The seven chakras and their importance for our health

chakra. You may have heard the term in yoga class orseen as a tattoo. The chakras are a complex and ancient energy system that originated in India. They were first mentioned in the Vedas. The Vedas are ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge dating from 1500 to 1000 BC. The word “chakra” means “wheel” in Sanskrit and refers to energy points in the body. These are believed to be energy vortices that should be “open” and in harmony with one another as they correspond to important organs and areas of our body that influence our emotional and physical well-being. Some say there are 114 different chakras, but people usually talk about seven main chakras that run along the spine. Each of these seven chakras has a corresponding number, name, color, specific area of ​​the body, and health focus. So what should you know about the chakras? We will tell you the meaning and properties of the seven chakras.

The root chakra (Muladharain Sanskrit)

Lage: The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the spine, at the tailbone.
Meaning: The name Muladhara is made up of the wordsFromandAdharatogether, meaning “root” and “support”. The root chakra represents connection to the earth and represents our instinct for survival. For us in this day and age, this usually means financial and emotional security.

Do you have a stable job, a roof over your head and enough food on the table? Do you feel safe and secure in your life now? Your 1st chakra is balanced when your basic needs are met and the basis for a healthy physical and psychological condition has been laid.

Color: Rot
Element: Earth
Heilsteine: All red or red-brown colored stones, e.g. B. Ruby, garnet and red jasper, hematite + black onyx
gland: adrenal gland
Body parts: legs, feet, bones, colon, teeth
Ton: Lam

When is the root chakra overactive?An overactive root chakra causes fear and nervousness or even nightmares. Why? Because fear ensures survival. Physically, hyperactivity can lead to digestive problems, back pain, sciatica, hip pain, weight problems and varicose veins.

How can you clear blockages in the root chakra?You can strengthen this chakra by reconnecting with the earth and spending more time outside in nature. Activities like gardening, walking barefoot, swimming, or even playing in fall leaves can activate your root chakra.

Yoga poses that activate it: Wide spread forward bend (Prasarita Padottanasana), deep squat (Malasana), mountain pose (Tadasana)

Essential Oils for Root Chakra:A foot massage is a great way to harmonize the root chakra and give you a feeling of groundedness and stability.nutmegactivates a weak root chakra whilePatchouliandVetivercalming an overactive chakra. Choose a balancing essential oil such as:Bergamotto support a smoothly functioning root chakra.

The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

Lage: Above the pubic bone and about a hand's breadth below the belly button
Meaning: The sacral chakra is the second of the seven chakras and represents our creative power, our sensuality and healthy relationships with others. Svadhisthana translates as “the abode of the self”/ “my own sweet abode”.

When your sacral chakra is open and balanced, you are likely to feel great: happy, friendly, optimistic, passionate and full of life. You will enjoy all the pleasant things that life has to offer.

Color: Orange
Element: Water
Heilsteine: All orange colored stones, e.g. E.g. carnelian, tiger eye, sunstone, topaz
gland: Gonaden
Body parts: uterus, testicles, kidney, bladder, lower back
Ton: To you

If your sacral chakra is blocked:If you are not feeling creatively inspired or have emotional instability, your sacral chakra may not be open. The sacral chakra is often overactive when we face things like addiction and gluttony. Emotional symptoms often include fear of intimacy and change, depression,decreased sex driveor addiction-like behaviors such as obesity or anorexia. Problems with the sacral chakra manifest themselves physically as diseases of the uterus and ovaries, prostate and testicular diseases, erectile dysfunction, fungal diseases of the genital organs, kidney diseases, bladder problems, urinary tract infections, etc.

How to stimulate the sacral chakra?By honoring your body and expressing yourself creatively, you keep the wheels of energy moving and open.Just enjoy lifeand everything that is fun. Develop a new relationship with sensuality and liveliness through dance, creativity and sociability.

Activate the sacral chakra through yoga: Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana), Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana), Warrior II

Essential Oils for Your Sacral Chakra:The sacral chakra, which influences your sensuality, benefits from a lower back massage. Spicy essentialCardamom oilawakens an underactive sacral chakra whileYlang Ylang and Nerolicalming an overactive sacral chakra.Bitter orange and sandalwoodensure that the sacral chakra continues to function well.

The navel chakra (Manipura)

Lage: From the navel to the chest, it supposedly regulates everything that has to do with metabolism, digestion and the stomach.
Meaning: With its Sanskrit name Manipura meaning “radiant jewel,” the third chakra is said to be your source of personal power. It's about your self-esteem and control over your life.

