Ear pain is probably one of the most unpleasant pains ever. Quick help is particularly in demand, regardless of whether home remedies or medication are preferred for ear pain. However, since there are different causes of sore ears, the procedure varies depending on the cause.
It's not just inflammation that can cause ear pain. They can also occur on a plane or after diving. But what can you do about the pain? Regardless of the cause, many people prefer home remedies for ear pain. You can find out here whether these really help, which ones can be effective and when a visit to the doctor is necessary.
What can be the causes of ear pain?
Are commonInflammationsdirectly in the ear and more precisely in either the outer, middle or inner ear is the cause of pain in the ears. How exactly these feel varies. Sometimes there is a stabbing pain in the ear, but sometimes it is also throbbing or dull. It is also possible that the pain in the ear becomes more severe when chewing. Pain on both sides or one side when swallowing is therefore nothing unusual.
Home remedies and various medications provide relief for ear pain, which we will discuss in more detail below. Furthermore, ear pain does not necessarily have to be felt permanently. Depending on the cause, paroxysmal pain, i.e. pain that suddenly disappears and then reappears, is also possible. Accompanying symptoms can also occur. These include dizziness, fever, pressure, itching, foreign body sensation, ringing in the ears and hearing problems.
Also oneEar canal closure, but alsoInjuriesin the ear can cause pain.
Inflammation in the ear
colds or flu
It can resulta fluor cold pain occurs in the ear. The reason for this is that the bacteria or viruses that caused the cold and irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat reach the middle ear. This leads to inflammation there too. Even though it rarely occurs in adults, it is not uncommon when you have a cold. If they occur after the common cold, there is most likely no connection between the two.
In addition to pain, you also feel pressure on your earswhen you have a cold. The ear trumpet, the connection between the throat and the ear, usually ensures the correct pressure equalization. However, if the mucous membranes swell, the canal closes and pressure equalization and ventilation are disrupted. Depending on whether both ears are affected or just one, the affected person will experience stabbing ear pain on one or both sides.
Close your ears when you have a cold – what helps?
Colds (including those accompanied by ear pain) are usually accompanied by a runny nose and astuffy noseaccompanied. Since the secretions cannot flow out of the ear, you also get ear pain due to a cold and the ear is often closed after a cold. And since the ear and nose are directly connected, cold treatment also helps the ear at the same time.
If they are caused by a stuffy nose, you can try to clear your nose again. Whether you use medication or home remedies for this type of earache is up to you.
Ear pain due to cold
Ears are extremely sensitive because they containnumerous nerves. For this reason, ear pain can occur when it is cold. It is therefore important that the ears are protected when it gets cold outside. A hat, scarves, headbands or earmuffs will do. This is especially important when you leave the indoor pool after swimming in winter. Dry your ears well beforehand and keep them warm until you get home.
If you feel pain in your ear after a walk outside, first massage the auricle. They usually disappear within a few hours. In addition, you can use home remedies for ear pain. Heat is a good idea in this case (more on that below). If the pain does not go away after a few hours at the latest, see a doctor.
Toothache and earache
Toothache can sometimes be the result of pain in the ear. Especially with a middle ear infection, the pulsating pain can radiate to the upper jaw. The person concerned then believessuffering from toothache. This pain is often perceived as pressure. Jaw pain in the ear can be a sign of an ear infection. It is also possible that there is pain in the ear and when swallowingto feel in the neckare.
Ear pain due to tonsillitis
If tonsillitis is the cause of pain in the ears, just like with a cold, it is because the pathogens have gotten into the ear, the ear trumpet closes and pressure equalization and secretion drainage are disturbed. But how exactly do the pathogens get into the ear in this case? The swollen lymphatic tissue may cause a lateral column angina. To be more precise, the side strands at the exit of the ear trumpet swell and close it.
Closure of the ear canal
Ear canal closure means nothing more than that the ear canal is blocked. On the one hand, this can happen due to the accumulation of earwax if the ears are not cleaned properly. Instead of using a cotton swab to remove the wax, it is pressed together and into the ear. This creates a kind of plug that closes the ear canal. In children, foreign bodies can also be the cause. It is not uncommon for small children to stick objects in their ears, nose or other body openings while playing.
