Strong core muscles are important because they strengthen the lower back, improve posture and help stabilize the entire body. Almost all body movements originate in the center of the body. So strengthening these muscles increases your range of motion and protects you from injuries when performing everyday tasks. Of course, some people desire a flat washboard stomach for aesthetic reasons, but find it difficult to achieve their six-pack goal. Traditional crunches alone are not enough to achieve defined abdominal muscles, so it's important to vary your exercise program. Start with these effective lower ab exercises to easily achieve your summer body.
What are the most effective exercises for lower abs?
We will show you belowa simple workoutwith very effective exercises for the lower abdominal muscles. You don't need any special equipment and you can also workout at home to achieve a beach body.
- Side plank – also works the glutes and hamstrings
- Mountaineers – quick and effective exercise
- Scissors – one of the best exercises for lower abs
- Alternating toe touching as a dynamic movement
- Bicycle crunch – a must throughout your workout
Train the lower abdominal area
The lower abdominal area, commonly referred to as the “lower abdomen,” is an area that some people try to train with exercises. However, the lower abs are not a muscle group, so you can't necessarily isolate this area during a workout. The lower abdominal area is actually just the bottom end of therectus abdominis, a muscle sheath that runs from the underside of the ribcage to the pubic symphysis. When you train the rectus abdominis, you are doing exercises for the entire muscle, not just the lower or upper end.
Effective exercises for lower abs: side plank
Planks are a great core-strengthening exercise, and this variation works the lower abdominal muscles.For the workoutyou need a mat.
Lie on your left side with your knees straight and support your upper body so that its weight rests on your forearm. Tighten your core and lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. Hold this position and breathe deeply. Then turn over and repeat the exercise on the other side.
Important tip:The side plank not only works the transverse abdominal muscles and obliques, but also the glutes and hamstrings. Challenge yourself by lifting your top leg or arm.
The best bodyweight exercises: mountain climbers
This exercise requires a mat.
Start in a high plank position with your body straight and hips horizontal. Lift your right foot and pull your right knee toward your chest between your hands. Keep your core tight and try not to lift your hips. As you return your right leg to plank, lift your left foot and pull your left knee toward your chest between your hands. Switch legs as quickly as possible for 30 seconds.
Training lower abdominal muscles at home – scissors for a summer figure
For these exercises you only need a mat because thattraining with your own body weightis.
Lie faceup with your hands behind your head and your head and shoulders lifted off the floor. Using your abdominal muscles, lift your legs slightly off the floor and perform a scissor kick with one leg up and one leg down. Alternate legs for 30 seconds. Do not tense your neck or jut your chin forward.
Exercises for lower abdominal muscles: alternating toe touching
Women who alternately touch their toes work their lower abdominal muscles. This alternating exercise is an extension of the double crunch with even more benefits. It trains the entire abdominal wall (lower abs, transverse abdominis, external and internal obliques) in a single dynamic movement. This is a great core exercise because it encourages the abdominal muscles to work together in multiple planes of motion. The equipment needed is just a mat.
Lie on your back and stretch your legs in the air. The arms lie on the floor above the head. Engage your core to curve up and to one side, touching the opposite foot. Make sure you pull your shoulders down away from your ears. Return to the starting position and switch sides with each repetition. Aim for 3 sets of 12 reps per leg.
Effective exercises for lower abs: bicycle crunch
The bicycle crunch effectively trains the lower abdominal muscles and the oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise is suitable for beginners and only requires a mat. Because the legs are elevated throughout the movement, the deep abdominal muscles are engaged throughout the exercise.
Place your legs faceup on the mat and first place your hands behind your head with your elbows bent and pointing to the side. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulders off the floor. This is the starting position.
Rotate your body and bring your right elbow to your left knee while simultaneously extending your right leg. Next, twist to bring your left elbow toward your right knee while simultaneously extending your left leg. Move slowly, focusing on the muscle and controlling the rotation so you can feel your abdominal muscles working. Aim for three to four sets of 15 to 20 reps.