When your 3rd chakra is balanced, you will feel a sense of self-confidence, determination, and personal power.

Color: Gelb
Element: Feuer
Heilsteine: All yellow colored stones, e.g. B. Citrine, pyrite, amber
gland: pancreas
Body parts: digestive system, liver, gallbladder, muscles
Ton: Ram

If it is blocked: With an underactive navel chakra, you may suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and be hypersensitive to criticism. If you have hyperactivity, you may have problems with anger or aggression, as well as exhibit an obsession with power and a lack of compassion or empathy. Physically, the navel chakra can be disturbedin the form of abdominal pain, such as digestive problems or flatulence, stomach ulcers or even diabetes.

How to stimulate the navel chakra?Increase your self-esteem and your confidence in your own power. Make a list of things you are good at to energize your navel chakra. After all, everyone has talents and abilities.

Yoga pose that activates it:The Boat (Navasana), Twists, Warrior III

Essential oils for navel chakra:A gentle abdominal massage has a positive effect on the navel chakra. TurnEucalyptusandJuniper berriesto activate the solar plexus, andVetiverorImmortelle (Helichrysum)for reassurance. Good balancing oils for an already well-balanced navel chakra are grapefruit and lemon.

The heart chakra (Yesterday)

Lage: In the center of the chest, includes the heart, thymus (which plays an important role in your endocrine and lymphatic systems), and lungs.
Meaning: As the central chakra, the fourth chakra represents the place where the physical and spiritual chakras meet. The heart chakra is all about your ability to love and be loved. It governs your relationships, your compassion and your sense of unity towards those around you.

When the heart chakra is open and balanced, love and compassion flow freely - this applies to both giving and receiving. Do you feel bitter about too many bad relationships? Too afraid to love, or perhaps you don't feel worthy of love? Do you have a lot of negative feelings towards those who have wronged you in the past? If so, you may be having problems with your heart chakra.

Color: Green and pink
Element: Luft
Heilsteine: All green or light pink stones, e.g. B. Jade, rose quartz and malachite
gland: Thymusdrüse
Body parts: lungs, heart, arms, hands
Ton: Yam

If it is blocked: A closed heart chakra can give rise to sadness, anger, jealousy, self-sacrifice, neediness, fear of betrayal, and hatred of self and others - especially in the form of resentment toward something or someone. Holding on to negative feelings cuts you off from opportunities for love. Physically, a blockage can manifest itself in high blood pressure, heart and lung diseases, asthma and allergies.

How to balance the heart chakra?Everything starts with loving yourself. Balancing your fourth chakra means taking the love you have given to others and refocusing some of it on yourself. Show appreciation for yourself and give yourself the love you want others to give you. Then spread that compassion to the people around you. To strengthen the heart chakra, do at least one day a weekSelf-pampering programs. Take a relaxing bath or treat yourself to a massage.

Yoga pose that activates it:Back bends, reverse plank, upward facing dog

Essential Oils for Heart Chakra:This emotional center benefits easily from a pleasant scented oil such as rose and jasmine applied to the breastbone or massaged into the mid-back area. EtherealPalmarosa beeropens the heart chakra whileLavenderandmarjoramcalm it down. Regular applications of essentialGeraniumölstrengthen the well-functioning heart chakra.

The throat or throat chakra (Vishuddha)

Lage: The name suggests it purely anatomically, the throat chakra is connected to the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, throat, mouth, tongue and larynx.
Meaning: Do you have zero problem saying how you feel? The throat chakra is about your communication skills and sense of self-expression. The Sanskrit name “Vishuddha” means something like completely cleansed, purified, clear, pure. It is the first of the three purely spiritual chakras (as opposed to the lower ones, which manifest more physically).

When your throat chakra is balanced, you can speak the truth clearly. You know exactly which words are appropriate for each situation and can listen fully as well as speak and express yourself clearly.

Color: Blau
Element: Klang
Heilsteine: All blue stones, e.g. lapis lazuli, aquamarine, kyanite, turquoise
gland: thyroid, parathyroid glands
Body parts: neck, neck, shoulders, jaw and mouth
Ton: Ham

If it is blocked: Not only do you find it difficult to express your emotions or fear being judged by others - which can further hinder your ability to tell the truth. You are also not an active listener and are constantly misunderstood. When the throat chakra is overactive, one speaks harshly, is overly critical of others, and shouts a lot. Physically, this blockage can manifest itself in sore throats, thyroid problems, stiff neck and shoulders or tension headaches.