Injuries to and in the ear
Pain can occur if the outer area of the ear, i.e. the pinna, is injured. But injuries can also occur internally. For example, a perforation of the eardrum can occur. If the pain is stabbing, this may be a sign. They can usually be felt in the middle ear. Pressure waves, explosions, a blow to the ear or sharp objects can potentially injure the eardrum. Tinnitus and hearing loss are possible consequences.
Ear pain when flying
Anyone who has ever flown has probably felt it - the pressure on their ears. And although it can be very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, it is relatively harmless and rarely causes what is known as barotrauma, in which a tear in the eardrum occurs due to pressure fluctuations. But what exactly happens in your ear when the plane takes off and lands?
Chewing gum as an earache home remedy on the plane
Since the air pressure changes quite dramatically in a very short period of time, the ear cannot gradually get used to it and a negative pressure is created in the inner ear. The eardrum is pushed inwards by the air. During take-off (the pressure drops) the pressure is usually overcome better than during landing (the pressure increases), as the ear trumpet then opens automatically. Unfortunately, for some people the unpleasant pressure doesn't stop there. If you don't get rid of it quickly, you often suffer from ear pain.
Ear pressure when flying – What to do about ear pressure?
The pressure on the ears is normal and can hardly be avoided. But how do I relieve the pressure in my ear and what helps against ear pain when flying? They usually disappear when you yawn or swallow. Many people also use chewing gum because chewing helps. These are all well-known tips for dealing with blocked ears of this type.
Ear pain after a flight – what helps?
Do you have an earache after the flight? It may take a while for the pressure in your ears to equalize, especially if you are currently ill. If possible, you should not fly if you have a middle ear infection. Even if another type of inflammation is present, the pressure differences can not only irritate the ears, but can also cause severe pain.
In the worst case, flying with a middle ear infection can even lead to barotrauma. So if you are unable to rebook your flight and the pain persists for more than a few hours afterwards, be sure to see a doctor.
Ear pain after diving
Ear pain after diving can have different causes. After a simple dive in the pool or shallow water, this is probably a sign that you have water in your ear. The protective earwax is also washed away during prolonged diving, which means that the ears can be more easily attacked by bacteria and germs.
Since the ear is nice and warm and moist, these find the best conditions to cause inflammation. That's why you should always dry your ears well after swimming or diving.
What to do about water in the ear?
As a preventive measure, you can use earplugs to prevent water from getting into your ears in the first place. But how do you get water out of your ear once it's in? There are different options and you should just try what works for you.
- Often it is enough to tilt your head to the side, use your finger to hold open the so-called tragus, which is located in front of the opening, and then hop on one leg. Or simply tug on your earlobe. You will feel it when the water runs out.
- A similar variant is to use a vacuum. To do this, press the flat of your hand against the opening of the ear and then pull it away with a jerk.
- The amount of water in the ear is very small. Therefore, evaporating it with a hairdryer can also help. But be careful! Hold the hairdryer 30cm away from the ear and use the lowest setting to avoid burns. Blow dry the ear by moving the blow dryer back and forth.
It's not really painful, but it is uncomfortable if pressure remains on your ears after diving. The reason for this is the same as with airplanes: the ears cannot equalize the pressure quickly enough. In more severe cases, barotrauma can also occur when diving. If you have an ear infection, you should avoid water and pressure differences as much as possible.
How do you get an ear infection?
As already mentioned, a cold or flu can be the reason for middle ear infection. In most cases, however, it is caused by bacteria that can enter the ear not only via the ear trumpet, but also via the blood. There are three different types of middle ear infection:
- purulent (caused by bacteria, usually from the throat; antibiotics are usually effective)
- viral (caused by viruses; antibiotics are not effective)
- chronic (the inflammation lasts longer than one to two weeks; tinnitus may occur)
Signs of middle ear infection in adults
Middle ear infection in adults is characterized by pulsating or stabbing pain, although this can occur on both sides. The following symptoms are then possible, but do not have to occur:
- general malaise
- Fever
- ringing in the ears
- dull feeling in the ear
- Pus formation
- bloody discharge (from bursting bubbles that have formed on the eardrum)
- dizziness
- Nausea and even vomiting
Earache home remedies for middle ear infection – what to do?
