In addition to blood, lymph fluid also constantly flows through our body. Many people are aware of this, but the lymphatic system rarely receives any real attention. In addition, many people don't even know what its job is and why it is so important to care for the lymphatic vessels. Whoin healthcareGiving the lymphatic system the care it needs can, among other things, prevent lymphatic congestion. We explain what lymph glands etc. are used for and how you can naturally stimulate your lymphatic system.
Lymphatic system – what is its function?
The lymphatic system carries lymph, a fluid that is comparable to the garbage disposal. A full 2 liters flow through our body every day and more precisely through the lymphatics, which are connected to each other by the so-called lymph nodes and end in lymph glands. So it's so important that you stimulate your lymph because that's what makes it happenall the toxins, which you pick up every day, are transported away and “disposed of”. But the cleansing takes place in the kidneys and liver before the “waste” is excreted, you might think? Yes, but somehow it has to get from the cells to these organs and the lymph is responsible for that. The lymphatic system also contributes to drainage. Aside from that:
- What is also important for all athletes is the fact that only the lymphatic vesselsabsorb proteinsand can supply the metabolism. Good lymphatic flow is also essential for protein absorption.
- Fats are not water-soluble and are therefore packaged in so-called transport vehicles so that they can be transported away. This makes these molecules so large that the blood can no longer absorb them and the lymph vessels and lymph have to take over this task. The same thing happens with digestion.
Why you should stimulate the lymphatic system
In the blood, the red blood cells take care of themselvesDye hemoglobinfor the red color. These are missing in the lymph fluid, which is why it is transparent. However, the lymph contains white blood cells and, as we know, these are important for good immune defense. Pathogens are transported via the lymphatic system to the lymph nodes, which leads to their enlargement.
Swollen lymph nodes are a consequence of this, but are mainly caused when the lymphatic system is weakened. Since it doesn't have a pumping heart, you have to ensure good flow in other ways, otherwise lymphatic congestion occurs. We explain how you can stimulate the lymphatic system.
Stimulate the lymphatic system in everyday life
Move enough
If there is a lack of exercise, lymphatic congestion usually occurs in the legs. The best way to stimulate your lymphatic system is simply to move more often. And it doesn't have to be super strenuous exercise. Sport with abrupt movements has no real effect on lymphatic flow. Instead, it is better to choose gentle exercise, such as brisk walks or swimming (the water pressure has an additional stimulating effect), cycling andalso yoga. Since the muscles constantly tense and relax, they serve as a kind of pump and stimulate the lymphatic system.
Drink, drink, drink
Can't hear it anymore? Well, it really is extremely important for health in many ways. Also for good lymphatic flow. Throughlots of waterYou flush the lymphatic system, including the kidneys and liver, wonderfully and guarantee a good flow - you support your body in self-cleaning. When there is lymphatic congestion, water collects in different areas of the body, but when there is good flow it doesn't - so if you thought you could counteract water retention by drinking less, you were completely wrong.
Stimulate the lymphatic system through proper nutrition
Yes, the right diet is also important if you want to stimulate your lymphatic system: lots of fruit and vegetables andas little salt as possible. Isn't this new to you? Then stick to it and don't forget that some products like sausage or licorice contain hidden salt! Too much salt promotes water retention and disrupts lymph flow.
Avoid heat in summer
Of course we all long for the sun and especially in summer we want to sunbathe and get a nice tan. In healthy amounts, this isn't a problem, after all, our skin produces important vitamin D. However, this direct sunlight also supports the build-up of fluid that already occurs due to the dilated blood vessels due to the heat. It is therefore better to relax in the shade.
The lymph always moves in one direction. It doesn't circulate like blood. Above allin chronic lymphedema, but even if you just want to stimulate your lymphatic system, so-called lymphatic drainage is recommended. The aim here is to get the lymphatic fluid to flow and towards the heart using light pressure and appropriate movements. Massage therapists know what you have to do and work through the entire body during a massage like this.