Girls, it won't be that long until summer. And what does that mean? It's about time to declare war on the last winter kilos! A defined and slim stomach – this has always been considered the epitome of healthy and fit and is strived for by women and men alike. When it comes to building muscle and losing belly fat, the plank with all its variations is considered THE ultimate miracle weapon. But unfortunately we find the forearm support a bit too boring. Do you feel the same way? Then we have good news for you! The Pallof Press exercise for a flat stomach is the new favorite of all fitness enthusiasts and is even much more effective than planking! What exactly is behind it and how do you do the Pallof Press correctly? We'll explain all of this to you below, as well as the best variants for more variety!
In addition to the legs, the stomach is one of the biggest problem areas for women, where we most often accumulate fat deposits. There are now so many exercises and types of training that we...a visible six packpromise that we have already lost track. The Pallof Press exercise is a so-called “anti-rotation exercise” or a type of counter-movement. Or to put it another way – the benefit of the exercise comes from the isometric contraction of the back muscles. The Pallof Press not only trains the stomach, but also strengthens the legs, buttocks and backthe core muscles. Especially if you have lower back problems or weak wrists, the Pallof Press exercise would be a great and even more effective alternative to planking.
The Pallof Press exercise strains the entire body, but you feel it especially in the middle of your body. To perform it, you will need either a cable machine or a resistance band anchored to a solid object. In the standard position, the cable is positioned at chest height, but depending on the variation of the exercise it can also be placed higher or lower. To help you maintain balance during resistance, you force your abs, arms, back, and lower body to work together. And that's exactly what makes the Pallof Press exercise more effective thanthe plank.
This is how the exercise is carried out correctly
The Pallof Press exercise is not a complicated movement in itself. But to get the most out of your workout, you should learn how to do it right. The focus is mainly on stabilizing the body and the core. Positioning and proper form are very important in the Pallof Press exercise and tilting or twisting during the movement can lead to injury.
So it's best not to start too intensively and pay attention to the correct form at the beginning. And this is how the Pallof Press exercise is performed.
- Adjust the cable or resistance band to chest height.
- Then grab the free end with both hands and move sideways about 1 meter away from the cable pull.
- Interlace your fingers around the band and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Pull your shoulder blades back, keep your back straight and tense your stomach.
- Then extend your hands fully forward and hold the position for 5 seconds.
- Return to the starting position in a controlled and slow manner and repeat.
- To prevent rotation, keep your stomach as tense as possible during the movement.
- Do about 15-20 repetitions and then switch sides.
Helpful tips for correct execution
So that nothing stands in the way of your long-awaited six-pack, we'll give you a few tips on how to do the Pallof Press exercise correctly and perfect your form.
- Make sure the band is taut.
- Avoid any twisting movements and keep your core stable. If you find yourself twisting in your torso or hips, consider using a resistance band with a lower resistance or reducing the weight on the cable pulley.
- To increase tension throughout your body and activate your abdominal muscles more, exhale deeply as you press.
Kneeling Pallof Press
Have you already perfected the Pallof Press exercise and need some variety? So that you don't get bored while training, we present two popular variations. In the kneeling Pallof Press, you use your knees as a base of support instead of your feet, which increases instability. To prevent rotation and maintain balance, you will have to work your abdominal muscles even harder.
Pallof-Press mit Rotation
This Pallof Press exercise is ideal for the obliquesto train abdominal musclesand strengthen the core muscles. Here's how it's done:
- Position the resistance band or cable at chest height.
- Grab the free end with both hands and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and stretch your arms forward.
- Hold the position briefly and then use your abdominal muscles to turn your upper body away from the anchor point.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Do about 10-15 repetitions and switch sides.