First of all, you should consult a doctor. In this way you prevent chronic inflammation. Rest is just as important now. That's why the doctor will write you off sick and you shouldn't do any exercise because then the pathogens could spread further. Medication is rarely necessary for a middle ear infection and antibiotics are only necessary for a bacterial infection.
ThisType of inflammationSo it usually heals on its own. However, you are probably wonderingWhat to do if you have a middle ear infection, because the symptoms are anything but pleasant. Regardless of whether you are prescribed medication by your doctor or not, you can also relieve the pain and symptoms by using home remedies for a middle ear infection. You can find a few options below:
Use home remedies for ear pain - What to do about ear pain?
As mentioned several times, you can try home remedies for earache. Although these should not replace an examination by a doctor, you can use them alongside the therapy prescribed by your doctor to relieve pain. But what helps against ear pain and what is particularly quick help for ear pain? Now you will find out.
Use home remedies for ear pain – onion on the ear
If you have an earache, put an onion on your ear – that sounds a bit strange to some people at first. But others already know the good effects of the essential oils that the onion exudes and also use them for other complaints, such as:Fight against cough. More precisely, it is the sulfur compound that causes watery eyes when cutting the onion that helps. It is called Alliin (leek oil).
This is very popularOnion sachetsif you want to use home remedies for ear pain. Onion bags can be used for middle ear infections, regardless of whether it is a viral or bacterial infection, because the oils inhibit the growth of both types of pathogens, as well as fungi.
For middle ear infections, prepare onion in a bag - recipe
If you would like to combat earache with this home remedy, cut one large or two small onions into small cubes. You then stuff these pieces into either an old, but not torn, sock or into a woolen cloth that you can also tie. You then heat this bag in a water bath, making sure it does not come into contact with the water. During this time, cover the pot with the lid so that the water vapor cannot escape and help with heating. Don't heat it too much, just slightly more than body temperature.
Now take the bag out of the pot and squeeze it to remove the onion juice so that it doesn't run into your ear. Test the temperature on your forearm first, then place it on your ear and secure it with a headband, scarf or hat. Let the onion work in this way for 20 minutes (or longer if you wish) and it is best to repeat this type of onion wrap several times a day if you want to use home remedies effectively for ear pain.
Onion juice as an earache home remedy
But you can also do thatDrip the juice of the onion into the ear. There will be one for thissimple onionpureed, put the puree in a cloth and then squeeze it out. You collect the juice and then drip it into your ear. Cover the ear with cotton wool to allow the oils to work without the juice leaking out.
Earache Home Remedies – Does warm oil help with earache?
You may have heard that home remedies for ear pain include:oilshould help. Warm oil is particularly preferred for earaches. The ear canal is extremely sensitive and does not react well to cold. Cold liquids can cause dizziness. If you want to drip oil into your ear, you canany vegetable oilchoose.
Alternatively, oil wraps can also be used. For example, you can have warmolive oilIf you have an earache, place it on your ear. To be more precise, dip a cloth into the oil. In this way, you can use olive oil to soothe the ear and ear canal and relieve pain.
Tea tree oil as a home remedy for ear pain
You can also come withTeebaumölFight ear pain. This miracle cure is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It successfully kills even multi-resistant bacteria. However, it is important that you do not drip the oil straight into your ear, as it can irritate the skin and even lead to an allergy.
Instead, simply dilute it with other oils, such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, hemp oil, olive oil or rosehip oil. The correct ratio is one drop of tea tree oil to one teaspoon of other oil (carrier oil). Also, test your tolerance in advance by applying a little oil to your inner arm and waiting for half an hour to see if the skin there turns red.
