Today we are increasingly striving for a healthy lifestyle. This largely explains why our dining table has nothing in common with the one 10 years ago. After wanting to live longer and in good health, one does not hesitate to research on the Internet and ask Google, “What are the best foods?”, “What are the best diets?” etc. Since there are a variety of diet plans, we offer you an overview of the most popular diets on Google in the following article.
What are the most popular diets on Google? – The Paleo Diet
Have you ever heard of the Stone Age diet? Their principle is very simple: eat like our ancestors! Our genes are not adapted to the current nutritional mode. By reducing the contents of our plates to the essentials, we lose weight.The Paleo Dietexcludes grains, legumes, dairy products, sugar and salt as well as all industrial foods. Rich in protein, fiber, good fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this diet allows you to lose weight naturally without feeling hungry.
The great merit of this lifestyle and diet is that overall health can be significantly improved within a few weeks. The foods that you have to give up on the Paleo diet can be replaced with vegetables and fruit in any quantity, meat, fish, crustaceans, seafood and eggs with a clear conscience. Choose high-quality oils, seeds and nuts. Grains and legumes are replaced with sweet potatoes, bananas, pumpkin, beets and potatoes.
The low carb diet
You have probably already stumbled upon the low-carbohydrate diet, the famous Low Carb? Effective against diabetes, this slimming diet eliminates almost all sugar and carbohydrates from our menu. The low carb diet promotes the healthy and balanced consumption of foods with high nutritional value.
Check out our Low Carb Foods article which will introduce you to the nature of low carb diets and their impact on health.Herediscover valuable nutritional tips and a weekly plan that will be useful for creating your menu.
The most popular diets on the internet – The Fodmap diet
Have you ever heard of Fodmaps? These are a series of indigestible sugars that, according to recent studies, can affect digestion. The Fodmap diet refers to naturally occurring sugars in foods. Highly indigestible, they can ferment and cause stomach pain and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. The Fodmap diet proceeds in two phases: suppression and then progressive reintroduction.
Start by eliminating all Fodmaps from the menu for the first 6 weeks. Then you start to gradually reintegrate them. The first foods to exclude are those rich in polyols, such as apples, apricots, cherries, nectarines. Mushrooms and dairy products are gradually being eliminated. Galactans (lentils, chickpeas, red beans) will be reintroduced first, then fructans (wheat, onions) and finally fructose (honey, fruit).
Flexitarianism is more of a plant-based diet than a diet in the narrowest sense of the word. Flexitarians consume less meat and fish without giving it up completely. This lifestyle is born with the increase in the number of vegetarians worldwide for reasons of health, animal welfare or an ecological approach.
Flexitarianism allows the consumption of all food groups, but with variable frequency. So you can eat grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fat every day, while meat and fish are occasionally on the table. This relatively new trend is not about losing weight, but rather about health benefits and preventing obesity and certain cardiovascular diseases.
The Mediterranean diet
Easy to follow and balanced, laststhe Mediterranean dietBody and mind healthy. The diet is based on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, fish, nuts, olive oil and some red wine. Eating red meat processed foods and sugar is prohibited as part of this diet. The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, olive oil, fiber and polyphenols.
Studies show it reduces cardiovascular risk. Recent studies have found a link between the Mediterranean diet and reduced risk of age-related diseases and stomach cancer. In addition, thanks to its high antioxidant content, the Crete diet reduces stress and the risk of certain chronic diseases.
The Dash Diet Plan
DieDash dietwas called the best diet in the world for preventing high blood pressure without medication in the late 1990s. Rich in vegetables and low in fat and sweets, it is also effective for losing weight. The abbreviation DASH stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop High Blood Pressure”.
Inspired by vegetarian diets, the diet has a preference for fruits, fresh and dried vegetables, seeds and oilseeds, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Foods that should not be consumed include animal proteins, fats and sweets. The number of daily servings is calculated according to the desired goal.
The Gut Health Diet Plan
Did you know that irritable bowel syndrome affects one in five people? IBS is a very common intestinal dysfunction that is responsible for significant discomfort. Some people require medication to control their symptoms, while others resort to diet and lifestyle changes. The intestinal health diet aims to restore balance in the intestines by introducing certain food groups into the diet. With the intestinal diet you can reprogram your intestinal bacteria to be “slim”. The foods that should be eaten are: fermented spices, e.g. B. raw apple cider vinegar, vegetables in brine, kefir, fermented yogurt, grains, dandelion leaves, etc.
Eat gluten-free
Gluten intolerance (celiac disease) is an immunological disease of the intestine that affects the assimilation surface of the digestive tract. This leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Gluten is a series of insoluble proteins found in most grains such as wheat, barley, oats and rye.
Gluten, a gluten protein, is found in flour, bread, pastries, cakes, pizza, pasta, soy sauces, sausages, spices and even some medicines. Celiac disease patients can consume fresh and dried vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, eggs, milk, mushrooms, oilseeds, chestnuts, corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Grains containing gluten can be replaced with starchy foods such as lentils, quinoa, chickpeas, buckwheat and amaranth.
The Sirt diet is considered a metabolism turbo
This is quite an interesting suggestion in our diet list. In contrast to most diets, counting calories is unnecessary here. Chocolate and red wine are also permitted. Good news for everyone who wants to lose weight without giving up the little joys. The Sirt diet plan offers great freedom in food choices and can help you lose up to 3 pounds per week.
The principle of the diet is simple: eat foods rich in sirtuins. Add the following products to the list: chocolate, red wine, nuts, celery, spinach, parsley, red onions, soybeans, strawberries, apples, blueberries, goji berries, dates, green tea and coffee. This nutritional concept is an effective way to lose unwanted pounds while staying healthy.
Intermittent fasting or the 16:8
Intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular. One of the main reasons for this is its simplicity. The main idea of the diet is to abstain from food for a certain period of time. In this case, fasting is carried out for 16 hours (including sleep) and eating can be carried out for 8 hours a day. What matters here is not what you eat, but when you eat. The 16:8 diet puts your metabolism into overdrive. You can lose a kilo a week and develop better resistance to diseases.
Vegetarian diet
Whether you want to shed a few pounds, improve your overall health, or both, you can also try the vegetarian diet. This type of diet is based on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and grains, allows the consumption of milk, cheese, eggs and honey and excludes all animal proteins. To avoid deficiencies, grains can be combined with eggs or dairy products, dried vegetables with a dairy product, or dried vegetables with dried fruits. Eating these food groups promotes satiety and provides enough protein and vitamins.
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.