You are already on the way to your dream figurenumerous dietstried it but haven't found the right one yet? Have you heard of the OMAD diet? This nutritional model is one of the most extreme, but at the same time most efficient diets. You can get rid of excess pounds with just one meal per day. We reveal exactly how this works and what risks are behind it in the article!
Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diets in Germany
Intermittent fastingWe already know all of them. This diet method really made a splash a few years ago and has now become one of the most popular diet plans. The so-called interval fasting can be carried out in various forms - from the popular 8-hour diet to the everyday 12:12 fasting method to more extreme variants such as the Warrior Diet. But the principle is always the same: you can only eat during a certain time window and fast during the remaining time.
The OMAD diet can be described as an extreme form of intermittent fasting. The abbreviation comes from English and stands for “One Meal A Day” – you canjust one meal a dayeat. The 23:1 principle applies: you fast for 23 hours and are allowed to eat your only meal within the remaining hour.
And who is this nutritional method actually useful for? In principle, the OMAD diet is suitable for everyone, but you need iron discipline and perseverance. If you want to lose weight, you'll get quick results with this hardcore version of intermittent fasting. Because of the long fasting period, body weight can be effectively reduced, which makes it possible to achieve the dream figure. The reason is understandable: you burn more calories than you consume.
These are the four rules of the OMAD diet
Unlike other diets, OMAD doesn't require you to count calories and spend hours pre-cooking meals. The reduced menu saves a lot of time, which makes implementing the diet easier. But there are no rules missing either. If you want to lose weight with this diet, you should adhere to the following golden rules.
1. Eat only once a day
This is the basic principle of the OMAD diet - you can only eat one meal per day within an hour and must fast for the rest of the day. No solid food is allowed during the fasting period, only calorie-free drinks such as water, unsweetened tea and black coffee are allowed.
2. Eat at the same time every day
So that the body can get used to the fasting rhythm, meals should always be eaten at the same time.
3. Pay attention to an appropriate portion
There is also a limit on portion size. The diameter of the plate must not be more than 28 centimeters. A dessert in the true sense of the word after a meal is taboo. You also have to forego a second helping.
4. Don't stack food
You can stack as much as you want on a plate, right? Unfortunately not with the OMAD diet, because the height of the meals must not be more than 7 centimeters.
How long to fast?
In contrast to most forms of intermittent fasting, the OMAD diet is rather unsuitable as a long-term form of nutrition. Experts recommend only integrating such extreme fasting into your weekly plan on a daily basis, otherwise there are risks to your health. You can follow the diet for 2 weeks, 1 month or even several months, but under no circumstances on a daily basis. Alternating 2 to 3 days a week is completely sufficient. This diet is not a long-term eating plan.
Advantages and disadvantages of the nutritional method
When you think about a single meal a day, the question certainly arises: Is that even healthy? If the OMAD diet is followed correctly and for a short period of time, it is considered safe for health. The biggest advantages of the strict intermittent fasting variant are:
- Lose weight quickly – It has been proven that you can lose weight by starving yourself. The daily calorie requirement is not met, so the body uses more energy than it gets. In this way, the body is pushed into ketosis, which leads to fat burning.
- Ease of implementation - You don't need any special preparation, you don't have to count calories and preparing just one meal per day is less expensive and takes less time than other forms of nutrition.
- Health benefits – theAutophagy is stimulated, blood sugar levels fall, insulin secretion is regulated, which reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Can the OMAD diet be dangerous? The strictest form of intermittent fasting also has certain side effects, especially if you want to stick to the diet for longer. You should expect these disadvantages:
- Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies – Even balanced meals cannot provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients if you only eat once a day.
- Calorie deficit – This makes you tired and sluggish and digestion slows down.
- Yo-yo effect – Radical diets such as the 23:1 principle, which result in rapid weight loss, often lead to the undesirable yo-yo effect.
- Possible side effects include diarrhea, digestive problems, mood swings, headaches and fatigue from low energy intake.
Experiences with the OMAD diet
How much can you actually lose with the OMAD diet? Since this fasting method literally involves starving, you can actually lose a lot - from the last few kilos to a major weight loss of ten kilograms or more. However, experience shows that despite the great success of the diet, a yo-yo effect can quickly set back if you start eating safely after the phase has ended. So wholose weight effectively and healthilyIf you want to, you should gradually incorporate extreme fasting into your diet and not overdo it.