How to heal the throat chakra?Learn exercises that open your voice to communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly. A good way to resolve blockages is daily training in conversation.

Yoga poses that activate it:The Fish (Matsyasana), The Plow (Halasana), The Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

Essential oils for throat chakra:A body spray applied to the chest and neck area is a good way to positively influence your throat chakra or your ability to express yourself and communicate. Apply essentialLemon oilto open a blocked throat chakra, andVanilla or Roman chamomileto calm it down. Coriander oil supports a healthy throat chakra.

The Brow Chakra – The Third Eye (Any)

Lage: The 6th chakra is located between the eyebrows and includes the pituitary gland, eyes, head and cerebellum.
Meaning: It is the chakra that almost everyone knows. The third eye is considered a place of intuition and allows you to see through all illusions. And it's not just about spiritual vision, but also about your imagination and creative visualization skills.

Those who have a balanced forehead chakra have an active imagination, clear thoughts and a sharp mind, a good sense of direction and are very intuitive. One has the ability to see beyond the physical and develops the so-called sixth sense.

Color: Indigo
Element: Licht
Heilsteine: All dark blue or indigo colored stones, e.g. amethyst, sodalite, cordierite, lazulite, sapphire, spinel
gland: pineal gland
Body parts: eyes, ears, sinuses, ears and lower brain
Ton: About

If it is blocked:You may have difficulty accessing your intuition, trusting your inner voice, remembering important facts, or learning new skills. You worry and are unable to plan your future. And if your lower chakras are imbalanced, your third eye is probably blocked too. Third eye blockage is associated with a variety of problems including depression, anxiety, poor judgment, poor imagination, lack of concentration and memory problems. Physical symptoms include headaches, dizziness, sleep problems, diseases of the ears, eyes and nervous system.

How to open the third eye?To fill the forehead chakra with energy, you should focus on letting go and living in the “here and now”. It is important to create a channel for emotions and intuition. Ways to open the third eye include targeted forehead chakra meditation, the use of healing stones, and aromatherapy.

Yoga poses that activate it:Das Kind (Balasana), der Delfin (Shishumarasana), der Adler (Garudasana)

Essential oils for forehead chakra:The visionary, consciousness-enhancing forehead chakra can be influenced with a fragrance oil applied to the forehead or through simple diffusion and inhalation.Rosemary beeropens a sleeping third eye whileReal chamomilethis visionary chakra stabilizes and focuses.incenseorsandalwoodare a good choice for strengthening an open and balanced chakra.

The crown chakra (Sahasrara)

Lage: Highest point of the head
Meaning: The Crown Chakra is one of those energies that are difficult to explain. Known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara or the “Thousand-petalled Lotus Flower” chakra, the Crown Chakra is the center of enlightenment and represents our spiritual connection to our higher self, others and the divine. It is the gateway to the universe.

A balanced crown chakra is the goal of every spiritual path. You can think of it as the Buddhist concept of achieving Nirvana.

Color: Violet to white
Element: No
Heilsteine: Any purple or white crystals, e.g. selenite, white quartz, lepidolite
gland: Pituitary gland
Body parts: Upper brain and nervous system
Ton: No

If it is blocked:A blockage of the crown chakra can create feelings of isolation or inner emptiness - essentially feelings of depression and alienation. Physically, a blockage manifests itself in difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

In contrast to the other chakras, the crown chakra is often only fully opened through special yogic or meditative exercises or at certain times. But perhaps you can get a taste of it through daily practices—from meditation, prayer, to moments of silence and gratitude—to experience these moments of spiritual connection.

Yoga poses that activate it:Headstand, the Tree (Vrikshasana), Savasana

Essential Oils for Crown Chakra:An aroma diffuser that spreads pleasant scents throughout the room is the best way to activate the highly sensitive crown chakra. The spicy-sweet onesLavandinandRosenholzstimulate a weak crown chakra whileNeroliorVanillahave a calming effect.incensehelps to support a harmoniously vibrating crown chakra.

The seven chakras should be in harmony so that you are healthy and feel good

While each chakra has its own characteristics, all seven chakras are believed to function as a system. This means that if one is disrupted, it affects the rest. So if you have signs of multiple blocked chakras, just know that this is completely normal - and any good yoga class or healer will work to balance them all so that the prana energy flows from head to head without blockages and interference foot can flow.