Anti-inflammatory tea tree oil as an earache home remedy
You can now either drip the diluted oil into your ear (10 drops for 10 minutes) or soak a cotton ball with it (5 to 10 drops) and carefully insert it into your ear. With the latter variant, the healing ingredients can spread and work slowly. The cotton should be changed every six hours.
A third way to use tea tree oil as an earache home remedy is to inhale it. As you already know, the ear is connected to the throat and nose through the ear trumpet, which is why the vapors can easily reach your hearing. To do this, add 5 drops of tea tree oil to 2 cups of hot water and inhale the steam with your head covered for about 5 minutes once or twice a day.
Earache Home Remedies – Heat or Cold for an Ear Infection?
It is no longer a secret for many people that heat provides relief from ear infections. Infrared light lamps are particularly effective and should illuminate the ear at a distance of no less than 50 cm. These primarily stimulate blood circulation. As a result, the metabolism in the ear also improves and healing is supported. This is particularly recommended for chronic ear pain.Warmed cherry stone pillows, hot water bottles and even a simple wool hat are other alternatives.
Cold as an earache home remedy
Andwhat about cold? Can this, like heat, be helpful for ear pain? You can use heat for ear pain if it is felt in the middle ear. However, if the external ear canal hurts, coolness is usually more pleasant. To do this, you can soak a cotton cloth well with very cold water, wring it out well, fold it up and then wrap it with a dry cloth. Place this cooling wrap on your ear and secure with a hat, scarf or headband. Make sure the rest of your body is kept nice and warm.
What to do if you have an earache – mustard wraps
Ask yourselfwhat helps against ear pain in adults, the mustard wrap is another possible answer. Mustard is anti-inflammatory and disinfects at the same time. If you would like to use home remedies with mustard against an ear canal infection, do not use the ready-made paste-like mustard, but rather mustard flour. Mix this with warm water to form a paste.
Put the porridge on a cotton cloth and wrap it up. Place the mustard poultice on the ear and leave it there for 10 to 20 minutes. Mustard oil may irritate the skin. That's why you should only use this wrap once a day at most. If your skin starts to burn or become very red during use, remove it immediately and use other home remedies for ear pain.
What helps with earache – tea for earache
Do you want home remedies for ear pain likeApply tea, you can do this in combination with wraps. The inner cloth is then simply soaked in tea in addition to the mentioned ingredients for wraps, wrung out, wrapped in a dry cotton cloth and placed on the affected ear. You can prepare such an infusion or decoction with the following medicinal plants:
- Black tea
- Lavender
- Camomile
- Malve
- Marigold
- Field horsetail
- Hamamelis
- Eyebright
Close your ears – what to do and home remedies
If ears are not cleaned properly, they become clogged due to earwax that is pushed into the ear with cotton swabs. If the ear is blocked, home remedies such as onion are an option. Fortunately, there are also effective remedies for blocked ears in these cases:
Use home remedies for ear pain – steam bath
Add a tablespoon of chamomile to two liters of hot water, let it sit briefly, then hold your ear over the water to allow the vapors to penetrate. As with inhalation, you should cover your head with a towel so that the vapors do not escape. After about 10 minutes, rinse the ear with lukewarm water.
But make sure that no water remains in the ear and dry it well. The moisture in combination with the chamomile softens the earwax. The ear canal is cleaned and protected from bacteria thanks to chamomile.
vegetable oil
Almond oil and olive oil are particularly good if you want to loosen the fats that cause constipation. The oil is warmed slightly and then dripped into the ear, where it should act for at least 5 minutes or overnight (the ear is closed with cotton). The ear is then rinsed with warm water.
Salt water for ear pain – what to do?
Salt water is good for many things. Among other things, you can also take it if you want to use home remedies for ear pain. It even dissolves clumped and solid earwax easily and is so gentle that it is not only suitable as a home remedy for earaches in adults, but can also be used for children and even babies (but it is always best to consult a pediatrician).
A teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 100 milliliters of warm water and a little of it is dripped into the ear. The water remains there for ten to fifteen minutes and is then rinsed out well. To prevent water from running out of your ear during the exposure time, you can close the opening with cotton wool.
When to see a doctor?