OMAD diet and exercise
Sport and OMAD go perfectly together. If your goal is weight loss, the combination of fasting and exercise provides good results. However, anyone who is into bodybuilding should approach the OMAD diet with caution. Due to a calorie deficit, the body begins to consume energy from the muscles, which can lead to muscle loss in the long term.
Short fasting periods, on the other hand, have a positive effect on building muscle. Fasting releases the growth hormone HGH, which contributes to muscle growth. If you want to promote muscle building, you should try to keep the calorie deficit to a minimum, include vegetables and high-quality proteins in your diet, and enjoy the only meal of the day immediately after training.
What can you eat?
Eat once a day – that is the golden rule of the OMAD diet. But of course what you eat also plays an important role. In principle, you could enjoy a burger and fries, but that doesn't fit with the diet concept. It is important that the meal is healthy and keeps you full for a long time, as you should have enough energy for the remaining 23 hours. Important nutrients must not be missing so that the diet is healthy.
This is what you should eat:
- Proteins – e.g. E.g. meat, eggs, fish, cheese
- Healthy fats – e.g. B. Eggs, oily fish, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds
- Vegetables and fermented foods – e.g. E.g. broccoli, chard, spinach, sauerkraut, kombucha
- Carbohydrates – e.g. B. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, beets, carrots
- Herbs and spices – e.g. E.g. dill, coriander, parsley
What you shouldn't eat:
- Inflammatory foods– including especially refined carbohydrates – e.g. E.g. white flour, pasta, sugar, white rice, artificial trans fats, heavily processed meat products
- Allergenic foods – e.g. E.g. gluten, soy, legumes and lectins
OMAD diet recipes and nutrition plan
Since you can basically eat anything on the OMAD diet, there are no special recipes. To give you an idea of what a single meal can look like, we present two sample menus below. The first is a meal for breakfast and the second is for dinner. Please note that you can only choose one of the two in a day.
Breakfast meal:
- 680 calories: 80 grams of oatmeal (307 calories), prepared with 240 milliliters of milk 2.0% (120 calories), topped with 150 grams of fresh, sliced strawberries (53 calories) and 25 grams of walnuts (200 calories)
- 685 calories: 3-egg omelette (240 calories) with 30 grams of shredded cheddar cheese (220 calories), 30 grams of spinach (7 calories), topped with an avocado (218 calories)
- 467 calories: 125 grams of green beans (50 calories) with 30 grams of grated almonds (172 calories) and a large baked sweet potato with butter (245 calories)
- Total calories: 1,832. Depending on your age, weight, gender and physical activity, you may need more or fewer calories.
Evening meal:
- 880 calories: 300 grams of boneless, skinless chicken breast (429 calories) with 185 grams of quinoa (150 calories) and 180 grams of broccoli (61 calories), sautéed in 2 tablespoons olive oil (240 calories)
- 350 calories: Kale salad with butternut squash, edamame and Fuji apple slices (350 calories)
- 309 calories: 250 grams of lentil soup (169 calories) with 90 grams of roasted Brussels sprouts with parmesan (140 calories)
- 275 calories: 1 medium banana (105 calories) with 40 grams of almonds (170 calories)
- Total calories: 1,814. Depending on your age, weight, gender and physical activity, you may need more or fewer calories.
With these tips, the OMAD diet ensures success
Sticking to the OMAD diet is not easy. If you want to try the nutritional method yourself, you need some preparation first. This makes it easier to persevere and avoids a yo-yo effect.
Start with a gentler fasting method first, such as the 12:12 or5:2 concept. Then switch to OMAD for 2 to a maximum of 3 days per week. After the end, slowly get used to your normal daily diet. This is the only way you can benefit from the positive effects of fasting in the long term.
During the meal window, try to eat as slowly as possible. Stretching out the meal allows you to really enjoy the food and doesn't overwhelm your stomach.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. In this way, the metabolism can be kept going and side effects such as headaches and fatigue are reduced. The recommended amount is 2 to 3 liters per day.
Not sure if the OMAD diet is the right eating method for you? If in doubt, consult your doctor first before starting this diet regimen.
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.