Wand Pilates Challenge: Get your body in tip-top shape with this at-home Pilates workout plan!

If you want to be healthy and tone your body, you can't avoid the topic of sport and exercise. But let's be honest - strength training isn't for everyone and not everyone wants to lift weights in the gym every day. Luckily we don’t have to do that! It improves posture, helps against cellulite, promotes weight loss and reduces stress - Pilates is becoming increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts, and for good reason. In fact, a recent study found that Pilates workouts are now more popular than yoga. But if you've been on TikTok lately, you've probably noticed a new twist on low-impact training. Wand Pilates Challenge is currently the talk of the town and all over social media. So what’s the new fitness trend all about? What are the benefits of wall Pilates and what does a training plan look like? We'll tell you all of this in our article!

What is the Wall Pilates Challenge?

No overpriced gym membership or special equipment - a wall is all we need to get in tip-top shape for summer.Wand-Workoutsare now becoming more and more popular and that doesn't surprise us. After all, the exercises can be done easily anywhere and at any time, so there are no more excuses. But what is the Wall Pilates Challenge? If you've ever taken a classic Pilates class, you know that the main goal of the exercises is to strengthen our balance and flexibility - all things that take time to improve. However, Pilates requires a lot of concentration and flexibility and this is exactly where the Wall Pilates Challenge comes into play. As the name suggests, these are classic Pilates exercises that use your body weight and the resistance of the wall to support balance and flexibility. So the role of the wall is to provide us with more support and stability. The movements are slow and controlled, making the workout perfect for anyone new to Pilates or looking for a low-impact workout at home.

Wall Pilates exercises for home

Now that we've explained what the Wall Pilates Challenge is, it's time to work up a sweat. We know – structuring an effective workout plan can be pretty daunting, especially if you're new to the fitness world. But don't worry, because we're here for you! Below you will find the best exercises for the Wall Pilates Challenge, which are suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Do the workout 3 to 4 times a week and after 1 month you will feelfitter and strongerfeel, promise!

Wall push-ups

The push-up is probably one of the most effective exercises for training all major muscle groups at the same time. So it only makes sense that we start the Wall Pilates Challenge with this.

  • Stand upright in front of the wall and place your hands on it at shoulder height.
  • Take a few steps back and now bend your elbows so you get closer to the wall. When performing the exercise, make sure that your back remains straight and your legs are stretched out.
  • Repeat the movement for a total of 40 seconds.

Glutes Bridge an der Wand

And here's a classic exercise for a firm and toned bottom!

  • Lie on a yoga mat and position your legs against the wall.
  • Breathe in deeply, tense your bottom and push your body upwards.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for a total of 1 minute.
  • To increase the difficulty, you can perform the exercise with a resistance band or add weights.

Wall Pilates Challenge: The wall seat

The wall sit is another classic wall Pilates challenge exercise that stretches the butt and back.

  • Stand with your back against the wall and place your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Take a few steps forward and then squat until your knees form a 90 degree angle.
  • Tense your back and bottom and hold for 1 minute.

Assisted lunges

These assisted lunges are an excellent addition to the Wall Pilates Challenge and perfect for beginners.

  • Position one hand on the wall for support and straighten your back.
  • Step back with your left leg and press your left hand against the hand.
  • Bend your right knee and lean your upper body forward until you feel a stretch.
  • Hold the position for 1-2 breaths, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Do a total of 10-12 reps per side.

28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge on TikTok

Whether for delicious recipes, quick hairstyles or workouts – TikTok is now THE source of inspiration for almost everything we can think of. There are now thousands of users taking part in the 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge and if you would like to try something new then you should watch the following video. It's about a single exercise that you do every day and the first results become visible after just 28 days. Unfortunately, we can't say whether that's true, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

@mzopath♬ original sound – Robinette