Your child has an earache, when should you go to the doctor? The answer is simple: immediately! Since in most cases it is a middle ear infection in children, you should not delay seeing a doctor. The doctor will then prescribe the necessary medication for you after an examination. If necessary, he will use homeopathy for ear pain in the child. He determines the right remedy based on the symptoms.
If you want to use home remedies, you should only do so in addition to these medications and not replace them. And what helps against ear pain in children? The onion compress is best suited as it has a pain-relieving effect. Even if the pain is caused by pressure in the plane, you can try the remedies already mentioned above.
Earache medication
If you want to avoid home remedies or have already done so and have not noticed any improvement, you can also take various medications. Paracetamol as tablets for earache, ASS (acetylsalecylic acid) and anti-inflammatory ear drops are just a few of the options. However, it should always be taken in consultation with your doctor. Antibiotics are only necessary in severe cases.
Ear drops from the pharmacy
Drops are probably the most commonly chosen option. They are particularly effective, but only if you use the drops for ear infections correctly. To do this, lie on one side and put the amount of drops mentioned in the package leaflet into your ear. Make sure that they are body warm. Now close the opening of the ear lightly with cotton and let the medicine work for 15 minutes while lying down so that it reaches the eardrum.Pay attention to the expiry date because it is quite short!
Ibuprofen for ear pain
Although paracematol is very suitable if you want to take medication, ibuprofen is a bit better for ear pain because it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Homeopathic remedy for earache
Homeopathic medicinesare also used to cure pain and inflammation in the ears. However, if you want to treat earache with globules, the respective symptoms and complaints must be taken into account. For this reason, Globuli is only recommended in consultation with a qualified doctor.
Does nasal spray help with ear pain?
As strange as it may sound, nasal sprays can actually help with ear pain. But that doesn't mean that you should spray the nasal spray into your ear. It is simply sprayed into the nose as usual. As we have already explained, the nose and throat are connected to the ear, and when you have a cold, the mucous membranes in this connection swell and are the best conditions for an ear infection.
The spray ensures that the mucous membranes swell. Not only is the nose freed up so that we can breathe normally, but also the ear trumpet. The pressure on the ears is equalized and proper ventilation of the ear canal is restored. This is why a nasal spray is effective for ear pain.
Danger! You should never give medication to children, especially babies, without consulting your doctor!
What to do about ear pain in children?
Ear pain is particularly common in small children from around three years of age and in older children up to 8 years of age. To be more precise, it is usually middle ear infections. The disease often does not even come from the ear piercing itself, but is caused by a simple cold or flu. The bacteria then enter the ear via the throat and through the ear trumpet and cause the inflammation. You can in consultation with the doctor for ear painHome remedies for childrenuse.
Choose home remedies for earaches for children
In addition, children's ear trumpets are still very narrow. If the mucous membranes swell, they are completely closed so that secretions cannot flow out. This in turn leads to increased pressure, which causes severe ear pain in the child. In addition to colds and flu, the childhood disease mumps can also cause ear pain. In this case, the inflamed and swollen parotid gland is the cause of ear pain.
Recognizing ear pain in children
Very young children in particular, who cannot yet speak or explain, find it difficult or impossible to explain to their parents with words that they are missing something and, above all, something. Therefore, attention is paid to abnormalities. Children with ear pain are very restless and irritable and often touch their ears. Fever, diarrhea and chills are symptoms that can accompany otitis media in children, as well as vomiting and loss of appetite.
Pregnant and ear pain – when to see a doctor?
Of course, ear pain can occur during pregnancy. For example, if you suffer from a middle ear infection during pregnancy, this is no reason to worry. But even if there is no immediate danger to the baby or the expectant mother, a visit to the doctor is definitely recommended. It is not only important to determine the exact cause, but also to initiate appropriate treatment. This is the only way to prevent complications such as possible encephalitis.
Your doctor can also best assess whether treatment with medication is really necessary. To protect the fetus, it will only use medication if it is really necessary. Generally speaking, the earlier treatment is started, the less medication is needed. So it's better not to put off going to the doctor if you have ear painif you are pregnant.