Onefaster weight lossis not always related to a complex diet plan, but can also be done thanks to clever weight loss methods. Additionally, there are some most underrated ways to burn calories faster that a lot of research shows may actually work. If people want to approach their weight loss efforts like a scientist, their guiding principle in decision-making should be simplicity. Here are suggestions for new habits that are easy to follow and proven to be effective at burning fat.
Change your daily routine with simple methods to lose weight
Most of the time, the simplest solutions are the ones that give people the best results. This is also very often the case when it comes to rapid weight loss. And what could be easier than identifying existing daily habits and giving them a little tweak to literally tip the scales in favor of your own weight. According to research on this topic, it shouldpeople new eating habits, which you want to create, first reduce it to its smallest and simplest form. Then they can find a way to attach it to an existing habit in their daily routine. Even if the person is in a hurry, sick or distracted, such a small change would still be possible.
By slightly changing the parts of their daily routine that don't require much thought or effort, people avoid making big changes. Most of them usually fail when following a diet. Instead of choosing oneelaborate diet planor hire a personal trainer, the following simple and underrated weight loss methods could be quite useful and efficient.
Sleep at low temperatures
New study results suggest that simply turning on the air conditioning or turning down the heat in the winter can helpBelly fat while sleepingto fight. Lower temperatures therefore subtly increase the effectiveness of brown fat reserves.
As a rule, belly fat keeps you warm by burning the stores stored in the stomach. The study participants spent a few weeks in bedrooms with different temperatures: neutral 23 degrees, cool 18 degrees and mild 27 degrees. After four weeks of sleep at 18 degrees, the test subjects had theirsVolume of brown fatalmost doubled. This means they have lost belly fat.
Drink coffee every day to lose weight
TheDrinking coffeecan help lose weight and burn excess body fat. According to a recent study, drinking four cups of coffee every day could reduce body fat by about 4%. However, it should be ensured that no additional fattening agents are added to the coffee. A cup of coffee has almost zero calories, while in the same cup with added cream and sugar there are over 80 calories. In this way, drinking two cups of coffee a day could reduce approximately 6.35 kilograms of body weight in a year.
Methods for losing weight through fruits and full-fat foods
A new report from the Credit Suisse Research Institute has found that more and more people are choosing full-fat diets over lean, light, fat-free or other modern labels for thinness. While many health organizations like the American Heart Association still want that in particularsaturated fatty acidsreduced, the full-fat trend could be a healthy rebellion against these decades-old beliefs, according to recent studies.
Fruits like apples, watermelon, red grapes, and raspberries can also promote weight loss. These contain higher levels of nutrients known as flavonoids, such as anthocyanins (compounds that give red fruits their color). They calm the effects of fat storage cells. Related research found that the apple variety called Pink Lady has the highest levels of flavonoids. These are antioxidants that are believed to keep the body in tip-top shape.
Wear casual rather than formal clothing
Wearing jeans to work slims your stomach. Researchers found that people who dressed casually on workdays took nearly 500 more steps throughout the day than on days when they wore more formal clothing. Of course, this may not always be possible, although some people feel more stylish and well-groomed in a suit. However, burning extra belly fat through jeans can certainly make people more confident.
Eat oatmeal instead of muesli for breakfast
When the morning routine doesn't leave enough time for breakfast, a bowl of cereal is the popular choice. However, this variant can also be fattening. Scientific research has shown thatEating oatmeal is more fillingthan the cold stuff and can help you lose weight. Since the semi-finished varieties are not always nutritious enough, people should opt for oatmeal for cooking.
Snacking before meals
While it may sound counterintuitive, eating before a work lunch or meal can actually shed pounds. A series of studies published on appetite found that snacking on an apple or clear soup before eating at a restaurant can reduce overall calorie intake by 20 percent. Since the average restaurant meal is 1,128 calories, saving 20 percent once a day could help you lose up to about 22 pounds per year.