What can be used as a milk substitute for coffee and how do such alternatives affect the body? Find out more about it in this post!
For a large number of people, cow's milk is considered a staple in their diet, but would milk substitute for coffee actually be better? Animal milk is usually added to the stimulant in the morning as a popular ingredient. However, for those who cannot drink milk due to lactose intolerance, personal preferences, dietary restrictions, or allergies, there are alternative options. If you also want or need to avoid cow's milk, you can consider the following dairy-free products.
When would milk substitute for coffee make sense?
In addition to the reasons mentioned above, one canhealthy dietary changesplant-based milk substitutes have some benefits for the body. However, before taking this important step, it is important to know why animal milk is not an option for some. Here are some of the possible reasons for this:
- Milk Allergy – Cow's milk causes an allergic reaction in approximately 2-3% of children under the age of three. This can cause a range of symptoms, such as vomiting, rashes, diarrhea and even anaphylaxis. However, by their teenage years, approximately 80% of children overcome milk allergy.
- Lactose intolerance – Milk sugar or so-called lactose is also intolerable for a large part of the world's population. The reason for this is that many people lack an enzyme called lactase, which digests milk sugars.
- Restricted diet – In addition to health reasons, there are also cultural and ethical reasons for avoiding animal milk products. For example, vegans also exclude foods of animal origin such as cow's milk from their diet.
- Suspicion of potential health risks - Because some people are afraid of pollutants such as pesticides, hormones and antibiotics, they also do not consume cow's milk.
What should you pay attention to when switching to milk substitutes?
Today there are a variety of plant-based alternatives to animal-based foods, although not all of them are as nutritious as they should be. Additionally, it is important to clarify that there are many milk alternatives on the market and their nutritional value may vary. Most of them have a lower protein and calorie content than cow's milk, although not all of them contain calcium. In many milk substitute products it is also usedadded sugar, which is why you should definitely read the labels if you avoid fresh milk. When you look at the label for dairy-free products, you should pay attention to the nutritional information. It's best to look for alternatives that:
- 🥛 have a protein content similar to cow's milk with approximately 3 g per 100 ml;
- 🥛 have more than 100 mg per 100 ml of added calcium;
- 🥛 are unsweetened and have no added sugar.
The good news is that there are enough high-quality and healthy options to be found as a milk substitute for coffee or other diets. Here are some of the best of them that are suitable as part of a healthy and dairy-free daily menu.
Choose classic soy milk as a milk substitute for coffee
In terms of nutrients, soy milk is closest to cow's milk, with a higher protein content than other milk substitutes. This variant is also rich in fiber, although most manufacturers add calcium. In addition, soy milk is made from whole soybeans or from soy protein and often contains thickeners and vegetable oils that improve the taste and texture of the product.
A suitable milk substitute for coffee, soy milk has a mild and creamy taste but contains about half the calories, fat and carbohydrates. Soy milk is therefore considered one of the few plant-based protein sources that provides all the amino acids the body needs. Although daily consumption of such milk substitutes is controversial, moderate consumption should be safe.
Consider nut milks such as cashew, macadamia, or almond milk
Typically, the amount of nuts in nut milk varies, with some products containing around 2-3% and having low protein levels. Compared to soy and cow's milk, nut milk is also lower in energy and is generally sweetened or has no added calcium. Nevertheless, almond milk is healthy and is made from whole almonds or almond butter and water. It is slightly sweet and aromatic, as well as low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. Additionally, almond milk contains phytic acid, which can limit the body's absorption of zinc, iron, and calcium. However, it is a natural source of vitamin E, as well as antioxidants that protect the body from pathogenic substances such as free radicals.
In recent years, macadamia milk has also become popular on the market as a milk substitute for coffee or other types of milk. It has a richer, smoother and creamier taste than most animal milk products and contains a third of the calories and about half the fat of cow's milk. This milk substitute is also lower in protein and carbohydrates, but at 3.8 grams per cup it is a healthy source of monounsaturated fats. This helps improve bad cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
As for cashew milk as an alternative nut milk, it is equally popular and has a sweet, subtle taste. As a milk substitute, it contains less than a third of the calories of cow's milk, half the fat and significantly less protein and carbohydrates. Due to its low protein content, cashew milk may not be the best option for people with high protein needs. However, at just 25-50 calories per cup, unsweetened cashew milk is a great, low-calorie option for anyone looking to reduce their overall daily calorie intake. These variants are therefore also suitable for people with diabetes and are easy to make.
Healthy milk substitute for coffee made from seeds such as quinoa or hemp
Another new product on the market is the milk product made from quinoa, which is considered a superfood. Although it is still slightly more expensive than the alternatives, quinoa milk tastes light and has a distinct sweet-nutty flavor, making it a suitable complement to coffee orBreakfast like oatmealmight. In addition, quinoa milk contains a moderate number of protein, calories and carbohydrates compared to other dairy products. This makes it a recommended option for vegans and vegetarians, as quinoa contains high-quality protein.
Hemp milk is another healthy milk substitute for coffee that has a thin and watery consistency. Its taste is just as sweet and aromatic, with few calories and carbohydrates. Hemp milk is just as suitable for vegans and vegetarians because it is a good source of high-quality protein and essential fatty acids.
Consider other options such as oat milk, rice milk and coconut milk
- In general, coconut milk is low in protein and energy, with most such milk substitutes containing no added calcium. Some of them also contain more saturated or unhealthy fat than others.
- As for rice milk, it is also typically low in protein and fat, but contains a lot of natural sugars and usually has calcium added. In most cases it has the same calorie content as regular fresh milk.
- The fat content of oat milk is just as low, although it is also a moderately protein-rich milk substitute for coffee or other foods. Oat milk also usually does not contain any calcium.
Final Thoughts on Milk Substitute for Coffee
The information listed here is a general summary of dairy-free products. In general, variants such as coconut or nut milk, as products low in protein, energy and calcium, are not suitable for children under 5 years of age. For this reason, it is important to always pay attention to the nutritional information on the label when choosing such a product for your family. Typically, even homemade alternatives to fresh milk contain very little calcium. With so many to choose from, finding the best milk substitute for coffee could be a challenge. Hopefully, with the help of this post, you were able to get a better idea to make the best possible choice for yourself and those around you.