Why are sprouts healthy and why is it recommended to integrate this superfood into your diet

Everyone probably knows that sprouts are healthy, because these little green plants are a treasure trove of nutrients. There are many different types of sprouts, and each offers unique benefits as well as delicious flavors that enhance the taste of many dishes.

In general, sprouts are healthy for the following reasons:

They are more nutritious:Have you ever wondered how an acorn can grow into a giant oak tree? Nature is magnificent, and one of its greatest magics is its ability to compress life into the size of a seed. Every bean and grain has the potential to become a fully developed plant because it contains all the nutrients it needs to grow. That's why they areSeeds nutritious by default, but the important vitamins and minerals it contains are bound and are only released when the seed is soaked and a new plant begins to grow from it. So to get the most nutrients from a seed, you have to germinate it, but you have to consume it before it becomes a real plant. Some sprouts can provide ten times more nutrients than seeds.

They are easy to digest:The chemicals that bind the nutrients in the seedsdisrupt digestion. Even if they are well cooked, they can cause stomach pain and other similar problems. Sprouts, on the other hand, are free of these unpleasant substances, so the body can easily process them. Even people with chronic digestive problems can safely eat some types of sprouts.

They are rich in antioxidants:All sprouted seeds, grains, nuts andLegumes contain large quantitiesof various antioxidants. That's why they protect your body from the biggest danger we are exposed to every day - free radicals. The damage caused by these particles is invisible, but they affect every cell in your body, weakening you from the inside out and accelerating the aging process.

Types of sprouts that can help you eat healthily

Bean Sprouts: Cell DNA Repair and Maintenance

Bean sprouts are rich in folic acid, vitamin C and protein. Vitamin C is one of the strongest and most effective antioxidants, and folate affects the synthesis, repair and maintenance of cellular DNA. Therefore, this nutrient is essential for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Lentil sprouts: An excellent source of protein

All types of sprouts contain large amounts of protein, but lentils are the clear leader among them. They are also extremely low in calories and are therefore an ideal addition to any diet and weight loss program. If you are vegan, you should definitely include them in your diet as you cannot get these important nutrients from animal sources. Sprouted lentils are also rich in thiamine, manganese, copper, iron and vitamin C.

Alfalfa: Strengthens bone strength

Some types of sprouts have significantly increased vitamin content compared to the original seed, but alfalfa falls into the opposite category. These sprouts are one of the best plant sources forbone-forming minerals, calcium and magnesium. They also contain a lot of potassium, which is essential for muscle health.

These sprouts should be eaten raw as the nutrients they contain are unstable and decompose when cooked. They taste very tasty and crunchy, so they are often added to salads and sandwiches. Fresh alfalfa sprouts can be stored in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Many of alfalfa's health benefits are related to its ability to influence the production of certain hormones. If yousuffer from a hormonal disorder, you should consult a doctor before adding this plant to your diet.

Mung bean sprouts are healthy for people with gluten allergies

Mung beans produce edible sprouts that are crunchy and taste nutty. These sprouts are hearty enough to be pan-fried, but are also often used raw in salads and on sandwiches. Mung bean sprouts are low in calories, contain fiber and B vitamins and provide a boost of vitamins C and K. They are suitable forPeople with gluten allergyand celiac disease.

Radish seeds: help for the liver

Germinated radish seeds are definitely one of the sprouts that receive an extra portion of vitamins. However, the most important health benefit is their ability to help break down bilirubin. They are an invaluable health aid for people suffering from jaundice or its consequences. Radish sprouts generally help improve liver and gallbladder function. They also reduce the risk of developing gallstones. Women should consume them regularly during menopause as these foods relieve the unpleasant symptoms.

That's why broccoli sprouts are healthy - cancer prevention

Over the past decade, many laboratories and research centers have begun studying the unique chemical compounds in broccoli seeds and their effects on cancer cells. There is no cure for this deadly disease, but broccoli sprouts contain large amounts of glucoraphanin. This is a precursor compound of sulforaphane, an element that has been proven to increase the body's resistance to cancer-causing substances. Broccoli also contains these elements, but in much smaller doses. Researchers say that one can be at least two kilogramsConsume broccoli dailyshould to reduce the risk of cancer with some success. However, the concentration of these elements in sprouts is so high that you would only need to eat between 10 and 100 grams of them per day to achieve the same results.

Wheatgrass: Thyroid protection

The health benefits of wheatgrass are too numerous to list. Wheatgrass sprouts are something everyone should consume. This unassuming grass is delicious and literally packed with easily digestible nutrients. Making sprout juice gives you an antioxidant cocktail. This is so strong that it effectively reduces the dangerous effects of radiation. These sprouts even help normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is severely affected by any form of radiation.