Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, plays many important roles in the body. In particular, it is the key to maintaining a strong immune system to prevent infections and fight disease. Vitamin C is also responsible for the growth and regeneration of tissue throughout the body. It supports theFormation of collagen, which is needed for healthy connective tissue and wound healing. The body also needs vitamin C to form bones and cartilage. It improves the absorption of iron and is also necessary for the production of certain neurotransmitters and for protein metabolism. Which foods contain a lot of vitamin C? We have put together a list of TOP vitamin C suppliers for you.
How much vitamin C per day?
Since it is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be stored by the body, daily intake is important. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the recommended daily dose of vitamin C for adults is:an average of 100 milligrams.
The daily vitamin C requirement by age and gender:
Infants, babies and children up to 4 years old – 20 mg
Children between 4 and 7 years old – 30 mg
Children between 7 and 10 years – 45 mg
Children between 10 and 13 years old – 65 mg
Adolescents between 13 and 15 years old – 85 mg
Girls between 15 and 19 years old – 90 mg
Boys between 15 and 19 years old – 105 mg
Women 19 years and older – 95 mg
Men 19 years and older – 110 mg
Pregnant women from 4 months – 105 mg
Breastfeeding – 125 mg
Female smokers – 135 mg
Smokers – 155 mg
If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you're probably getting enough vitamin C. But if you're not sure, it might help to incorporate one of these foods high in vitamin C into your daily diet.
Tipp:Eat foods rich in vitamin C as fresh as possible, as vitamins and nutrients are quickly lost during cooking. An exception is cabbage. Find out more about it below.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and are consideredespecially in winteras the epitome of the vitamin bomb. But they are not at the top of the list of vitamin C-rich foods. 100 g of lemon only provides 53 mg of vitamin C. For comparison:The highest content of vitamin CThe camu camu berries have 2000 mg and the acerola cherries: 1300-1700 mg per 100 g. These foods are rather exotic to us.
Oranges and orange juice
200 ml of orange juice contains 100 milligrams of vitamin C. So you only need one glass of orange juice to cover your daily requirement for healthy vitamins. Oranges and orange juice are also good sources of potassium, folate, lutein and vitamin A. Eat whole oranges if you want to get more fiber, as this is missing from juice.
Grapefruits are related to oranges, so it's no surprise that they're also high in vitamin C.Half a grapefruit contains 45 mg Vitamin C, plus fiber, potassium and plenty of vitamin A. A grapefruit only has around 40 calories and is a real slimming agent.
A medium-sized kiwi contains about 71 mg of vitamin C. So it is enough to eat 2 kiwis to meet your daily requirement. Kiwis are also high in potassium and fiber but low in calories. One kiwi has around 40 calories. The kiwi tastes great alone or in combination with other fruits and nuts in a healthy fruit salad.
100 GrammBlackcurrants (Ribes nigrum)contain 177 mg of vitamin C or cover 170% of the daily requirement. The antioxidant flavonoids known as anthocyanins give them their rich, dark color. Studies have shown that diets high in antioxidants such as vitamin C and anthocyanins can reduce oxidative cell damage associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
Regardless of whether they are red, green, orange or yellow: peppers contain a particularly high amount of vitamin C. However, red peppers are ahead when it comes to vitamin C content. Flavonoids and carotenes are also present in peppers. If you like spicy food, you can also use chilies. Contains approximately 240 mg/100 gthe green chili peppersthree times as much vitamin C as citrus fruits.
Root Peppershave a significantly higher vitamin C content than the green and yellow varieties. 100 g of raw red peppers provide around 100-120 mg of vitamin C and only have 28 calories. Red peppers also contain a lot of fiber, vitamin A and several B vitamins. A medium sized onegreen peppercontains 95 milligrams of vitamin C and only 24 calories. Green peppers also provide 8% of the daily requirement of vitamins A and K and 15% of vitamin B6. You can add sweet peppers to a salad, serve them in a dip, or use them as an ingredient in various dishes. Red peppers contain quite a bit of vitamin C even after cooking, making them a good addition to sauces and stews.
Strawberries are sweet, juicy and rich in vitamin C.100 g strawberries contain 58.8 mg vitamin Cand are also a good source of fiber and folic acid as well as potassium and magnesium. A handful of strawberries is a healthy snack between meals and is also ideal with oatmeal and yoghurt for breakfast.
