Save the versed food: With these tricks you can neutralize salt in salad, meat, soup and Co.

You can be the biggest hobby chef, sooner or later it happens to everyone: the food is salt! Many chefs salt the soup and if the dilemma happened to you during the holidays, you should not despair. There are still a few tricks on how to save your food without having to throw away everything and start new. We have summarized how you can save salted food, be it soup, sauce, salad or another treat.

Useful tricks for the kitchen: How to save dishes with too much salt

There are various ingredients and products that can neutralize salt in a natural way. However, not every one of them works for every dish. For example, soups can be diluted, i.e. stretching with water, but they do not save a salted minced meat in this way. So when does what work?

You can do that with sauces, soups and stews

The consistencies in these dishes are very similar, so you can use the same methods here. You can do the following if too much salt in the soup, sauce or indelicious stewHas spoiled the mood:

What neutralizes salt - stretch the dish

Tracks means nothing other than adding flavors, i.e. to dilute the food. Not only water, but also cream or milk as well as coconut milk, butter or sour cream is suitable for this, if that fits the court. Who avegan courtWant to stretch, can also take soy, oat or rice drinks instead.

Do not add too much at once, because that would quickly influence the thickness and you would have to thicken. If you have exaggerated it with the amount and if the food taste too sober, season if necessary (but please no longer with the salt, but with the other spices). If the sauce is too salty, dilute it first andPick themwith cornstarch.

Eating salt: neutralize with potatoes!

An old trick that our grandmothers already used in such misfortunes is the potato as a neutralizer. You only need one potato. Grate them into the saucepan so that you can save your versed salt food. Let the potatoes boil for about 10 minutes. During this time, she takes part of the salt and neutralizes the court in this way. Then you can take the pieces out of the meal with a sieve. This is practical, for example, if you want to save a salted salt scene sauce.

However, if youCooking soups, it will be difficult to remove the excess potato (if it is not an ingredient anyway, because in this case it can simply stay in). Depending on what your dish contains, you can also choose other neutralizers that fit better. Are suitable:

  • Pasta
  • Reis
  • Any vegetables (especially carrots)
  • Backpflaumen

Only the co-cooking time may have to be extended to 15 minutes.

Meat is salted - what to do?

Not justYou can wash raw meat directlyAnd then salt new. You can also proceed with fried. Of course, additional flavors that have been added by the roast are also lost. However, the loss is acceptable and still better than throwing everything away. If necessary, you can season a little and fry again for a short time.

When it comes to minced meat, keep in mind that salts are always lost when roasting or cooking. So it may well be that their boules are not salty in the end. To be on the safe side, you can also add some cream and butter to the raw hack or mustard. It is also possible to stretch with breadcrumbs (At fricadellesAnd Co. Caution with the crowd, because if you are too much, you will fall later when roasting) or soaked white bread and grated potato.

Or add some water to the meat mixture. The meat ends again when roasting - together with the salt. You can then skim this comfortably.

Dressings, marinades and dips neutralize with sweetness

A hint of sweetness is always a great idea with these treats. So how practical that you can save this type of salted food byHoney used! It is important that you always add very small quantities to it, so that it does not suddenly become too sweet in the end. In any case, the sweetness is a super neutralizer for salty and can also be added to other dishes, which also gives you a certain piquant note.

Has it become too much of a good thing? You can compensate for too much sweetness with an acid: vinegar, white wine or citric acid, for example.

Salate salad - what do you do to neutralize the salt in the food?

You now know how to save cooked, salted food and meat. But what about the fresh salad? Take part of the salad out of the bowl, put it in a sieve and rinse it. After everything has dripped well (possibly also add to the salad linger), add it back to the salad bowl. The milk already mentioned can also be used in small quantities or vinegar (balsamic vinegar, for example), depending on what kind of salad is.

The potato salad is salt - what do you do in this case? Increase the quantities of the ingredients! Add one or the other potato and adapt the remaining ingredients if necessary. Also,If you have the pasta saladhave salted, you can compensate for the salt by adding other noodles.