According to researchers, slightly increased amounts through daily protein intake could increase height by one centimeter when growing. Just seven grams above the recommended daily amount ensures faster bone and muscle growth in children. However, the study conducted by nutritionists at the University of Bonn also shows that men do not benefit from increased protein intake given their adult size. Young women, on the other hand, often see it as problematic if their height significantly exceeds 1.80 meters. During growth, a protein intake adapted to the recommendations can even result in a reduction of a few centimeters.
Next tocarbohydrates and fatsProtein is one of the three macronutrients required for optimal health. In addition, regular protein intake supports the growth and repair of tissue and has a health-promoting effect on the body. Protein also strengthens the immune system and, according to the study authors, can help some children grow taller.
The average height of women in Western countries is between 156 and 163 cm. Previous analyzes of biometric data on teenagers show that the world's tallest men are Dutch, while the tallest women are from Latvia. The current study results suggest that although increasing daily protein intake has no influence on the height of boys and young men, such a connection does exist for girls. In addition, 7 grams could be moreProtein am Tagbe the key to faster height growth.
How the study was conducted
According to one of the study authors, Prof. Dr. Thomas Remer, this research demonstrated for the first time the anabolic potency of the essential nutrient protein. This came after the scientists examined detailed nutritional data over a period from ages 3 to 17. The researchers recorded protein intake from dietary surveys and by measuring nitrogen excreted in urea. The researchers collected urine samples every 24 hours and took specific height measurements in children and adolescents starting at age three. In total, they examined 189 healthy girls and boys.
While daily protein intake had no influence on height among boys and young men due to a small increase, there was a clear connection among girls. According to the scientists' calculations, an average increase of around seven grams of protein per day in excess of the recommendations leads to an average increase in height of one centimeter. “If no increase in height is desired, girls and women at a young age can even achieve a reduction in their future adult height by a few centimeters by adjusting their protein intake to the recommendations, i.e. not increasing their protein intake unnecessarily,” says Remer.
Daily protein intake and interactions with sex hormones in boys
According to the data, even when the amounts of protein are significantly higher than required, the nutrient still has significant growth-promoting effects in girls. ThisChanges in the body in womendo not appear to play a relevant role in boys with protein intake above requirements. Apparently, significantly stronger effects of sex hormones, including testosterone, on the growth hormone axis leave less room for an additional anabolic nutritional effect from protein. In principle, protein intake should not be significantly higher than the recommendations. For example, 48 grams per day is normal for 15- to 17-year-old female adolescents, the researchers said.
In reality, for many children, the daily protein intake is significantly higher. In some cases it exceeds the recommended daily amount by 1.7 to 2 times. According to Prof. Remer, possible long-term consequences of a correspondingly high protein intake have not yet been “satisfactorily investigated”. The authors were only able to do this for bone stabilitythis studyPrevious research has observed positive associations with increased protein intake. This applied as long as the fruit and vegetable intake was not too low and therefore the dietary acid load was not too high.