The vegan lifestyle is certainly not for everyone. Nevertheless, it can bring with it a number of benefits that not only apply to the body, but also to our conscience. Because it is clear that a plant-based diet can not only be good for our bodies. This also protects animals and the environment in general. And eating a healthy diet ensures physical well-being, which can cause the pounds to fall off. And that's exactly what we want at the beginning of summer time at the latest. If you also want to lose weight vegan, then you can achieve this wonderfully with today's tips on this topic and at the same time do something good for your body.
We have already mentioned that animals and the environment are protected in this way. In addition, by avoiding finished products and other unhealthy foods, you give your body the opportunity to purify and recover and at the same time provide you with vitamins and important minerals, as more emphasis is placed on fruits and vegetables and other plant-based foods and you eat a more wholesome and varied diet.
Does a plant-based diet make you slim?
Without a doubt, you can lose weight vegan, but you can also do it with other types of healthy eating and as long as you avoid excessive amounts of sweets, chips, fast food and the like. A vegan life can therefore also have this effect. In addition, the healthy attitude of vegans is fundamentally onehealthier lifestyleleads. It is a fact that vegans are also less likely to smoke and drink unhealthy drinks, including alcohol. And it is precisely these two unhealthy habits that disrupt your metabolism and cause weight gain or at least prevent you from losing weight to a certain extent.
Losing weight vegan – what to pay attention to?
In order for this type of diet to be really healthy, a few things must be taken into account. Simply banning all animal products from your diet is far from enough. There are some important nutrients that cannot simply be absorbed by the body due to this diet. Therefore, it is important to know what needs to be done to provide the body with them. By the way, these include vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, zinc, protein, calcium, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. The body needs these nutrients even if you eat vegan and want to lose weight. So you should be well informedthe vegan dietEducate yourself with healthy habits before you dive in. A regular visit to the doctor with blood tests is also a good check and informs you about what is wrong with your body.
It is important not to confuse veganism with a diet. This means you shouldn't eat less, but eat healthier. And especially since you are avoiding certain foods with certain nutrients, it is important to find a good balance. That's why it's so important to know the foods you eat and keep track of what you've eaten and what you're still missing.
There is also the risk of becoming lazy again and choosing the finished product from the store instead of a lovingly prepared dish. Yes, there are now unhealthy ready-made products with additives for vegans too. If you want to lose weight, these should remain taboo. Take the time to cook something delicious yourself using fresh organic products. No pain, no gain, as the saying goes!
Carbohydrates are allowed if you want to lose weight vegan. Yes, you read that right! But don't take this the wrong way. This does not include sugar, white bread, croissants and other fattening foods. Alternatively, there are “good” carbohydrates with which you can and should replace the foods just mentioned. Whole grain products, but also potatoes, grains, beans and soy products are welcome to include in your diet. They have the advantage of supplying the body with many important nutrients and at the same time keeping you full for longer. So occasional cravings are a thing of the past. And if you do want to snack on something, there are plenty of healthier alternatives with less sugar that can be chosen and prepared as a replacement for the fattening foods. So find out about these types of foods if you want to lose weight vegan and create a balanced meal plan.
Lose weight through a plant-based diet, but not only!
Eating healthy is of course a perfect basis if you want to become slimmer. However, that is not enough. Because without enough exercise you will find it difficult to see success. If you lie on the sofa all day and watch TV, you can also get the best and highest qualityFruit or vegetablesdo not help with weight loss. So if you want to lose weight vegan, your diet should be combined with a sufficient amount of physical activity. And it doesn’t have to be the gym or a specific sport. You can also incorporate exercise into your everyday life: cycle to work instead of driving or walk. Use the stairs and not the elevator or escalator. And if you combine that with a few days in the pool, jogging in the morning or with a sport you enjoy with friends, even better! Get together for a volleyball game or badminton. Anything you enjoyed doing as a child can come in handy.
Sufficient fluids are another point that is often underestimated, but, like sufficient exercise, contributes greatly to losing weight. And that also applies to the vegan diet. Water contributes to detoxification by flushing out all the harmful substances from the body. As a rule of thumb: If you are thirsty, it is a sign that you are not consuming enough fluids. So you shouldn't feel thirsty in the first place. There should be at least two to three liters of water per day. Combine this with delicious vegetable soups and you will quickly have your daily needs covered.
For many people, the lack of taste is the problem. Instead of water, people turn to sweet and unhealthy drinks. A good alternative is unsweetened tea andhomemade amniotic fluid. They can add flavor to water themselves and make it much more appetizing. Whether with strawberries, cucumber, ginger, lemon or spices like mint and cinnamon, you won't be able to get enough. How you consume more water doesn't matter. The main thing is that your body is supplied with enough (healthy) fluids if you want to lose weight vegan.
Weekly plan
Especially as a beginner, you can make getting started a little easier if you use weekly meal plans and follow them. You will quickly get used to it and be able to decide for yourself what is best for you to prepare for each meal. And so that you eat a variety of foods and don't get bored, you can vary your diet with a wide variety of products. We have put together an example of a weekly plan for you in the following table. In a way, it can also be called a vegan diet plan. However, this should not give the impression that the food is being reduced. Quite the opposite! Eat at least three times a day and in sufficient quantities. You can also snack in between, but it's healthy!
With breakfast you can boost your metabolism or get it going. For this reason it is particularly important. It doesn't have to be a lot, but it does have to fill you up. Healthy, fiber-rich foods such as grains (muesli) and vegetables are well suited for this purpose.
In the evening you can choose a healthy meal, not eating too late and a smaller portion. After all, there is usually a lack of exercise after eating, so digestion is slower and it is harder to sleep on a full stomach. Experiment to find the best amount for you.
At lunchtime it can be a little more. However, of course you shouldn't overdo it. After all, you want to get through the second half of the working day well. Fillers that delay the feeling of hunger are again beneficial. If you get hungry or hungry between meals, grab vegetables or fruit as a snack. Homemade muesli bars and the like are also a good option.
You will probably only find out over time whether losing weight with a vegan diet is for you. In any case, your body will thank you for the many vitamins and minerals. Don't forget to always check your health with a doctor, whether you want to lose weight vegan or just change your diet. This applies to all types of diets, but especially to those that avoid certain products. Try to compensate for any deficiency symptoms with suitable foods before resorting to nutritional supplements. However, it is best to consult your doctor about this.