There are 89.2 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of broccoli. Broccoli is also an excellent source of calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamins A and K and many antioxidants. Just make sure that depending on the cooking method, the amount of vitamin C is reduced. To ensure that most of the vitamins and other nutrients are retained, it is best to cook the broccoli florets gently.
Brussels sprouts
Stick in Brussels sprouts85 mg Vitamin C pro 100 Gramm. Even after cooking, one cup provides more than the daily requirement of the healthy vitamin. The vegetable is also rich in vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. Brussels sprouts are typically blanched and served as a side dish, but you can also slice raw Brussels sprouts and use them in salad and slaw recipes.
Fresh thyme contains three times more vitamin C than oranges and has one of the highest vitamin C levels of all culinary herbs. 28 grams of fresh thyme provides 45 mg of vitamin C, which is 55% of the recommended daily requirement. Even sprinkling just 1 – 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme over a casserole or soup will add 4 – 8 mg of vitamin C to your diet.
Parsley contains 133 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.Sprinkling two tablespoons (8 grams) of fresh parsley over your dishes adds 10 mg of vitamin C, which helps increase iron absorption.
Parsley, along with other leafy vegetables, is a significant source of plant-based iron, also known as non-heme iron. A two-month study found that vegetarians (and vegans) in particular can benefit from a higher vitamin C intake. Participants took 500 mg of vitamin C twice daily with their meals. At the end of the study, their iron levels had increased by 17%, hemoglobin by 8% and ferritin, a storage form of iron, by 12%.
Kale contains 120 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. It also provides high amounts of vitamin K and the carotenoidsLutein and zeaxanthin. While cooking these vegetables, the vitamin C content is also reduced. One cup of cooked kale contains 53 mg of vitamin C. However, one study found that boiling, frying, or steaming leafy greens helps release more antioxidants. These powerful antioxidants can help reduce chronic inflammatory diseases.
Cooked cabbage
Although cooking typically reduces the amount of vitamin C in most other fruits and vegetables, cabbage is different in this regard. The Federal Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organizations (BVEO) points out that cooked cabbage contains significantly more vitamin C(60 mg/100 g)than in its raw state. The reason: In cabbage vegetables, vitamin C is only released when heated. However, it breaks down again if it is cooked for too long.
Tomato juice
A raw tomato is not a bad source of vitamin C and even contains around 20 mg. Sun-dried tomatoes also contain 39.2 mg of vitamin C. As tomato juice, however, the amount of healthy vitamin is more concentrated. A glassTomato juice (200 ml) contains more than 120 mg. It is also rich in vitamin A and lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for the heart.
Cauliflower is crunchy, delicious and is on the list of foods richest in vitamin C.100 g of raw cauliflower contains 48.2 mg of vitamin C. Cauliflower also provides lots of fiber, calcium, potassium, folic acid and vitamin K and antioxidants. Serve raw cauliflower with a salad or with a light veggie dip. Here we have a recipe fora vegan herb yogurt dippresented.
Sugar melons are a sweet refreshment, especially on hot summer days. We have already told you the most popular types of melon and their benefitssummarized in this article. 200 g of diced cantaloupe contains 74 mg of vitamin C, plus plenty of potassium, niacin and vitamin A. It is also low in calories at 54 calories per 100 g. Eat cantaloupes as a sweet snack or combine them with fruits and other melons for delicious and healthy fruit salads.
Pineapple is a real vitamin bomb.100 g of pineapple contains around 47.8 mg of vitamin Cand 50 calories. It is also a good source of vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and fiber. Serve fresh raw pineapple slices as a snack or dessert. Pineapple is also a tasty addition to tropical fruit smoothies. If you want to supply your skin with vitamin C, you can also apply pineapple puree as a face mask and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
Potatoes are known for their potassium content, but they also have a high content of vitamin C. In 100g of cooked potatoes there is about13-17 mgcontain. Potatoes are also a good source of niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, iron and magnesium. If potatoes are cooked and eaten with their skins on, significantly more fiber ends up on the plate. Serve baked potatoes with healthy sides like broccoli, tomato salsa, or a dollop of sour cream. Potatoes can also be fried, sautéed or mashed.