Beautiful and tight arms - we all dream of that. But not only men like to train their upper body - many women also value a muscular and beautiful overall picture and take sweatyTriceps exercisesin your training routine. A trained upper body not only ensures that we look good in a sleeveless dress, but also helps support other basic exercises of strength training such as rowing and pull -ups. However, biceps exercises are the best way to get well -shaped arms. The biceps are also essential for many everyday jobs and a balanced arm muscles can protect us from a number of sports injuries. And the most beautiful? For a bicep training women, you do not need an expensive equipment or membership in the gym. Whether with dumbbells or without devices - in this article we have put together the best bicep exercises for home for you. So let us start!
Regardless of whether you only want to define your arms or build some muscle mass - there is no way around a bicep training. And don't worry - you won't look too male. Since we women produce less testosterone, there is no chance that we will become muscular as men. So don't be afraid to raise heavier weights than you are used to! The use of small 2-kilo dumbbells will certainly not help you get the shaped look you long for. And whether you believe it or not, the best bicep exercises for women don't differ much from bicep training for men.
Why should you include biceps for women in your training routine?
The biceps is a small muscle that is automatically stimulated and co -trained in many other strength exercises. He also plays an important role in everyday life and is essential for lifting, pushing and pulling different objects. The bicep consists of 2 muscles - the short head on the inside and the long head on the outside. Although both heads are always trained for women in biceps training, they can burden one of the two muscles more by targeted isolated exercises. You probably already know that muscles and increased metabolism are connected. That means - the more muscle mass we have, the more calories our body can burn at rest. It is therefore very important that you train the whole body and not only concentrate on individual muscle groups.
Biceps training women for tight and shaped arms
Just likeBelly, legs and buttocksThe arms also earn our full attention! In order to tighten the upper body and achieve optimal results, it is important to carry out the bicep training women 2 to 3 times a week. Also pay attention to a varied program and change the exercises every 6-8 weeks, so that all muscle groups are really encouraged. Unfortunately, classic pushups alone are not enough. Select 4 to 5 of the following exercises and make 3 sentences with 10-12 repetitions from each exercise. They rest between the sentences for a maximum of 30 seconds. Select your weight in such a way that it is still a challenge, but does not hinder your correct shape. A set dumbbell and about 30 minutes - that's all you will need for the following bicep training for home!
Bizeps Curlsare a basic and extremely helpful exercise for tight arms and should therefore not be missing in any bicep training for women. Since the execution is quite easy and quick to learn, biceps curls are perfect for beginners.
- Take a dumbbell in each hand and stand out with the feet with hip width. During the execution, the shoulders must be directed backwards.
- Hold the elbows close to the body and straighten the palms forward.
- Exhale deep and bend the arms up to the shoulders at the same time.
- Then inhale and slowly bring the arms down again.
- When executing, make sure that the elbows stay in the same place during the exercise and only move the forearm.
- Sitting biceps curls are a very effective variant to strengthen the upper arm muscles. To do this, you should sit on a chair or the sofa and make sure that the back stays straight. Then lower your arms with the dumbbells vertically down and keep it in parallel with the thighs. Slowly bend your arm and move slowly and in a controlled manner.
Hammer Curlsare generally a variation of the biceps curls and are also among the most effective bicep exercises for home. In contrast to the Biceps Curls, the dumbbells in the neutral handle are kept in this exercise, with the murmens and the upper arm spoke muscle also trained in addition to the biceps. And so the execution goes:
- Here, too, you can either stand upright or sit on a chair.
- Bend the arms slightly with the dumbbells and position them close to the body.
- Exhale deep and bend the forearms up. Make sure that the upper arm remains motionless.
- Then inhale and slowly bring the dumbbells back into the starting position by not completely stretching your arm.
Side liftingis an excellent way to train all 3 parts of the delta muscle at the same time. These are the muscles that extend over the shoulders from the upper part of the upper arm to the collarbone. So if you want to shape your upper body with a single exercise, then you should definitely add the side to your bicep training at home for women! And so it works:
- Stand up with hip width apart, with the back stretched out and the view is directed to the front.
- Now take a dumbbell in each arm and hold it on the side next to the thighs.
- Then exhale deeply and raise the two arms up at the same time until they are in the horizontal. Make sure that you do not bend the elbow and the arms are almost stretched out.
- Hold down for 1 second, inhale and slowly lower your arms down.
Biceps exercises as part of a full body training plan
Kniebenses with biceps curls -As the name suggests, two basic strength exercises are combined in this exercise so that you can train several muscle groups at the same time.
- Stand upright with shoulder width, with the feet apart, with the palms being directed inwards.
- Hold the dumbbells in your hands, hold your back straight and press the chest forward.
- Exhale and crouch deep until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Perform biceps curls and position your hands on your shoulders. Hold down for 10 seconds, lower your arms again and return to the starting position.
Laying steps with shoulder pressare another very effective exercise that is wonderful for a quick one20 minutes of workout for homesuitable. And so it is done:
- Stand with a dumbbell in every hand with a hip width.
- Take a big step back with your left leg and lower your hips until the right thigh is almost parallel to the floor.
- Press the dumbbells up at the same time.
- Leave your arms again and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg - that counts as a repetition. Make a total of 3 sets with 10 repetitions each.
High plank with biceps curls -DifferentPlank variantsare perfect to train the whole body at the same time and high plank with biceps curls would be the optimal addition to your bicep training for women.
- Go into the classic high plank position in each hand with a dumbbell in every hand, with the arms stretched out and positioned under the shoulders.
- Keep your back straight, tense stomach and then slowly bend your elbow and bring the dumbbell towards the shoulder.
- Slow slowly and repeat on the other side. That is a repetition. Make a total of 3 sets with 8 repetitions.
Splash with medicine ball or dumbbell -In addition to the biceps, this exercise also strengthens your back and shoulder.
- Start in the low plank position, the arms are positioned directly under your shoulders and put your right hand on a medicine ball or a dumbbell.
- Perform a one -sided push -up and then roll the ball from right to left. Then repeat on the other side to complete a repetition.
- Make 3 sets with 8-10 repetitions and make sure when executing that the hips remain stable and the back straight.
Effective biceps exercises without weights
You have no weights? No problem! A bicep training women can be just as effective without devices and dumbbells. Water bottles are one of the best alternatives to replace dumbbells and enable them to carry out all the above exercises. Your own body weight can also serve wonderfully as resistance. Or how about someFitness band exercises? In consequences we show you some of the most popular and effective bicep exercises without weights!
- Plank Up-Downsare a super great plank exercise that not only strengthens the back, but also the biceps and shoulder. Start in a high plank position and keep your back straight. Then lower one arm into the low plank and then return to the high plank position. Make 3 sentences with 10 repetitions each.
- Biceps curls with a towel -Some creativity is required for effective training at home and this biceps exercise without weights is the clear evidence of this. All you need is a medium -sized towel! Now place the one leg in the towel and grab the two ends with your hands. Extake your back and pull the towel up by bending your arms up. And here is a little tip - the stronger you press with your legs, the more difficult the exercise becomes.
- Rowing at the tableis ideal to train the biceps, the triceps and back at the same time - a real all -rounder! To do this, lay down under the table and grab the edge in the undergrowth, with the fingertips being directed to the face. Then pull up, hold down for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.