Extractor hoods tend to collect grease, dirt and grime. This is a rule imposed by Mother Nature. There's no way to stop your range hood from getting a bit greasy over time, as it's located directly above your stove and its main function is to collect the smoke or steam produced by cooking food. However, the accumulation of a thick layer of oil, which affects the efficiency of the hood and also makes it unclean, can be prevented. Find out how to degrease your extractor hood here!
Degreasing a sticky extractor hood – tips
If you put off cleaning your range hood and filter for a long time, the kitchen appliance will become less efficient and you will have to put more effort into getting it clean.
Why regular cleaning of the extractor hood is necessary
It's important to clean your hood regularly to keep your kitchen's filtration system in tip-top shape - cleaning the appliance's internal components, such as the filter, is an essential part of this process.
Cleaning the extractor hood: How often?
You should clean your hood and all of its components once a month, but if you don't cook very often, you can reduce this frequency to once every three months.
How to clean a range hood filter
The very fine-meshed grates located at the bottom of the extractor hood serve as filters. They prevent the hood from becoming clogged with cooking grease, which would require more complex and expensive cleaning. This is achieved by preventing the fat from getting into the ventilation openings.
Cleaning the filtersof your kitchen appliancecan be done using a simple method. Here you will find 2 methods.
Degrease the extractor hood and clean the filter using household remedies
- The first thing you should do is carefully remove the filters.
- Fill your sink or a large bucket with hot water and add some baking soda and dish soap.
- Place the filters in the hot water and allow them to soak in the solution for 10-20 minutes.
- After soakingcleangently with a brush (be careful not to use a brush that is too hard so as not to damage the filters), and rinse repeatedly until all grease deposits are removed. If necessary, apply a little dishwashing liquid to the bristles of the brush while scrubbing.
- Wash the filters thoroughly and allow them to air dry completely or pat them dry with a paper towel or clean cloth.
- Put the filters back in their place in the hood.
Clean filters in the dishwasher
- Remove the filters with extreme care.
- Place the filters in the dishwasher and start the program at the highest possible temperature.
- If the filters are still clogged with grease, you should repeat the procedure to clear the clog.
- If the filters continue to clog even after washing them several times, you should consider purchasing new filters.
Get the outside of the extractor hood clean
- Dishwashing liquid
The outside of your appliance is also subject to a lot of wear and tear, be it from smoke, aromas from cooking or dirt from the hob. Unfortunately, this is the place where you most often find buildup and stains. The range hood is often covered with layers of grease or dirt after cooking all those lovely family meals. Use a natural cleaner made from dish soap and water to clean the exterior, which should further aid the degreasing process. Simply fill a spray bottle with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. For best results, you should always use a microfiber cloth and work with the grain of the stainless steel. Scratches on the surface are possible if you make circular movements.
- Baking soda
And if cleaning the device with soap and water isn't enough? Then make a cleaning paste using baking soda (or baking soda) and water. Mix baking soda with boiling water and clean the hood with this solution and a sponge. Use a microfiber cloth to remove the oil and dust that has come loose. Wipe the surface thoroughly with a soft cloth or allow to air dry before optionally applying a coat of stainless steel polish (if yourStainless steel deviceis), which provides an additional shine. You only need a small amount of baby oil.
To clean the space under the hood, use a damp cloth to wipe down the area where the filters are stored and the edges of the area that will be splashed with oily residue after cooking.
Tip: Baking soda can be used to loosen grease that has stuck to a surface. So if you want to achieve a better result, apply a baking soda paste to the relevant areas, leave it for half an hour and your extractor hood will shine like new.