When people have hearing problems or ear pain, they often need to have their earwax removed to relieve the symptoms. The so-called cerumen is a natural substance with which the body protects itself from external influences through the ear canals. In addition, it fulfills an essential function in the body. It helps remove dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, hair and other debris from the ear canal. However, sometimes earwax buildup can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In some cases, this even causes temporary complications and hearing loss. In order to be able to solve such a problem yourself, here are some methods and remedies for cleaning your ears that you can use at home.
Prevent infections and remove earwax
While it usually drains naturally, sometimes earwax builds up to the point of blockage in the ears. This can sometimes cause hearing problems and discomfort. First and foremost, you should avoid using cotton swabs. You should only use these if you need to clean the outer part of the ear. In fact, such remedies tend to push earwax toward the bottom of the ear rather than removing it. This can lead to the formation of cerumen impacts and, in the worst case, to perforation of the eardrum. About the earwax and anyEliminate ear pain yourself with home remedies, you should therefore opt for gentler and more effective solutions.
Normally, earwax dries out and falls out of your ear over time. However, some people produce more than necessary, and the excess can build up in the ear canal. These accumulations or blockages in some cases cause infections, which then require medical treatment. Although there are over-the-counter earwax removal products available for purchase, you can also find several household items you can use to clear your external ear canals of excess earwax. Here are some options and home remedies to help, as well as cleaning methods you should avoid.
Make your own solution for earwax using baking soda
Alternatively, accumulated cerumen can also be removed with baking soda. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in approximately 60 ml of warm water. If you have a dropper bottle, pour the solution into it. Tilt your head to the side and gently instill 5 to 10 drops of the solution into your ear, 1 drop at a time. Then leave the solution in the ear for up to 1 hour and then rinse with water. Do this once daily until the earwax dissolves, which can happen within a few days. However, do not use this method for more than 2 weeks.
Use different oils for earwax
Olive oil is the most commonly used oil to naturally remove earwax blockage. However, you can also choose almond or mineral oil. Warm the oil in your hands until it is the right temperature, then pour 3 or 4 drops into the ear canal with your head tilted to the side, once or twice a day until you can naturally remove the earwax. The oil softens the accumulations and allows them to drain away on their own and painlessly. This method can be used once a week as a preventive measure. You can use your shower head with lukewarm water and very low pressure to rinse your ear.
Massage the outer ear
This simple method can sometimes be enough to clear an earwax blockage. To do this, simply massage the outside of the ear gently using circular movements. This will soften the impaction, which can help the wax drain more easily. When you are finished with the circular movements, pull your ear back slightly, from the earlobe to the tip of the auricle. This massage is particularly effective when used in addition to an olive oil treatment.
Trick against earwax with a damp or warm cloth
This old-fashioned method involves heating the cerumen blockage to soften it and remove it naturally. To do this, simply heat a folded cloth with an iron. Once the cloth is warm enough, lie on your side with your ear up. Then rinse your ear with warm water using your shower head. You can also do the same with a damp cloth for an even better effect. The steam helps loosen the accumulated earwax from the walls of the ear canal.
How to remove earwax with saline solution
Many saline solutions for cleaning ear canals are sold commercially, but you can also make them yourself. To do this, simply mix a tablespoon of sea salt in half a cup of warm water. Then soak a compress with the solution and, with your head tilted to the side, let the liquid flow drop by drop into the ear canal. Additionally, you can also use salt water as a preventative measure.
Hydrogen peroxide cleaning method for earwax
A common method for removing wax is to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a damp cotton ball and apply to the affected ear. Hydrogen peroxide is a common antiseptic. However, you can also use a clean pipette to drip the solution into the ear canal. It is important to tilt your head for a few minutes so that the affected ear is facing upwards. This allows the fluid to drip into the ear canal to reach the blockage. You can remove earwax yourself at home using 3 percent hydrogen peroxide:
- Tilt your head to the side and drip 5 to 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear.
- Then keep your head tilted to the side for 5 minutes to allow the peroxide to penetrate the cerumen.
- Do this once daily for 3 to 14 days.
Remove earwax with alternative home remedies and tricks
You can also apply other substances with a pipette. These include products that can help with blocked ears, such as baby oil, peanut or camphor oil, sodium bicarbonate, 10%, glycerin, and acetic acid, 2.5%. Experts warn against using sprays, cotton swabs or ear candles. Again, you should apply a drop or two with the affected ear facing up, wait a few minutes, and then tilt your head the other way to allow the liquid to drain out. As with other remedies, you should not put any of these in your ear unless your eardrum is intact or the treatment is approved by a doctor.
Dangerous methods and home remedies to avoid
Attempting to manually remove earwax yourself with your finger or other objects can make the blockage worse. It is okay to pick out wax that is visible right at the entrance to the ear canal. Whatever is deeper, you should either work it out yourself or have it removed by a doctor. If the above home remedies do not work for you, consult your doctor. Do not use the following to remove earwax:
- Small objects:Avoid using small objects such as pen caps or bobby pins to clean your ears. Many doctors agree with the old saying: “Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.”
- Cotton swab:Although they may look safe and perfect for your ears, cotton swabs are too small to be used safely in the ear and could cause damage.
- Ohrcherzen:The use of ear candles is also known as ear plugs or thermal ear therapy. It involves a hollow fabric cone covered with wax or paraffin, inserted into the ear of a person lying on their side, and then lit. A paper plate protects the skin by catching dripping wax. This technique has been widely reported, but there are concerns that ear candling can cause injuries such as burns and punctured eardrums.
All home remedies can be potentially dangerous, so it is best to consult a doctor to ensure that the eardrum is not punctured before attempting self-medication. If your ear hurts, be sure to avoid cleaning it yourself and see an ENT. Finally, make sure you never put liquids that are too hot or pressurized in your ear or you risk making the situation worse.