Quark for sunburn: The correct use of the home remedy

An afternoon in the garden or a few hours in the outdoor pool without the right sun protection and it has happened:Sunburn. The consequences are itchy, irritated, red skin, a burning sensation and even increased body temperature. Sunburn should be taken seriously and treated promptly. Fortunately, there are gentle home remedies that relieve the symptoms and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Today we will explain to you how to use such a home remedy correctly. This is how you can use quark for sunburn.

Treating sunburn with quark: an overview of the advantages of the home remedy

Sunburn is actually a burn of the skin. It happens when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time (hours). TheUV rayspenetrate the upper layer of skin and trigger inflammation. If that happens, a tried and tested home remedy comes to the rescue: Quark. The natural product is known for its pain-relieving and decongestant properties. You can apply it directly to the affected areas as long as the skin is not broken. This means: You can apply the home remedy to reddened skin. Never apply quark or yogurt to skin with blisters, wounds or weeping skin.

What kind of curd use for sunburn?

When you get sunburned, your skin is red and dry. The quark from the supermarket contains at least 73% water and can moisturize dry skin. Quark with a high fat content (40%) also works best on dry skin.

What is better for sunburn: cottage cheese or yogurt?

Basically, what quark can do, yoghurt can also do. The difference lies in the application: You should never let quark work for longer than 10 minutes, because then the natural product dries and can only be removed with difficulty and pain. Yoghurt, on the other hand, can be left on for half an hour.

In which case is curd bad for sunburn?

A moderate to severe skin burn (grade 2) causes blisters to form. This happens because the body causes the top layer of cells to die to control inflammation. The result: Fluid accumulates under the upper layer of skin and blisters form. As a rule, these open after just a few hours and the skin becomes wet. In this case, the risk of infection is very high. Quark and yogurt contain lactic acid bacteria that can cause inflammation. In addition, quark has a high fat content, which prevents the skin from “breathing”, slows down the healing process and promotes bacterial growth. So if you have a sunburn with red skin with blisters, you should definitely see a doctor and get advice. And under no circumstances should you treat sunburn blisters with quark!

Heal sunburn on your face with quark

How do you get rid of a sunburn on your face quickly? You can use curd for face and scalp. It's best to put a little quark on your hand and then massage it into your scalp with gentle circular movements or apply it very carefully to your face. After 10 minutes you should wash out the home remedy with cool water.

Cooling sunburn with curd: This is how you apply the home remedy directly to the skin

If you would like to alleviate the discomfort with quark, you have two options to choose from. You can either apply it directly to the skin or make a curd wrap yourself. To do this, take the curd out of the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes. It should feel cool, but not cold. Then take a clean, damp linen cloth, apply a 1 cm thick layer of quark on it and fold in the edges of the cloth. Then place the cloth on the skin (do not fix the cloth) and remove it after 12 minutes.

Quark for sunburn: How long should you leave it on?

The exposure time of the curd varies depending on whether it comes into direct contact with the skin or you use a wrap. One thing is certain: you should not exceed the recommended duration. It is very important that you rinse off the quark after a maximum of 10 minutes and remove the quark wrap after a maximum of 12 minutes. If the skin feels warm before this time has elapsed, this is a sign that the curd is starting to dry and you need to wash it out. Under no circumstances should you let it dry on your skin!

You can repeat this process as many times as you wish until you feel relief. Treatment with quark is also possible for children after consultation with a pediatrician.