Eating ginger every day: is it harmful and are there any side effects?

Eating ginger every day – can that be harmful? Here are some side effects that may occur if you consume too much of it!

We've all heard about the many uses and benefits of ginger - it aids digestion, helps with colds, and ginger water is used as an effective tool in the fight against obesity. The tuber also gives dishes such as soups or curries a unique taste. But could it be that eating ginger every day is harmful? Is there a certain amount you shouldn't exceed and what are the possible consequences if you do? You can find the answers in this article!

Eat ginger every day – what are the side effects of excessive consumption?

In small doses, ginger has no side effects, but if you eat ginger every day, and in high doses, it can be harmful. These are the possible side effects:

Diarrhea and stomach pain

Wondering why you have diarrhea after eating ginger? Well, one of the very likely reasons is that you overdid it. Yes, you heard that right! Ginger has the ability to speed up the passage of food through the intestines, causing stomach tension and discomfort. Therefore, it is important that you consume it in moderation. Later in this article, we will also tell you the recommended amount of ginger you can consume per day.

Causes heartburn and bloating

Do you have a problem with heartburn? Then you should avoid putting too much ginger in your diet. It will affect your upper digestive system and leave you feeling bloated and gassy.

  • Notice: However, if you find that you are having problems with heartburn on a regular basis, you should see a doctor before it becomes serious. Excessive consumption of ginger may not be the only cause of this.

Indigestion and abdominal discomfort

Ginger tends to stimulate the secretion of bile, which aids digestion. However, if consumed on an empty stomach and in large quantities, it can cause indigestion and therefore an upset stomach. The gingerol in ginger irritates the stomach lining, causing it to produce more acid. This is how the stomach problems arise.

Eating ginger every day can trigger bleeding

If you suffer from a bleeding disorder, consuming ginger, especially in large quantities, can be very dangerous for you as the root has blood-thinning properties. So be careful and ALWAYS tell your doctor about the herbal medicines you are taking, including ginger.

  • Notice: If you regularly take medication, consult your doctor before using supplements containing ginger. They could interact with blood thinners and medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

Irritation and pain in the mouth

Taking too much ginger can cause oral allergy syndrome. Many people can have an allergic reaction to ginger. You may experience swelling, irritation, or pain in your mouth after consuming the root. Therefore, be careful and check whether you are also allergic to it. Stop consuming ginger immediately if you experience mouth irritation.

How much ginger can you consume per day?

Doctors and nutritionists recommend limiting daily consumption of ginger to a maximum of 3-4 grams. However, during pregnancy, consumption of ginger should not be more than 1 gram per day. Ginger should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

The following products correspond to 1 gram of ginger:

  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1 teaspoon grated raw ginger

Bottom line: Ginger has dozens of health benefits, but like anything else - if you overdo it, you're likely to experience unpleasant side effects too! And although eating ginger every day is not necessarily harmful, it must be done in the amounts we have recommended in this article. When used correctly, ginger can help with colds and flu –Here you will find some recipesHow to make your own ginger shots!