Has reading become difficult? Do you have to squint to read the fine print? Become yoursEyes get tired quicklywhen you read your favorite book? As they get older, many people complain about impaired vision at close range. Presbyopia is usually to blame. This condition affects the majority of men and women over the age of 40 and is related to daily activities such as reading, writing or surfing the Internet. Fortunately, the problem can be easily solved with visual aids. In this article you will find out what you should pay attention to when choosing glasses for presbyopia.
From the age of 40, the natural aging process of the eyes begins. This means that you can no longer see as clearly at close range and your eyes slow downto focus from close to farseem. This condition is called presbyopia or presbyopia and occurs regardless of existing visual impairments. Both eyes are usually affected, to the same extent.
There are two main causes of presbyopia. On the one hand, this is due to the aging of the eye lens, which causes it to lose elasticity and can no longer adjust to objects at different distances. On the other hand, the eye's ability to accommodate decreases with age, which leads to blurred vision in the near or far range. With onecustom-made reading glassesPresbyopia can be corrected quickly and effectively.
When do I need reading glasses?
Presbyopia is a common condition, but not everyone notices it. The first signs usually appear at the age of 40, but there are also people who are only mildly affected. Here we have listed a few indicators that indicate the need for reading glasses:
- You find reading more strenuous and your eyes tire quickly.
- When reading, the letters blur in front of the eyes.
- To read a text, you have to move it further and further away from your eyes.
- You often get headaches while reading.
If these symptoms are present, reading glasses can help you enjoy reading despite having presbyopia.
Choosing reading glasses can be a real challenge. The variety of frames, lenses and coatings is quite large and you quickly lose track. Many people simply opt for ready-made glasses from the drugstore, which can, however, further worsen their poor eyesight. We summarize the most important things you should consider when choosing your reading glasses below.
Take an eye test
Reading glasses are only good if they are precisely adapted to your eye defect. And the only way to find out your eyesight is to have an eye test at an optician. From the age of 40, experts recommend having your eyes examined at least once a year. After the eye test, you can use your own vision values to order the right reading glasses.
Avoid wearing ready-made glasses
Ready-made reading glasses are only suitable for emergencies if something happens to your regular glasses. They are perfect as a permanent solutionnot recommended, as they have standardized diopter numbers and usually do not fit our eyes exactly. These cheap alternatives are completely unsuitable, especially for people who already have ametropia.
Choose the right lenses
If you have no other visual impairments other than presbyopia, glasses with a flat frame and elongated lenses are better suited to you than a larger model. Thanks to the narrow lenses, you can easily look into the distance over the glasses without having to take them off. However, if you want to combine different prescriptions in one pair of glasses, you are better off with large lenses and progressive lenses.
Metal or plastic?
Personal preferences play a particularly important role when choosing the frame. Plastic frames come in a wide range of colors and styles and can transform your glasses into a real fashion accessory. Light metal and titanium frames, on the other hand, are discreet and offer maximum wearing comfort.