is another weight loss mistake

Laying down on the couch, watching a film and enjoying a delicious meal - that's what most people's end of the day looks like. Unfortunately, because the television distracts you from eating, you tend to eat food much faster and in larger quantities. Eating consciously is one of the most helpful weight loss tips - this is the only way you can learn to listen to your body's signals and perceive the wonderful taste of your dinner much more clearly. Do you still want to relax a bit and snack? Try raw vegetables with a delicious dip or a handful of raw nuts.

Don't eat too quickly

It takes the brain about 20 minutes to realize that you are already full. If you eat a meal within 5-10 minutes, you will still feel hungry and it is very likely that you will indulge in another serving. Not only can eating quickly lead to weight gain, it is also responsible for a whole host of health problems. Eating too quickly increases your risk of type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. A study found that fast eaters are three times more likely to suffer from these diseases than people who eat slowly. Want to know how to change this habit? First, try to chew each bite well and for a long time - the better the food is broken down, the easier it will reach your stomach. Or create a cozy atmosphere and cook for yourself with high-quality ingredients - this is the only way you will really enjoy dinner.

Be careful with small snacks during the day

When it comes to snacking, opinions often differ. Even if a little snack here and there feels harmless at first glance, you'll still be adding a few hundred calories to your diet this way. To avoid this, we recommend that you plan your meals and snacks more precisely, prepare them yourself and keep a diary. Many people confuse the feeling of hunger with thirst - so try drinking a glass of water first.